


Healcomm .lua error upon startup

FNGCode opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hello there!

When entering the game I receive a lua error like the attached screenshot. It reads:Addons\LunaUnitFrames\libs\HealComm-1.0\HealComm-1.0lua:274:AceHook-2.1: Attempt to hook a non-existant function "CastSpellByName"

Everything is working wonderfully so far with Luna Frames, except click casting and clique. I think there is some issue with it. Whenever i setup clique or clickcast and then attempt to shift click my lunaframe with a Flash of Light(Rank 3) or Holy Light(Rank 6) i get these errors pictured below as well. These are however clique errors and not luna frame, but i feel like it's because of the luna frame error this isn't working due to the "CastSpellByName' value.

This error reads as:

Interface\Addons\Clique\Clique.lua:301:attempt to call global 'CastSpellByName' (a nil value)



Have you tried to only enable Luna and see if it works?


I disabled clique, and tried it again, but same error upon startup, and when trying to use the clickcast option same error. I may be doing something wrong, I took a screenshot of how i put in the casting.

Do I absolutely need a macro to be made as well in order for clickcasting in Luna Frames to work without clique?



Ok, I went back and disabled every single addon i have completely except luna frames, and it is now working. I will enable them one by one to see what my issue, and i'll let you know for curiosity sake i suppose too. I'm heading off to work, so later on tonight i'll check it out. Thanks again, I really appreciate the work and the Luna Frame addon, it's great stuff.


I got it working with most of mods turned back on, I didn't turn back on clique yet, so maybe it was something with that. When i had the folder in the addon directory for clique it seemed it would error even if i disabled it. Once i removed the entire folder that seemed to no longer cause the errors. Thanks for all the help, I will continue to use Luna Frame without clique for now, it does exactly what I wanted it to anyways.