Message Barker

Message Barker


display time since last bark per message

mcd8604 opened this issue ยท 1 comments

  • On BarkMessage, store the timestamp
  • On each message button, display the time since the last stored timestamp
  • Possibly add some sort of notification if a time threshold is crossed
    • Try to integrate with WeakAuras to display the notification
    • Add the time threshold field to the Message Editor
    • Add a toggle for the time threshold notification in Message Editor

by 'crossing threshold' you mean cooldown? I would love to force cooldown on messages, would be nice to have this cooldown configurable - on unique messages per channel, or all messages pre channel (you cant post same message until cooldown is down, or second option - you can't post any message into given channel)
the main point is to prevent double clicking, so I would make default option which disables given message until its cooldown passed