



A World of Warcraft addon to register memories while players do stuff around the world.


No setup is required! Just install the addon and play the game! While you play, it will record memories about players you party with, items you loot, zones and subzones you visit and NPCs you fight, talk, turn quests, buy, sell and repair.

For each memory stored, it will have a small chance to print that memory in your chat frame, just like something you remember in real life!

Feel free to increase the print chance rate using a slash command described below or just have fun with the game and let the addon decide when it's the best time to bring a memory to you!

Slash commands

The following slash commands let you customize the addon experience.

Associating memories with moments

Moments can be anything happening while you play. They can refer to a moment in real life you're having while you play or even related to your current gameplay story. The current moment will be shared accross all your characters in this first version of this feature. In other words, you can't set a current moment for each character (yet).

Example: Let's say you're moving to another city in real life and you want to associate all of your player memories with this moment, then all you have to do is:

/memoryaddon add moment playing in a motel while my apartment is ready for us to move

That way, after you add another moment, all the memories collected in the last moments will be appended to the chat frame like: The first time I looted a Linen Cloth was 41 days ago ~playing in a motel while my apartment is ready for us to move~.

To print the current moment, simply run:

/memoryaddon get moment

Setting the memory print chance

Every time a memory is stored, it has a chance to be printed to the chat window. In other words, this is the chance your character will remember something!

The following command changes the print chance to 50% (0.5). Replace this number with any decimal between 0 - to turn off memory printing - and 1 (inclusive) to print every memory.

/memoryaddon set memory.printChance 0.5

Setting up the memory screenshot chance

Memory screenshots are disable by default and are part of the addon's 1.2.0 release. You can enable the screenshot chance with a setting called memory.screenshotChance which accepts any decimal between 0 - to turn off memory screenshots - and 1 (inclusive) to take screenshots for every memory.

It's advised to use a small chance like 0.025 to avoid taking multiple screenshots in a row and also to save some space given that every screenshot is stored as a new file under your World of Warcraft installation folder.

/memoryaddon set memory.screenshotChance 0.025

Retail support

Although the addon interface version is defined to follow Retail's version, Memory is currently tested on Classic. If you find bugs while playing it on Retail, please post them on our issues section.


2024.02.24 - version 1.2.3

  • Dev - Import Stormwind Library, preparing the field for it to be used in the future

2024.02.04 - version 1.2.2

  • Feature - Add the /memoryaddon get moment command

2024.02.04 - version 1.2.1

  • Fix - Update the build version so it gets compatible with SoD

2021.06.13 - version 1.2.0

  • Feature - Memories can take screenshots
  • Fix - Addon support to Retail updated (thanks to @tflo for the GitHub issue post)
  • Dev - Add a helper method to mimic functions like PHP's sleep

2021.05.16 - version 1.1.1

  • Tweak - Memories printed to chat now may also show the location and level you were on when you got it
  • Tweak - Tooltips now show the player level for their first and last memories

2021.03.20 - version 1.1.0

  • Feature - Memories can be associated with moments
  • Feature - Memories now are also shown in NPC, player and item tooltips
  • Tweak - The Invalid loot item msg is now a debug message instead of a warning

2021.01.10 - version 1.0.0

  • Feature - Add a slash command to set the memory print chance
  • Tweak - SPELL_AURA_APPLIED and SPELL_PERIODIC_DAMAGE were added to count as fight events
  • Tweak - Only one party event per player per day is registered now
  • Fix - Fix a bug when players were considered NPCs in the fight event
  • Fix - Fix memory sentences being generated with double spaces
  • Fix - Fix a bug on Classic that was preventing memories of looting items
  • Dev - New logging/debug system
  • Dev - Players are now stored with their full names, not with their GUID anymore
  • Dev - Rename MemoryDataSet to MemoryAddon_DataSet to avoid conflicting with other addons

2020.12.12 - version 0.6.0-beta

  • Feature - Friendly memory sentences
  • Dev - Add a date helper instance to core
  • Dev - Add a string helper instance to core
  • Dev - Add the MemoryString prototype
  • Dev - Add the first Memory utility methods to access MemoryString data
  • Dev - Add the MemoryTextFormatter prototype

2020.11.25 - version 0.5.0-beta

  • Feature - Saved memories have a 10% chance to be printed to the chat frame
  • Dev - Add the Memory prototype
  • Dev - Add a get method to MemoryRepository

2020.11.20 - version 0.4.0-alpha

  • Dev - Add a debug method to MemoryCore
  • Dev - Add a debug method to MemoryEvent
  • Dev - Add the addEvents method to attach all the listeners to core
  • Dev - Add the first 6 event listeners to core
  • Dev - Make MemoryRepository a real singleton
  • Dev - Prevent MemoryEvents from being initialized after core's initialization
  • Dev - Add an array helper instance to core
  • Dev - Add a compatibility helper instance to core
  • Dev - Add the MemoryAddon_Player prototype

2020.10.23 - version 0.3.0-alpha

  • Dev - Add the MemoryEvent superclass
  • Dev - Add the eventListeners list to core
  • Dev - Add the event dispatcher in MemoryCore

2020.10.18 - version 0.2.0-alpha

  • Dev - Add the MemoryRepository and its unique instance to core
  • Dev - Add the check and store methods to repository
  • Dev - Craft the main memory string

2020.10.15 - version 0.1.0-alpha

  • Dev - Add the .toc file
  • Dev - Add the MemoryCore object
  • Dev - Print the addon number after initialization

Known issues

  • The mouse over the target's frame won't show memories on the tooltip