


Unlocking frames hides the whole game UI

Zyin055 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Clicking the "Lock" checkbox to go from a locked to unlocked state to move the frames around causes a large lag spike followed by a forced UI reload, then the whole UI goes blank (hotbars, frames, map, main menu, everything) and am forced to alt-F4 to exit game. Rebooting the game client keeps the UI in this state, and the only way to get it back to normal is to re-add the "["locked"] = true" attribute to LunaUnitFrames.lua/LunaUFDB.profiles.Default.locked.

LunaUnitFrames version: 4130, May 16th
TBC client 2.5.1


Please test if this bug also appears with only Luna enabled. If it doesn't i need to know what other addon causes this.


I disabled all addons except for Luna and the problem still persists. I tried to debug the issue by enabling the addons BugSack and BugGrabber but they didn't detect any errors from the previous session after a game reboot.


Well then it narrows it down to either a corrupt config or addon download. If it is a setting that you changed then i would need to know which one.


I've been using Luna since classic released with no issues. The issue started after updating to the TBC version.

I have added customized tags in modules/tags.lua to display better information (which all work properly before and after the TBC update), but to test if this was the issue I redownloaded the addon to ensure the custom tags weren't in there. The issue persisted.

Then I tried unlocking a different profile other than "Default" and it works normally for it. I then swapped back to the "Default" profile and the issue remains. I'm concluding that something in the "Default" profile's config is causing issues. The only time I manually edited the config was to re-add ["locked"] = true. Maybe you changed the way a variable in the config is read/written in the new TBC version?

Here's a pastebin of my config file: