


Correct way to update and question on squares in raid frames

augalicious opened this issue · 2 comments


What is the correct way to update LUF to get the new version while maintaining existing settings?

Also, I'm attempting to get multiple buffs to show on raid frames in each corner. So in the bottom left corner, I'd like to have two versions of the same priest buff - Power Word: Fortitude and Prayer of Fortitude, so that I can tell if either buff is on the player in that corner. I can successfully get one to show by adding the exact name of the buff to the text box in squares section of the raid settings tab, but I'm unable to add multiple options to each corner. When I add a second option, it breaks. I've tried linking them with every combination of semi-colon and comma mixed with/without spaces. Not sure if updating to the newest version would solve this. I'm currently on 3034. Thanks!!!


Just delete the old addon from Interface/Addons and put in the new files, your settings are in the WTF folder and will be taken over by the new version. Also you need to update for exactly the issue you are describing.
