Macro Toolkit

Macro Toolkit


CurseForge description question

KingDeVeteran opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hey there Numy :)

I have a question, how up to date is the description for the addon on CurseForge? (excluding the announcement that Blizz cut macros down to 255 in TWW)

As in, I'd like to know if these features: Backup / Restore / Copy macros between characters are STILL abandoned features or not?

Asking because in-game it seems that those features still work, only Copy macros between characters is a bit more cluncky (you need to first back-up the macros on char A, then char B will be able to see and copy them).

Thank you for still maintaining this great addon :) dunno if there is another Macro addon like this out there ^^


hi, what "abandoned" means in this context is:
I did not test them, and am not planning to test and maintain them

this means that these features may work 100%, may work 50%, or may be broken; if they are broken, you can write a comment or an issue, and I might feel like fixing it, or it might sit in the open issues list until the world ends, or another dev writes a PR to fix it ๐Ÿ™‚

when it comes to copying macros between characters; I'm pretty sure the copy macro feature still works correctly (and contrary to what I implied above, I did actually test and fix it for TWW launch)
backup and restore however, I've never tried, so me writing that it's abandoned is more a disclaimer in case someone uses it, and loses all macros, I have something to hide behind while they're upset ๐Ÿ™ˆ ๐Ÿ˜›


Thanks for the quick clarifications <3

Okay, now I understand what "abandoned" means hehe :) yes, obviously, if you don't feel like maintaining certain functions, especially if you and many others aren't using/requested for long, then it's a waste of time to try to make them work.

And THANK YOU for fixing the character copy macro feature, after I wrote the "issue", I went and deleted the Saved Variables for MacroToolKit.

Thus, I've not only cleared the list of chars with macros from the Copy feature (had chars there that were deleted a while ago), and I think THAT was what was kicking me in the... well... hehe :D

With the saved variables reseted, I entered now the game on a couple of chars, and they are being "saved" for copy later correctly (had 6 macros on a priest, made a 7th, changed to my hunter, and when I looked at Copy feature, Priest had correctly 7 macros to copy from) <3

If you don't mind me saying it and you don't mind doing a bit of extra work, seeing that there have been others asking about the copy paste feature / how to delete entries from the copy feature, my suggestion is this:

To put on the CurseForge description page something akin to the following (somewhere, could be as an "Important" notice, or at Known Issues or in the list of Features as a descriptor):

If you encounter any issues with the Copy Macro feature from other characters and if you've used the addon before, then go into your WoW folder - _retail_\WTF\Account(account name)\SavedVariables - and in Saved Variables DELETE MacroToolKit.lua and MacroToolKit.lua.bak

This WILL DELETE any and all settings for the addon MacroToolKit (it will NOT delete any macros you've created on any char), as well as any back-ups for macros you've made, plus all entries in the Copy Feature, BUT it will reset the entries in the Copy Features and make the feature work properly.

Bare in mind that there is NO WAY to manually delete character entries from the Copy Feature list. If you have in the Copy Feature list entries of characters you no longer have, then you need to delete the 2 .lua files above to get rid of them.

Of course, if you feel like adding it :)

Thanks again for the swift response and for making the copy feature available <3 take care and have a great season 1 in War Within ^_^

Feel free to close the issue whenever you feel like it :D