Opening map goes to a blank black screen
vladimirgluten opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Did the update today and now when I go to open the world map I just get a blank black screen. Disabling Mapster brings the world map back. I did try deleting the saved variables for Mapster, but that didn't help
I get this in Bug Sack:
32x WorldMapFrame:SetPoint(): Usage: ("point" [, region or nil] [, "relativePoint"] [, offsetX, offsetY]
[string "=[C]"]: in function SetPoint' [string "@Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua"]:188: in function <...ParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua:169> [string "=[C]"]: in function
[string "@Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua"]:1164: in function MaximizeUIPanel' [string "@Blizzard_WorldMap/Blizzard_WorldMap.lua"]:18: in function <...rfaceBlizzard_WorldMap/Blizzard_WorldMap.lua:13> [string "=[C]"]: in function
[string "@Blizzard_WorldMap/Blizzard_WorldMap.lua"]:57: in function `Maximize'
[string "@Blizzard_WorldMap/Blizzard_WorldMap.lua"]:154: in function <...rfaceBlizzard_WorldMap/Blizzard_WorldMap.lua:147>
(*temporary) = WorldMapFrame {
NavBar = Frame {
TitleCanvasSpacerFrame = Frame {
minimizedHeight = 534
lockReasons =
callbackTables =
overlayFrames =
pinPools =
dataProviderEventsCount =
mouseClickHandlers =
isMaximized = true
QuestLog = QuestMapFrame {
SidePanelToggle = Button {
questLogWidth = 333
minimizedWidth = 702
debugAreaTriggers = false
pinsToNudge =
globalPinMouseActionHandlers =
pinFrameLevelsManager =
cursorHandlers =
pinTemplateTypes =
dataProviders =
detailLayerPool =
isUndefinedEventAllowed = true
BorderFrame = Frame {
BlackoutFrame = Frame {
ScrollContainer = ScrollFrame {
MouseAction =
activeAreaTriggers =
debugInspectionSystem = "MapCanvas"
navBar = Frame {
IMO, instead of closing this issue we should open issues on DeModal and/or Kaliel's Tracker as all three addons are often seen together.
I did make a post on DeModal's page, but there hasn't been much activity there and the last time DeModal was updated was back in September, so not sure how active the mod author is anymore.
I also made a post on Kaliel's page. I put the bugsack log on both posts as well.
I got essentially the same error without Kaliel or DeModal. Other than line number differences (from the last update) the stack trace is the same from SynchronizeDisplayState
on up.
Date: 2024-12-22 10:21:29
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: WorldMapFrame:SetPoint(): Usage: ("point" [, region or nil] [, "relativePoint"] [, offsetX, offsetY]
[string "=[C]"]: SetPoint()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua"]:188:
[string "=[C]"]: SetAttribute()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua"]:1165: MaximizeUIPanel()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_WorldMap/Blizzard_WorldMap.lua"]:23:
[string "=[C]"]: SynchronizeDisplayState()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_WorldMap/QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua"]:153: SetDisplayState()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_WorldMap/QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua"]:91: HandleUserActionMaximizeSelf()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_WorldMap/Blizzard_WorldMap.lua"]:100: maximizedCallback()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Mainline/SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua"]:759: Maximize()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_WorldMap/Blizzard_WorldMap.lua"]:360:
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: Show()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua"]:885:
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ShowUIPanel()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_WorldMap/QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua"]:115: SetDisplayState()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_WorldMap/QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua"]:51: HandleUserActionToggleSelf()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_WorldMap/Blizzard_WorldMap.lua"]:541:
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ToggleWorldMap()
[string "TOGGLEWORLDMAP"]:1:
(*temporary) = WorldMapFrame {
NavBar = Frame {
pinNudgingDirty = true
TitleCanvasSpacerFrame = Frame {
minimizedHeight = 534
lockReasons = <table> {
pendingOnUpdateDataProviders = <table> {
callbackTables = <table> {
wasShowingQuestLog = false
isMaximized = true
onUpdateDataProvidersDirty = true
overlayFrames = <table> {
expandedMapInsetsByMapID = <table> {
pinPools = <table> {
dataProviderEventsCount = <table> {
mapArtID = 1895
areDetailLayersDirty = false
ScrollContainer = ScrollFrame {
mouseClickHandlers = <table> {
QuestLog = QuestMapFrame {
SidePanelToggle = Button {
questLogWidth = 333
minimizedWidth = 702
debugAreaTriggers = false
isUndefinedEventAllowed = true
globalPinMouseActionHandlers = <table> {
pinFrameLevelsManager = <table> {
pinsToNudge = <table> {
pinTemplateTypes = <table> {
dataProviders = <table> {
detailLayerPool = <table> {
cursorHandlers = <table> {
BorderFrame = Frame {
BlackoutFrame = Frame {
activeAreaTriggers = <table> {
debugInspectionSystem = "MapCanvas"
MouseAction = <table> {
mapID = 2339
currentStandingZone = 947
navBar = Frame {
nLog, v<%version%> (<%codename%>)
SettingsHack, v1
Swatter, v<%version%> (<%codename%>)
Ace3, vRelease-r1349
AddonFactory, v11.0.005
AdiButtonAuras, v11.0.1
AdvancedInterfaceOptions, v2.1.0
Altoholic, v11.0.005
AutoBar, v11.0.2.04
Babylonian, v<%version%> (<%codename%>)
BagBrother, v
Bagnon, v11.0.25
BattlePetBreedID, vv1.31.2
BodyGuardAway, v2.2
CanIMogIt, v11.0.5v2.5.2
ChatClear, v1.13
Chatter, v1.7.0
Configator, v<%version%> (<%codename%>)
Cromulent, v80205-2
DataStore, v2024.11.11
DataStoreAchievements, v2024.11.11
DataStoreAgenda, v2024.11.11
DataStoreAuctions, v2024.11.11
DataStoreCharacters, v2024.11.11
DataStoreContainers, v2024.11.11
DataStoreCrafts, v2024.11.11
DataStoreCurrencies, v2024.11.11
DataStoreGarrisons, v2024.11.11
DataStoreInventory, v2024.11.11
DataStoreMails, v2024.11.11
DataStorePets, v2024.11.11
DataStoreQuests, v2024.11.11
DataStoreReputations, v2024.11.11
DataStoreSpells, v2024.11.11
DataStoreStats, v2024.11.11
DataStoreTalents, v2024.11.11
DBMCore, v11.0.38
DBMStatusBarTimers, v11.0.38
DBMVPVEM, vcbd1ae6
DebugLib, v<%version%> (<%codename%>)
Dominos, v11.0.8
DominosCast, v
DominosProgress, v
DominosRoll, v
EnergyWatch, v
FishingBuddy, v1.25
FixFishingBuddy, v1.0
FixSettings, v1.31
HandyNotes, vv1.6.22
HandyNotesBattleForAzeroth, v110
HandyNotesDirections, vv17
HandyNotesDragonflightTreasures, vv65
HandyNotesGuild, v1.12
HandyNotesHallowsEnd, vv1.5.3
HandyNotesLegionTreasures, vv40
HandyNotesLunarFestival, vv1.6.3
HandyNotesMistsOfPandariaTreasures, vv35
HandyNotesShadowlands, v110
HandyNotesSummerFestival, vv1.8.1
HandyNotesSuramarTelemancy, vv13
HandyNotesTheWarWithin, v110
HandyNotesTimelessIsleChests, v1.24e
IceHUD, vv1.15.10
InFlightLoad, v10.0.25
Informant, v<%version%> (<%codename%>)
LibDataBroker, v
LibExtraTip, v<%version%> (<%codename%>)
LinkWrangler, v2.19
LinkWranglerCompanion, v1.83
Livestock, v3.7.6
Mapster, v1.12.2
MasterPlanA, vA
MinimalArchaeology, v11.0.0.9
MinimapButtonFrameRedux, v4.0.0
MinimapButtonFrameReduxSkinPack, v4.0.0
NoError, v3
OmniCC, v11.0.6
OribosExchange, v1.1.20241220
Outfitter, v11.0.0.6
Pawn, v2.10.6
PitBull4, vv4.2.41
Postal, vv4.2.2
PublicOrdersReagentsColumn, v11.0-031
Recount, vv11.0.2a
Rematch, v5.2.5
ShapeBind, v3.1.5
SilverDragon, vv2024.31.1
SilverDragonHistory, vv2024.31.1
SilverDragonOverlay, vv2024.31.1
SilverDragonRangeExtender, vv2024.31.1
Skillet, v5.37
SlideBar, v<%version%> (<%codename%>)
SoundPlus, v2
Stubby, v<%version%> (<%codename%>)
TaintLess, v24-07-27
TidyPlates, v6.22.3
TidyPlatesNeon, v
TidyPlatesHub, v
TidyPlatesWidgets, v
TipHelper, v<%version%> (<%codename%>)
Titan, v8.1.5
TitanBag, v8.1.5
TitanClock, v8.1.5
TitanGold, v8.1.5
TitanItemDed, v5.4.0.1
TitanLocation, v8.1.5
TitanLootType, v8.1.5
TitanPerformance, v8.1.5
TitanRepair, v8.1.5
TitanTreasury, vr40
TitanXP, v8.1.5
TooltipItemIcon, v1.92
tullaRange, v11.0.7
VenturePlan, v4.42b
WarPlan, v3.27a
WeakAuras, v5.18.1
WorldQuestTracker, vv11.0.7.523-Retail
ZerethMortisPuzzleHelper, v1.6.16
BlizRuntimeLib v11.0.7.58238(EU) <enUS>