


RaidPet Setup

crespire opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hey, I wanted to check in on something that I am having difficulty configuring.

I am fiddling around with the Raidpet frame, and I want to set it so the frame grows horizontally as more pets are added. I have set it up so that the units per column is 1, and the max columns is 10 with the growth driection set to right (as I have it anchored to the left side of my screen).

However, in the config mode, it seems to want to stay in a vertical column. Am I doing something wrong?


As an update, I kept the config the same, and in config mode now after a reload, it seems to build a pyramid from the bottom of the frame up. Image for reference

Am I misunderstanding the config options?


I was using a really outdated version. I updated and it's been fine!