Merchant Plus - Improved Vendor UI

Merchant Plus - Improved Vendor UI


Feedback and feature suggestion

tflo opened this issue · 2 comments


This looks like a very useful and well made addon to me! Thanks for sharing!

Special thanks for the compatibility with BuyEmAll, and for keeping the original merchant layout available as option.

Ambitious suggestion for somewhere in the future:

Add information about faction discounts (if this information is available through the Blizz API)

I can see various implementation variants for this:

  • A "Cheapest" column
    • Shows a checkmark if faction discount does not exist for the item, or if you are at max discount.
  • A "Cheapest Price" column
    • Shows the cheapest price possible if discount exists. Possibly with red text color if the char does not have max discount.
  • Or just color coding for the existing price column
    • Price is green if faction discount exists and you are at max discount
    • Price is red if faction discount exists and you are not at max discount

…etc., just some thoughts :)

(As said, only if the data can be accessed via the API. Not worth adding a hardcoded price table or such.)

– Tom


Thanks for the feedback and suggestion!

The API just gives a single price for an item generated by the server when you open the merchant, and not every merchant has a clear faction or supports discounts even if they are affiliated, so I'm pretty sure this isn't possible unfortunately.

I'll keep the idea in mind in case I stumble upon something, but I think that mostly I'll only be able to provide columns related to item properties themselves.


not every merchant has a clear faction or supports discounts even if they are affiliated

Yep, and not every item is eligible for discount. That's why I was suggesting the feature. Currently the only way (AFAIK) is to look up the item on wowhead, if you are unsure if you can get the item cheaper elsewhere (or on a char with more rep).

The API just gives a single price for an item generated by the server when you open the merchant, […] so I'm pretty sure this isn't possible unfortunately

I was afraid it would be like this. My hope was that there would be some sort of "eligible for faction discount" flag.

Thank you!