


Aura Filtering based on hostility

crespire opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I notice that frames have the option to filter auras, but it seems if I filter them, enemy targets that get non-class buffs are also filtered. For example, if I target a friendly as a priest with my buffs, I'll see them, but if I target a hostile mob with Enrage or something like Wild Regeneration, the aura won't show.

Is it possible to set up filtering where it will class/own filter auras for friendlies, but not apply filtering for hostile targets? I'd love to filter for friendlies as the aura display area runs into other UI elements, and I don't need to know (aside from my class buffs) what auras a friendly has, but it would be helpful to know when a hostile mob has a beneficial aura that I should dispell.