


UF Position not saving.

uroodvitt opened this issue ยท 2 comments



I've been trying to set my player healthbar to middle and each time I reload UI it resets to slightly down and left and I have to keep dragging it to my preferred position.

I tried everything I can think of, what may be the cause?


Not sure what the issue could be.. Two things I would try is setting the x and y position in the player general tab rather than dragging/dropping the frame in config mode, and making sure the player frame isn't anchored to anything.

Also it could be you are using Auto Profiles and every time you reload it is just going back to the one you have set up for that so make sure that is disabled.


I have this exact same issue. I can move it to any location except the middlish part of screen and it saves fine. Any time I try to put it in the middle, however, it shifts down and left.

It doesn't matter if you drag it, or set an X/Y, it still moves. The X/Y integers do not change after the shift occurs, so it's practically impossible to figure out the offset. I can move it higher up and right of where I want it and get close, but this isn't exactly ideal and the distance it drifts is not the same. It's almost as if there's a dead zone it can't be in, and it skips to the edge of that dead zone.

It's not just player frame either, it's any unit frame. If the unitframe is close to horizontal center, it gets shifted down and left.