- 0
[Bug Report] <many errors>
#8 opened by agroholic - 6
[Bug Report] Stone Soup
#15 opened by Calen81 - 0
[Bug Report] <Title here>
#16 opened by AphelionZero - 4
[Bug Report] RaidManager error
#18 opened by zivilyyyn - 0
[Bug Report] New Vehicle bar error
#17 opened by VaporAPX - 2
[Bug Report] Error in new version
LUA Error since Version 4.95 and 4.96 after join a Group
#21 opened by Vilogity - 0
[Bug Report] LUA Error in mailframe
#22 opened by thoream2 - 6
Weakaura addon skinning
#25 opened by VaporAPX - 6
LUA ERROR after Update on 4.991 WoW Retail
#23 opened by Vilogity - 5
Ugly borders appear with the new features.
#24 opened by reyard - 1
[Bug Report] Deleting Alts from the Mail feature menu produces an LUA error
#26 opened by Specsifier - 9
[Bug Report] Certain Shaman buff reminders not working.
#30 opened by AphelionZero - 6
Spell Feedback issues
#34 opened by VaporAPX - 1
[Bug Report] spell feedback can not deselect
#35 opened by HelianthusForXK - 3
[Bug Report] <Title here>
#32 opened by telias82 - 2
[Bug Report] Battleground Queue button missing from minimap.
#33 opened by Fingel