Macro Toolkit

Macro Toolkit


Macro text "migrates" into other macros

theLastwPaganBlood opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hey there, I'm using this addon quite a lot as I create RP macros with it, that is, I tie random sayings to certain abilities.
I have on character in particular that has a lot of these, These macros are quite long, so the extension is very useful. Over 700 signs in some cases.

Lately I've begun to experience some incredibly strange bugs with this addon. So far it only happens on this character, for some reason.
This is the base of the macro:

/run local t={"Please kick me.", "No, really, kick me.", "Yes, this is annoying. Kick me.", "Look, you can find a less annoying tank/melee dps easy. Kick me.",} SendChatMessage(t[random(#t)],"YELL")
/cast Charge

I also usually add #showtooltip on the top. Replace Charge with the name of the ability you want to use and replace the random sayings with the ones you want. I also replace Yell with Say sometimes. I don't actually use those sayings, though, it's just to show an example.

So lately, I've had some really strange things going on.

  • I get a bug notice and the character is "blocked" from saying 1 of the 4 things
  • The text is "blurred" when I scroll the macro, making it impossible to edit
  • The "code" in one macro will "migrate" or "swap" to another macro, meaning that one macro has its entire code/text replaced by the code/text in another macro.

This makes no sense to me and I don't understand what's causing this. Anyone experience this or have a solution?


Something else I just noticed is that my macro seems to "overwrite" my Glyph of the Shat'ar.
I have Glyph of the Shat'ar on Void Eruption, which should cause my character to speak in the void lord language when I'm in voidorm. That's not happening, i am still talking in "common" or whatever language I'm native in.