


Heal Prediction Issue

whyudothis5656 opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Tried a bunch of things but on some people the heal prediction even when set to the lowest went way over the bar into other frames. It happened continuously only 1 person and then a bunch throughout my raid.

Tried relogging, reloading, seeing any code updates, etc. Nothing fixed it.


Same problem for me


What kinds of heals are active on the people when this happens? Own heal, other heals or hots or any combination of those? I am having some trouble replicating this since i don't actively play a healer.


What kinds of heals are active on the people when this happens? Own heal, other heals or hots or any combination of those? I am having some trouble replicating this since i don't actively play a healer.

For me specifically it was Flash of Light Rank 6 (Holy Paladin). I think it may have also happened with other ranks but i can't be sure. It happpened in a 20 man raid and a 40 man raid.


I first saw this when I went onto the PTR and had to create a new profile.

Here's an example. It's like a giant white bar.

Unfortunately now it's happening on my main live server profile too which is frustrating and confusing.


I have noticed this white square as well. However it goes away after a relog / reload of the ui and only shows after playing with the settings. I will look into this and fix it for the next build.


So what I think happens is if I place a heal and someone else places a heal that makes it go over the bar it then becomes "stuck" like that, causing all future heals over the bar (even if set to never go over). This is from Flash Heal Rank 6. I tried to get a screenshot but i deleted it by mistake lol.


I posted a similar screenshot in the pet heal prediction issue but thought i would post another screenshot here as it seems more like the white box screenshot in the post above

I also noticed that the gap and heal prediction bar after the gap persist to the selected frame. what i mean by that is when there are no heals on the person it goes away but when I start casting a heal on them it returns exactly as it was. the real heal will be the proper size and then it appends the gap and seemingly static heal prediction bar after it. if i start casting and then cancel the cast several times on the same person eventually the appended gap and bar go away


Please see if the just released 3.049 release fixes these issues.


I will have the opportunity to test it in raid tomorrow. I didn't notice any issues in a 5 man dungeon i ran earlier today though


So I got to test it out and the issue of gaps didn't occur once for me. The changes made seem to have fixed that issue for me. There was however two occasions where no heal was being cast on someone and there was a small Inc heal bar. But both times it went away with in a matter of 30 seconds to a minute


I think those "stuck" heals are an issue of the library i use (LibHealComm-4.0) rather than Luna itself.