Feature Request: Ability to Set and Copy Profile Settings
DennisJohnsen opened this issue ยท 3 comments
I am currently trying to finish a new update to my UI, and for this i have a simple setup addon that simply sets a AceDB profile and copy settings from a profile i've made.
My Lua capabilities are very limited, but i managed to get the above behavior working for all addons i use, expect Masque.
local PrankUISetup = {};
local MasqueDB = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("Masque");
PrankUISetup.DB = function(addon)
addon.db:SetProfile(UnitName("player").." - "..GetRealmName());
addon.db:CopyProfile(ProfileName.."-default", true);
This code, which i has just isolated to show an example, is how i do it for other addons.
Can you look into a solution where i can use :SetProfile() and :CopyProfile() for Masque?
Kind Regards
Dennis aka. Prankstar
Grab Masque.lua and drop it in your Masque folder to make sure you don't run into any issues. Note that for Masque, the two methods, CopyProfile
and SetProfile
are accessed directly through Masque's add-on object and have the exact same signature as their AceDB-3.0 counterparts (they're just secure bridges to those methods).
Good to hear. Closing.
Ref: df8f2cd