


Predictive healing not showing for flash of light in macros

alfredSss opened this issue ยท 2 comments


hi, I cant get predictive healing to show on the paladin spell flash of light when it is used in a macro. It shows the predictive when used out of the spellbook and holy light works fine in macros its only flash of light that doesn't.

I use this mouse over macro:
/script if nil then CastSpellByName("Flash Of Light(Rank 1)") end
/lunamo Flash Of Light(Rank 1)

This macro works fine for holy light and flash of light casts fine with it, just no predictive healing. I also tried just /cast Flash Of Light and got the same result. I'm on an Elysium server but I tried it on an instant 60 server and it didn't work there either. I have also tried deleting the luna saved variables and was on an earlier version of luna and upgraded to the latest, with no change. I would really appreciate any help, thank you


Try "Flash of Light". Or retype everything manually instead of copying.


Changing the O in of to lower case solved it. Thank you so much for your help. Keep up the good work