Map Pin Enhanced

Map Pin Enhanced


Selected pin drops to the bottom when the top pin is reached

WanderingFox opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Describe the bug
Firstly, thanks for fixing the previous bug works great now!

There is one bit of fallout is that the "selected pin" still has the old behavior of picking the thing at the bottom of the list rather than selecting the top item.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Same as in #8
Create some pins and select the top one, get within 10 yards of it so it is removed from the tracker and note which pin gets highlighted next (it'll be the one at the bottom rather than the one at the top)

Expected behavior
Selected pin follows the logical progression of the pins in order (eg if tracking the first pin and it goes away it should swap to the new first pin which is next in the list)

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Do you have an error log of what happened? (BugSack&Buggrabber or /console scriptErrors 1)


Did you try disabling all other addons? (Only MapPinEnhanced enabled)

Was it working in a previous version?

Additional context
Thank you again for fixing the previous bug!


odd i can't reproduce it now -_-


additional info: It looks like it only happens if pins are in different maps from each other


Even though you closed the issue I still tried to reproduce the same issue. Unfortunately no success.
If you ever encounter the issue again feel free to reopen this issue.


reopened by accident