MAMA (Minimal yet Awesome Multiboxing Assistant)

MAMA (Minimal yet Awesome Multiboxing Assistant)


EMA<->Mama issue

mooreatv opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Lua error in EMA: (

11x EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1876: attempt to concatenate local 'displayCharacterRleam' (a nil value)
EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1876: in function `SettingsTeamListScrollRefresh'
EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1776: in function `SettingsRefresh'
EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:956: in function `AddMember'
DynamicBoxer\DBoxClassic.lua:592: in function `ProcessMessage'
DynamicBoxer\DynamicBoxer-@[email protected]:1137: in function <DynamicBoxer\DynamicBoxer.lua:1133>
(tail call): ?

self = <table> {
 moduleDisplayName = "Team"
 doTagParty = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1362
 SetAllMembersOnline = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1265
 SettingsSetFriendsNotStrangers = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:2148
 modules = <table> {
 CancelTimer = <function> defined @DataStore\libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:147
 SettingsTeamListRowClick = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1909
 SecureHook = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:336
 SettingsRemoveGroupClick = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1993
 AddMemberGUI = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:988
 EMAOnSettingsReceived = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1782
 SetDefaultModulePrototype = <function> defined @GSE\Lib\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:409
 SettingsAcceptInviteMembersToggle = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:2097
 SettingsTeamListScrollRefresh = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1818
 IsEnabled = <function> defined @GSE\Lib\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:451
 ScheduleTimer = <function> defined @DataStore\libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:94
 EMARegisterModule = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Module-Classic.lua:57
 EMAChatCommand = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Module-Classic.lua:109
 RegisterMessage = <function> defined @DataStore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:90
 UnregisterMessage = <function> defined @DataStore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:153
 hooks = <table> {
 ReceiveCommandSetMaster = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1177
 db = <table> {
 SetEnabledState = <function> defined @GSE\Lib\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:424
 Hook = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:274
 simpleAreaList = <table> {
 SettingsGroupListRowClick = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1964
 OnEnable = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1711
 SettingsSetStrangerToGroup = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:2143
 CommandIAmMaster = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1156
 OnInitialize = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1659
 NewModule = <function> defined @GSE\Lib\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:235
 EMASendSettings = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Module-Classic.lua:66
 SettingsMasterChangeClickToMoveToggle = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:2092
 ReceiveClickToMove = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1509
 ReceivesetOnline = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1255
 GetName = <function> defined @GSE\Lib\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:279
 EMASendCommandToTeam = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Module-Classic.lua:71
 SettingsGroupListScrollRefresh = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:1929
 name = "Team"
 SettingsPushSettingsClick = <function> defined @EMA-Classic\Core\Team-Classic.lua:2011
 settingsFrame = <unnamed> {
 Disable = <function> defined @GSE\Lib\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:314
 InviteTeamToParty = <function> defined @Inte

Mama bug report

Bug Report for Mama vX.YY.ZZ
2021/03/14 23:02:05 -0700 @project-abbreviated-hash@

Bug report from slash command
Session messages log:
67.38 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "Bug report from slash command"
Mama bug report open: Please submit on discord or on or email
67.38 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "Mama bug report open: "
67.38 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "Please submit on discord or on https://||r or email"
67.38 Mama DBG[1]: Got slash cmd: "bug"
18.13 Mama DBG[1]: Updating assist to "Aloa"
18.13 Mama DBG[1]: Found lead at index 1: "Aloa"
18.13 Mama DBG[1]: On ev "PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED" , nil
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "|cFF99E5FFLeft|r click to invite your team
|cFF99E5FFMiddle|r click to disband
|cFF99E5FFRight|r click for options

Drag to move this button."
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Handle SexyMap/other map using LDBI instead of our code
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "Sets the debug level"
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "Debug level"
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "Resets the minimap button to back to initial default location"
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "Reset minimap button"
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "Get Information to submit a bug."
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "Development, troubleshooting and advanced options:"
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "Use |cFF99E5FF/click MamaMaster|r in your macros for assisting the lead."
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "Remember to use the |cFF99E5FFDynamicBoxer|r (v3 or newer) options tab to configure many additional options
And do dbox one time setup and |cFF99E5FF/reload|r . See also keybindings and |cFF99E5FF/mama|r slash commands."
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "These options let you control the behavior of Mama"
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "(name inspired by Jamba)"
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "|cFF99E5FFM|rooreaTv's/minimal yet |cFF99E5FFA|rwesome |cFF99E5FFM|rultiboxing |cFF99E5FFA|rssistant "
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "M.A.M.A options"
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Localization not found for "Mama"
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: Creating Options Panel
11.97 Mama DBG[1]: OnPlayerEnteringWorld "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" , true , false
99.39 Mama DBG[1]: On ev "UI_SCALE_CHANGED" , nil
Mama vX.YY.ZZ by MooreaTv: type /mama for command list/help.

Dbox bug report

Bug Report for DynamicBoxer vX.YY.ZZ
2021/03/14 23:02:30 -0700 @project-abbreviated-hash@

submitted from slash command
Session messages log:
DynamicBoxer bug report open: Please submit on discord or on or email
91.76 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Got slash cmd: "bug"
24.57 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: 7 sec later we have a team complete true
21.81 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: !!!Received "SAY" duplicate msg from "Balie-Blaumeux", will ignore: "xBalie-Blaumeux 0 msg 6/0:bLdI1615788079:2D311C6E76326D12"
21.61 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: !!!Received "PARTY" duplicate msg from "Balie-Blaumeux", will ignore: "x Balie-Blaumeux 0 msg 6/0:bLdI1615788079:2D311C6E76326D12"
21.41 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Already known mapping, skipping 3 "Balie" ("Balie-Blaumeux")
21.41 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: on "GUILD" from "Balie-Blaumeux", got idx="3" realname="Balie-Blaumeux" first/force="0"
20.54 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: 5 sec later we have a master t1["slot" = 1, "fullName" = "Aloa-Blaumeux", "orig" = "Slot1", "new" = "Aloa"] or already showing dialog
19.80 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: !!!Received "SAY" duplicate msg from "Balie-Blaumeux", will ignore: "xBalie-Blaumeux 0 msg 5/0:dfAe1615788077:FBE839E6170556AE"
19.47 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: !!!Received "PARTY" duplicate msg from "Balie-Blaumeux", will ignore: "xBalie-Blaumeux 0 msg 5/0:dfAe1615788077:FBE839E6170556AE"
19.47 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Already known mapping, skipping 3 "Balie" ("Balie-Blaumeux")
19.47 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: on "GUILD" from "Balie-Blaumeux", got idx="3" realname="Balie-Blaumeux" first/force="0"
19.04 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: ShowBigInfo: Hiding
18.54 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Rooster udate, num party 4, needRaid false
18.54 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Rooster udate, num party 4, needRaid false
18.13 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Rooster udate, num party 3, needRaid false
18.13 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Rooster udate, num party 3, needRaid false
18.13 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Adjusting numInvites from 1 to current party size 3
18.13 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Rooster udate, num party 3, needRaid false
Auto accepting invite from current master "Aloa" ("Aloa-Blaumeux")
17.80 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: On ev "PARTY_INVITE_REQUEST" , "Aloa" , false , false , false , false , false , "Player-4397-01A1990A"
17.80 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: !!!Received "SAY" duplicate msg from "Aloa-Blaumeux", will ignore: "xAloa-Blaumeux 0 msg 3/0:C6Po1615788075:41612BC20D833324"
17.80 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: !!!Received "SAY" duplicate msg from "Balie-Blaumeux", will ignore: "x Balie-Blaumeux 0 msg 4/0:SA721615788075:B94BBBF4C3B86DB6"
17.63 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Already known mapping, skipping 1 "Aloa" ("Aloa-Blaumeux")
17.63 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: on "GUILD" from "Aloa-Blaumeux", got idx="1" realname="Aloa-Blaumeux" first/force="0"
17.63 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Already known mapping, skipping 3 "Balie" ("Balie-Blaumeux")
17.63 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: on "GUILD" from "Balie-Blaumeux", got idx="3" realname="Balie-Blaumeux" first/force="0"
17.56 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Sending our info in SAY: true (mid "E2D7907B40665342")
17.56 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: we are in a guild sending our info there: true
17.56 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Sync #3 called for slot 2 our fullname is "Sulki-Blaumeux", maxIter is now 0 firstMsg=0
16.99 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: 5 sec later we have a master t1["slot" = 1, "fullName" = "Aloa-Blaumeux", "orig" = "Slot1", "new" = "Aloa"] or already showing dialog
16.63 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: !!!Received "SAY" duplicate msg from "Pal-Blaumeux", will ignore: "xPal-Blaumeux 0 msg 5/0:lHAX1615788074:D0F32166DC461E43"
16.36 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Already known mapping, skipping 4 "Pal" ("Pal-Blaumeux")
16.36 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: on "GUILD" from "Pal-Blaumeux", got idx="4" realname="Pal-Blaumeux" first/force="0"
16.26 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: !!!Received "SAY" duplicate msg from "Balie-Blaumeux", will ignore: "x Balie-Blaumeux 1 msg 3/1:pEGc1615788074:B1649C8052A45B2C"
16.26 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: !!!Received "SAY" duplicate msg from "Aloa-Blaumeux", will ignore: "x Aloa-Blaumeux 1 msg 2/2:Ravz1615788074:9C8114F7A3FBB183"
16.26 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Ema team fully set.
16.26 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Set ema master to "Aloa-Blaumeux"
16.26 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: >>>Calling ema AddMember "Balie-Blaumeux"
16.26 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: HideTokenUI(): Already in not UI, skipping
This completes the team of 4, get multiboxing and thank you for using DynamicBoxer!
16.26 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Setting unit for 3 to "Balie"
16.26 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Called slotInfo 3
New mapping for slot 3, dynamically set Team character to "Balie" ("Balie-Blaumeux")
16.26 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: HideTokenUI(): Already in not UI, skipping
16.26 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Team complete, hiding current token dialog
16.26 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Team map (sorted by longest orig name first) is now t1[1 = t2["slot" = 1, "fullName" = "Aloa-Blaumeux", "orig" = "Slot1", "new" = "Aloa"], 2 = t3["slot" = 3, "fullName" = "Balie-Blaumeux", "orig" = "Slot3", "new" = "Balie"], 3 = t4["slot" = 2, "fullName" = "Sulki-Blaumeux", "orig" = "Slot2", "new" = "Sulki"], 4 = t5["slot" = 4, "fullName" = "Pal-Blaumeux", "orig" = "Slot4", "new" = "Pal"]] - size 4; reverse index is t1["Balie-Blaumeux" = 3, "Sulki-Blaumeux" = 2, "Pal-Blaumeux" = 4, "Aloa-Blaumeux" = 1]
16.26 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Slot 2 not inviting slot 3 - auto inv slot is 1, auto invite is true
16.26 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Extending manual team from size 4 to 3, isbt=false
16.26 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Got a reload/first from peer 3 while our maxIter is 1
16.26 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: on "GUILD" from "Balie-Blaumeux", got idx="3" realname="Balie-Blaumeux" first/force="1"
15.98 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: >>>Calling ema AddMember "Aloa-Blaumeux"
15.98 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: HideTokenUI(): Already in not UI, skipping
15.98 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Master found, hiding current token dialog
15.98 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Setting unit for 1 to "Aloa"
15.98 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Called slotInfo 1
New mapping for slot 1, dynamically set Team character to "Aloa" ("Aloa-Blaumeux")
15.98 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Team map (sorted by longest orig name first) is now t1[1 = t2["slot" = 1, "fullName" = "Aloa-Blaumeux", "orig" = "Slot1", "new" = "Aloa"], 2 = t3["slot" = 2, "fullName" = "Sulki-Blaumeux", "orig" = "Slot2", "new" = "Sulki"], 3 = t4["slot" = 4, "fullName" = "Pal-Blaumeux", "orig" = "Slot4", "new" = "Pal"]] - size 3; reverse index is t1["Sulki-Blaumeux" = 2, "Pal-Blaumeux" = 4, "Aloa-Blaumeux" = 1]
15.98 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Slot 2 not inviting slot 1 - auto inv slot is 1, auto invite is true
15.98 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Extending manual team from size 4 to 1, isbt=false
15.98 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Got a reload/first from peer 1 while our maxIter is 1
15.98 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: on "GUILD" from "Aloa-Blaumeux", got idx="1" realname="Aloa-Blaumeux" first/force="1"
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Will postpone pinging master because we received a msg recently
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Sending our info in SAY: true (mid "53689F890EADF4B4")
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: we are in a guild sending our info there: true
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Sync #2 called for slot 2 our fullname is "Sulki-Blaumeux", maxIter is now 0 firstMsg=0
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: w 1817.9866943359 h 353.49740600586 s 2.5346720218658 1.8024334907532
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Setting base texture 516949 - height = 256
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Set font for height 120 : true
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: base font is "Fonts\FRIZQT__.ttf"
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: w 1365.3333740234 h 768 s 1 0.71111112833023
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: ShowBigInfo: Creating
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: ShowBigInfo
Mama-DBox: In guild, 196 total, 4 online.
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Received Guild Roster
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE called for "Mama-DBox" "DynBoxer" "Mama-DBox" [""GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE" , false"]
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Unchanged count 0, online is 0
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Received Guild Roster
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE called for "Mama-DBox" "DynBoxer" "Mama-DBox" [""GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE" , false"]
15.53 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: !!!Received "SAY" duplicate msg from "Pal-Blaumeux", will ignore: "xPal-Blaumeux 1 msg 2/0:WBG71615788070:0C821327284EF7E2"
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Prefix register success true
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Set initial inv count to 1
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Creating Options Panel
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Will postpone pinging master because we received a msg recently
Trying most recent same realm and faction master "Aloa-Blaumeux", for direct message sync.
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Sending our info in SAY: true (mid "549750226E036034")
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: we are in a guild sending our info there: true
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Sync #1 called for slot 2 our fullname is "Sulki-Blaumeux", maxIter is now 0 firstMsg=1
DynBoxer running on classic. This is slot 2 and dynamically setting Team character to "Sulki-Blaumeux"
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Localization not found for "DynBoxer running on classic. This is slot % and dynamically setting Team character to %"
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Prefix register success true in dynamic setup
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Running on classic, no channel addon comms, no channel joining but guild/party comm
MoLib embedded in DynamicBoxer / Mama-DBox @project-version@ / 5 running on WoW classic v1.13.6-37497
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Delayed init called
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Adding watch for key 4 (table t1["AddWatch" = function])
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Setting unit for 4 to "Pal"
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Debug level is on, putting debug background on text frame "|cFF33E5264|r  |cFFF2D80CPal|r"
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Called slotInfo 4
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Adding watch for key 3 (table t1["AddWatch" = function])
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Setting unit for 3 to nil
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Debug level is on, putting debug background on text frame "|cFFFF4C433|r  |cFFF4A042???|r"
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Called slotInfo 3
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Adding watch for key 2 (table t1["AddWatch" = function])
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Setting unit for 2 to "Sulki"
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Debug level is on, putting debug background on text frame "|cFF33E5262|r  |cFFF2D80CSulki|r"
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Called slotInfo 2
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Adding watch for key 1 (table t1["AddWatch" = function])
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Setting unit for 1 to nil
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Debug level is on, putting debug background on text frame "|cFFFF4C431|r  |cFFF4A042???|r"
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Localization not found for "|cFF99E5FFLeft click|r unit menu"
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Localization not found for "|cFF99E5FFLeft click|r to target"
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Called slotInfo 1
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Adding watch for key "fullTeamInfo" (table t1["AddWatch" = function])
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: # Restoring t1[1 = "BOTTOMLEFT", 2 = 1470.3591308594, 3 = 1179.3507080078] 0.99999999141591
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Adding watch for key "enabled" (table t1["AddWatch" = function])
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Adding watch for key "slot" (table t1["AddWatch" = function])
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Called slotToText 2
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Debug level is on, putting debug background on text frame "?"
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Status frame background color t1[1 = 0.1, 2 = 0.2, 3 = 0.7, 4 = 1] -> "FF1933B2"
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Creating Status frame
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: OnPlayerEnteringWorld "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" , true , false
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: >>>Calling ema AddMember "Pal-Blaumeux"
New mapping for slot 4, dynamically set Team character to "Pal" ("Pal-Blaumeux")
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Team map (sorted by longest orig name first) is now t1[1 = t2["slot" = 2, "fullName" = "Sulki-Blaumeux", "orig" = "Slot2", "new" = "Sulki"], 2 = t3["slot" = 4, "fullName" = "Pal-Blaumeux", "orig" = "Slot4", "new" = "Pal"]] - size 2; reverse index is t1["Pal-Blaumeux" = 4, "Sulki-Blaumeux" = 2]
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Slot 2 not inviting slot 4 - auto inv slot is 1, auto invite is true
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Extending manual team from size 2 to 4, isbt=false
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Got a reload/first from peer 4 while our maxIter is 1
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: on "GUILD" from "Pal", got idx="4" realname="Pal-Blaumeux" first/force="1"
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Cleared EMA team, set team to "Sulki-Blaumeux"
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Unique team string key is "Slot1 Slot2", updated in history, expecting a team of size #2
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Team map (sorted by longest orig name first) is now t1[1 = t2["slot" = 2, "fullName" = "Sulki-Blaumeux", "orig" = "Slot2", "new" = "Sulki"]] - size 1; reverse index is t1["Sulki-Blaumeux" = 2]
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Team map initial value = t1[2 = t2["slot" = 2, "fullName" = "Sulki-Blaumeux", "orig" = "Slot2", "new" = "Sulki"]]
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Found isbteam to be t1[1 = "Slot1", 2 = "Slot2"] and my index 2 (while isb members is nil)
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Extending manual team from size 0 to 2, isbt=false
DynamicBoxer: Mama mode slot 2 / 2
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Guessing manual team size = 2
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: ManualSetup called with DB.manual=2 DB.manualTeamSize=0
Mama setup detected for slot 2.
11.97 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: GetMyFQN "Sulki" , "Blaumeux" - "Blaumeux"
11.57 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Unchanged count 0, online is 0
11.57 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Received Guild Roster
11.57 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE called for "Mama-DBox" "DynBoxer" "Mama-DBox" [""GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE" , false"]
11.57 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Unchanged count 0, online is 0
11.57 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Received Guild Roster
11.57 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE called for "Mama-DBox" "DynBoxer" "Mama-DBox" [""GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE" , false"]
11.57 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Unchanged count 0, online is 0
11.57 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: Received Guild Roster
11.57 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE called for "Mama-DBox" "DynBoxer" "Mama-DBox" [""GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE" , true"]
11.57 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: On ev "UPDATE_BINDINGS" , nil
99.39 Mama-DBox DBG[1]: On ev "UI_SCALE_CHANGED" , nil
DynamicBoxer vX.YY.ZZ by MooreaTv: type /dbox for command list/help.
DynamicBoxer Warning: ISBoxer is not present, install and configure MAMA, use or expect much limited/reduced functionality!
MoLib aliased into DynamicBoxer