


Issue: frames 'jumping' vertically

lvangh opened this issue ยท 8 comments


We have a user who is using the latest release (deleted whole folder from \addons\ first) then upgraded to latest 1.13 release.

The frames are moving up and down vertically like in this image. Any ideas?



Set the direction of growth into a different one and then back to your desired setting. Place frames as desired afterwards. I am working on a fix. This seems to be an only after first install issue.


@Aviana Sorry to bring up an old issue, but I'm currently having this problem on Wrath classic. Do you think the solution is still to create a new profile and have to re-create all of my settings? Is there an easier way to copy settings over without manual re-creation if I'm trying to avoid copying something in the "bad" profile?


Thank you, I'll give that a shot and report back if it works.


So far looks like that worked, thanks again. :)


This issue happens for me too. I've only seen it when individual raid groups aren't full.
When each raid group fills up consecutively, there's no issue with frames hopping. I mean like if group 1 fills to 5/5, then group 2 has 5/5, group 3 has 5/5 and the last group only has 2/5 ppl it's fine.
But if group 1 has 5/5 ppl, group 2 has 3/5, group 3 5/5 etc, that's when the issue appears for me.

See this short clip of players being moved between groups, how the frames jump around.
When the Hunter gets moved from group 1 to group 8, it causes groups 2-8 to jump up one step. Then another hunter gets move from group 7 to group 1 (filling it to 5/5 players again), which causes groups 2-8 to jump back down.

My Raid frames settings:


So if you are running already the newest version please do the following for me:

  • create a new profile besides your old
  • check if jumping still occurs with that new one active
  • report back

For both this and my last post, I was using Release 3.042 Beta.

I created a new blank profile and the frame jumping did not occur with it active. However, I haven't yet tried setting up all the settings in the same way my old profile was set up, so I can't confirm the issue gets fixed just by creating a new profile.

I've now updated to Release 3.043 Beta and will set up all settings again in a new profile. Will report back and let you know if the issue remains afterwards


New profile with the exact same settings as I had earlier works. The issue doesn't appear anymore. :)