


Crowd Control Marks Ignored.

leemarkwood opened this issue ยท 1 comments



First of all, thanks for continuing development on this! It's an amazing addon and marking is so much better now it's back!

I have an issue where If I select a mob to be crowd controlled the assigned crowd control marks are ignored and standard "tanked" marking is applied.

I've also tested this by setting every mob as a different crowd control type and they all get ignored in favour of tank marks.

Thanks again for your time developing such a great addon.


I'll see if I can figure this out. Is this in retail or classic?

Also when you set things as crowd control targets, do you have the appropriate class(es) in the party/raid, and sufficient numbers?

I.e if you have a target marked as sheep and there are two of them, but only one mage, one will be marked as tank since there's insufficient CCers available.