MinimapButtonBag Reborn (MBB Reborn)

MinimapButtonBag Reborn (MBB Reborn)


lua error when entering The Crown Chemical Co instance for Love is in the Air holiday

fireymerlin opened this issue ยท 1 comments


2x MBB\MBB-4.0.4.lua:624: Action[SetPoint] failed because[Cannot anchor to itself]: attempted from: MamaminimapButton:SetPoint.
[string "=[C]"]: in function osetpoint' [string "@MBB\MBB-4.0.4.lua"]:624: in function MBB_SetPositions'
[string "@mbb\MBB-4.0.4.lua"]:747: in function `MBB_OnUpdate'
[string ":OnUpdate"]:1: in function <[string ":OnUpdate"]:1>


After some testing, it appears the error is being caused by an addon called MAMA that I use. MAMA and MBB are not playing well together.