


Performance Issues

Raistlin1990 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hey folks,

I'm currently trying to figure out why my PCs raid performance is shit...after doing every tipp there is on reddit and forums, I again looked at my addons. I stumbled upon addon cpu usage, which tracks the performance of the UI in fight. I already noticed that fights like Algalon or Hodir, where there is a lot of raid wide dmg/healing, the performance was worse. Also fights like Malygos P3 (on dragons) were far better. Since Luna has to most impact on unstable FPS/frametimes I wanted to ask if this is known and if there is any way to fix this? See below for the data I gathered.

photo_2023-03-02_09-52-06 CPU Utilization

with Addons
With Addons enabled

without Addons
Without Any Addons

As you can see the FPS vary a lot more with Addons, which is already better if I turn off Luna (although I disabled many others which also bottlenecked my performance)

Would be grateful for any tips