


Numeric timers on auras not working

ssaip opened this issue ยท 3 comments


documentation says: "Numeric timers on auras:"

Not sure if the origin of my problem is OmniCC or Luna:
Unfortunately, I don't get any numbers with the latest version of Omni-CC (8.3.5-classic)
With 8.3.4-classic I only get numbers for my own debuffs, but not for debuffs applied by others.
I do, however, get the "spiral" border on debuffs.

Would be great to get back numbers for my own debuffs and for debuffs applied by others


I noticed they are restricted to the size of the icon. Try increasing them to 21, the numbers came back for me.


I noticed they are restricted to the size of the icon. Try increasing them to 21, the numbers came back for me.

you are a legend!
any size >= 19 seems to do the trick for me.
Thank you!

Still keeping this ticket open, maybe there's something that can be done for smaller sizes or at least it add documentation :)


Since those numbers are either blizzard or omnicc code i can't do anything about them. I only provide the spinning animation which will then receive the number on top from omnicc or the blizzard code. If they can't display a number on such a small square its not my fault :P