Minimap Button Frame Redux

Minimap Button Frame Redux


keep getting errors

orcphelia opened this issue · 18 comments


2x .../MinimapButtonFrameRedux/MinimapButtonFrameRedux.lua:1826: attempt to index global 'MiniMapMailFrame' (a nil value)
[string "@MinimapButtonFrameRedux/MinimapButtonFrameRedux.lua"]:1826: in function updatePositions' [string "@MinimapButtonFrameRedux/MinimapButtonFrameRedux.lua"]:1862: in function ?'
[string "@DataStore/libs/AceTimer-3.0-17/AceTimer-3.0.lua"]:55: in function <DataStore/libs/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.lua:50>

processMail = false
childExceptions = 2
avgButtonSize = 38
spacer = 19
x = 328
y = -24
crPad = nil
iterator = 9
numChildrenRC = 1
userSize = 380
dynamicSize = 38
(for generator) = defined =[C]:-1
(for state) =

1 = "AltoholicMinimapButton"
2 = "GameTimeFrame"
3 = "LibDBIcon10_AskMrRobot"
4 = "LibDBIcon10_BugSack"
5 = "LibDBIcon10_Details"
6 = "LibDBIcon10_Hekili"
7 = "LibDBIcon10_MethodRaidTools"
8 = "LibDBIcon10_O Item Level"
9 = "MiniMapMailFrameDisabled"
10 = "MinimapButtonFrameDragButton"
(for control) = 9
i = 9
buttonName = "MiniMapMailFrameDisabled"
miniButton = MiniMapMailFrameDisabled {
0 =
MBFbTex = MBFBackground {
MBFoTex = MBFOverlay {
(*temporary) = defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = MiniMapMailFrameDisabled {
0 =
MBFbTex = MBFBackground {
MBFoTex = MBFOverlay {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "MiniMapMailFrame"
(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) =
1 = "MetamapButton"
2 = "QueueStatusMinimapButton"
(*temporary) = 2
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'MiniMapMailFrame' (a nil value)"
sortChildren = defined @MinimapButtonFrameRedux/MinimapButtonFrameRedux.lua:1691


Unable to reproduce




this is also happening and i have to reload im not sure if its related


I have exact same error, I am not sure what you mean by saved variables file, you mean the folder?


I can't give you the exact path as it depends on how you installed and what your account name is, but it should be similar to this, but I can't tell you specific to your install.

H:\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\MYNAME\SavedVariables\MinimapButtonFrameRedux.lua


ok i found it, it doesn't have that line in it. Might have to do with sexymap conflict?


I use sexymap myself. I can't find any way to get this to trigger with or without it disabled.
Could you possibly upload the saved variables files for both this and sexymap, they should both be in the same folder.


MinimapStats_ConfigDB = {
["LatencyText"] = true,
["TimeText"] = true,
["TwelveHourClock"] = false,
["LocationFrameYOffset"] = -3,
["SystemStatsFrameXOffset"] = -2,
["LocationText"] = false,
["LocationReactColor"] = false,
["TimeTextSize"] = 17,
["ClassColor"] = false,
["FPSText"] = true,
["TimeFrameXOffset"] = 0,
["SystemStatsTextSize"] = 13,
["TimeFrameYOffset"] = 1,
["LocationFrameXOffset"] = 0,
["SystemStatsFrameYOffset"] = -17,
["LocationTextSize"] = 16,

SexyMap2DB = {
["Lockmodan-Stormrage"] = {
["core"] = {
["clamp"] = true,
["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
["relpoint"] = "TOPRIGHT",
["autoZoom"] = 5,
["northTag"] = true,
["y"] = -6.330267429351807,
["x"] = -6.981470108032227,
["lock"] = true,
["scale"] = 1.4,
["shape"] = 130871,
["rightClickToConfig"] = true,
["coordinates"] = {
["enabled"] = false,
["fontColor"] = {
["xOffset"] = 0,
["updateRate"] = 1,
["yOffset"] = 10,
["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT",
["borderColor"] = {
["coordPrecision"] = "%d,%d",
["backgroundColor"] = {
["ping"] = {
["showPing"] = true,
["showAt"] = "map",
["movers"] = {
["lockDurability"] = false,
["moveTopWidget"] = false,
["moveDurability"] = false,
["lockCaptureBar"] = false,
["moveVehicle"] = false,
["lockVehicle"] = false,
["moverPositions"] = {
["lockTopWidget"] = false,
["moveCaptureBar"] = false,
["clock"] = {
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["a"] = 0,
["r"] = 0,
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["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT",
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["backdrop"] = {
["show"] = true,
["textureColor"] = {
["settings"] = {
["edgeSize"] = 6,
["tile"] = false,
["edgeFile"] = "Interface\Buttons\WHITE8X8",
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["zonetext"] = {
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["b"] = 0,
["font"] = "Expressway",
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["a"] = 1,
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["buttons"] = {
["radius"] = 10,
["lockDragging"] = false,
["allowDragging"] = true,
["visibilitySettings"] = {
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["MiniMapMailFrame"] = "hover",
["MiniMapWorldMapButton"] = "never",
["GameTimeFrame"] = "hover",
["MinimapZoomOut"] = "never",
["TimeManagerClockButton"] = "never",
["SexyMapZoneTextButton"] = "always",
["LibDBIcon10_Bartender4"] = "never",
["MiniMapTracking"] = "never",
["QueueStatusMinimapButton"] = "always",
["GarrisonLandingPageMinimapButton"] = "hover",
["LibDBIcon10_Plater"] = "never",
["LibDBIcon10_Myslot"] = "never",
["LibDBIcon10_MythicDungeonTools"] = "never",
["dragPositions"] = {
["MinimapZoomIn"] = -71.10677263839138,
["MiniMapMailFrame"] = 212.4990170051168,
["GameTimeFrame"] = 183.0916697421679,
["MinimapZoomOut"] = -57.02776676988287,
["LibDBIcon10_Bartender4"] = 183.5558722400502,
["LibDBIcon10_SavedInstances"] = 168.8572791530833,
["LibDBIcon10_Plater"] = 253.989338122406,
["MiniMapTracking"] = -63.68305868357216,
["LibDBIcon10_WeakAuras"] = 199.4009821252094,
["LibDBIcon10_BugSack"] = 237.4165643478214,
["LibDBIcon10_Myslot"] = 246.9897180106362,
["LibDBIcon10_MythicDungeonTools"] = 213.6857259213239,
["controlVisibility"] = true,
["Onlyfins-Tarren Mill"] = {
["ping"] = {
["showPing"] = true,
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["x"] = -6.981470108032227,
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["shape"] = 130871,
["rightClickToConfig"] = true,
["movers"] = {
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["moveVehicle"] = false,
["lockVehicle"] = false,
["moverPositions"] = {
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["clock"] = {
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["a"] = 0,
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["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT",
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["alpha"] = 1,
["hideBlizzard"] = true,
["zonetext"] = {
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["lockDragging"] = false,
["allowDragging"] = true,
["visibilitySettings"] = {
["MinimapZoomIn"] = "never",
["MiniMapMailFrame"] = "hover",
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["LibDBIcon10_MythicDungeonTools"] = "never",
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["LibDBIcon10_Bartender4"] = "never",
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["MiniMapTracking"] = "never",
["QueueStatusMinimapButton"] = "always",
["GarrisonLandingPageMinimapButton"] = "hover",
["LibDBIcon10_Plater"] = "never",
["LibDBIcon10_Myslot"] = "never",
["SexyMapZoneTextButton"] = "always",
["dragPositions"] = {
["MinimapZoomIn"] = -71.10677263839138,
["MiniMapMailFrame"] = 212.4990170051168,
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["LibDBIcon10_MythicDungeonTools"] = 213.6857259213239,
["MinimapZoomOut"] = -57.02776676988287,
["LibDBIcon10_SavedInstances"] = 168.8572791530833,
["LibDBIcon10_Plater"] = 253.989338122406,
["MiniMapTracking"] = -63.68305868357216,
["LibDBIcon10_WeakAuras"] = 199.4009821252094,
["LibDBIcon10_BugSack"] = 237.4165643478214,
["LibDBIcon10_Myslot"] = 246.9897180106362,
["LibDBIcon10_Bartender4"] = 183.5558722400502,
["controlVisibility"] = true,
["Jmbotwo-Valdrakken"] = {
["ping"] = {
["showPing"] = true,
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["coordinates"] = {
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["coordPrecision"] = "%d,%d",
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["edgeFile"] = "Interface\Buttons\WHITE8X8",
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["LibDBIcon10_MythicDungeonTools"] = "never",
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["LibDBIcon10_Bartender4"] = "never",
["MinimapZoomOut"] = "never",
["MiniMapTracking"] = "never",
["QueueStatusMinimapButton"] = "always",
["GarrisonLandingPageMinimapButton"] = "hover",
["LibDBIcon10_Plater"] = "never",
["LibDBIcon10_Myslot"] = "never",
["SexyMapZoneTextButton"] = "always",
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["MinimapZoomIn"] = -71.10677263839138,
["MiniMapMailFrame"] = 212.4990170051168,
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["LibDBIcon10_Bartender4"] = 183.5558722400502,
["LibDBIcon10_SavedInstances"] = 168.8572791530833,
["LibDBIcon10_Plater"] = 253.989338122406,
["MiniMapTracking"] = -63.68305868357216,
["LibDBIcon10_WeakAuras"] = 199.4009821252094,
["LibDBIcon10_BugSack"] = 237.4165643478214,
["LibDBIcon10_Myslot"] = 246.9897180106362,
["LibDBIcon10_MythicDungeonTools"] = 213.6857259213239,
["controlVisibility"] = true,
["Bankkey-Stormrage"] = {
["core"] = {
["clamp"] = true,
["lock"] = false,
["northTag"] = true,
["shape"] = "Interface\AddOns\SexyMap\shapes\circle.tga",
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["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT",
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["coordPrecision"] = "%d,%d",
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["lockVehicle"] = false,
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["showAt"] = "map",
["Shakennbakes-Proudmoore"] = {
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["y"] = -6.330267429351807,
["x"] = -6.981470108032227,
["lock"] = true,
["scale"] = 1.4,
["shape"] = 130871,
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["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT",
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["coordPrecision"] = "%d,%d",
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["lockVehicle"] = false,
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["lockTopWidget"] = false,
["moveCaptureBar"] = false,
["clock"] = {
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["borders"] = {
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["show"] = true,
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["zonetext"] = {
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["fontsize"] = 10,
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["lockDragging"] = false,
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["visibilitySettings"] = {
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["MiniMapMailFrame"] = "hover",
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["GameTimeFrame"] = "hover",
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["SexyMapZoneTextButton"] = "always",
["LibDBIcon10_Bartender4"] = "never",
["MiniMapTracking"] = "never",
["QueueStatusMinimapButton"] = "always",
["GarrisonLandingPageMinimapButton"] = "hover",
["LibDBIcon10_Plater"] = "never",
["LibDBIcon10_Myslot"] = "never",
["LibDBIcon10_MythicDungeonTools"] = "never",
["dragPositions"] = {
["MinimapZoomIn"] = -71.10677263839138,
["MiniMapMailFrame"] = 212.4990170051168,
["GameTimeFrame"] = 183.0916697421679,
["MinimapZoomOut"] = -57.02776676988287,
["LibDBIcon10_Bartender4"] = 183.5558722400502,
["LibDBIcon10_SavedInstances"] = 168.8572791530833,
["LibDBIcon10_Plater"] = 253.989338122406,
["MiniMapTracking"] = -63.68305868357216,
["LibDBIcon10_WeakAuras"] = 199.4009821252094,
["LibDBIcon10_BugSack"] = 237.4165643478214,
["LibDBIcon10_Myslot"] = 246.9897180106362,
["LibDBIcon10_MythicDungeonTools"] = 213.6857259213239,
["controlVisibility"] = true,
["Shakennbakes-Stormrage"] = {
["core"] = {
["clamp"] = true,
["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
["relpoint"] = "TOPRIGHT",
["autoZoom"] = 5,
["northTag"] = true,
["y"] = -6.330267906188965,
["x"] = -6.981470108032227,
["lock"] = true,
["scale"] = 1.4,
["shape"] = 130871,
["rightClickToConfig"] = true,
["coordinates"] = {
["enabled"] = false,
["fontColor"] = {
["xOffset"] = 0,
["updateRate"] = 1,
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["LibDBIcon10_Myslot"] = 246.9897180106362,
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["LibDBIcon10_BugSack"] = 237.4165643478214,
["LibDBIcon10_WeakAuras"] = 199.4009821252094,
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["LibDBIcon10_Plater"] = 253.989338122406,
["LibDBIcon10_SavedInstances"] = 168.8572791530833,
["LibDBIcon10_MythicDungeonTools"] = 213.6857259213239,
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["ping"] = {
["showPing"] = true,
["showAt"] = "map",
["presets"] = {


Please be sure you're using v2.0.5 from the github releases.

The version available on Curse is NOT up to date, and updated versions will not be released there.
(This is due to their business practices (more so those of their parent, Overwolf)).


I am.


I cannot replicate this at all, but I do have a theory. If you look at your saved variables file, do you have this line in it?

["disabledMail"] = true,

If so, changing it to false should correct that. That's an option I disabled as it was not working, but you might still have it set from an old version.


The first one you posted MinimapStats_ConfigDB is a different addon. The one for this addon should start with MBFDB.


The latest version of sexymap from curse, seems it has to do with it not being able to grab the mail icon. I also have to reload my UI everytime I logon to get it to put them on the bar. I dunno i guess at this point i just try a different addon


o shoot my bad

["profileKeys"] = {
["Shakennbakes - Proudmoore"] = "Default",
["Jmbotwo - Valdrakken"] = "Default",
["Sicklikeme - Tarren Mill"] = "Default",
["Winninja - Stormrage"] = "Default",
["Shakennbakes - Stormrage"] = "Default",
["Onlyfins - Tarren Mill"] = "Default",
["Bankkey - Stormrage"] = "Default",
["Lockmodan - Stormrage"] = "Default",
["profiles"] = {
["Default"] = {
["addonScale"] = 0.6,
["columns_or_rows"] = 9,
["locked"] = true,
["buttonText"] = "",
["mbfAnchor"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
["MBF_FrameLocation"] = {
"BOTTOMLEFT", -- [1]
nil, -- [2]
-373.3322906494141, -- [3]
-417.1663856506348, -- [4]
["colorLocked"] = "All",
["customChildren"] = {
"MinimapButtonFrameDragButton", -- [1]
"MiniMapMailFrameDisabled", -- [2]
"LibDBIcon10_MethodRaidTools", -- [3]
"LibDBIcon10_SavedInstances", -- [4]
"LibDBIcon10_WeakAuras", -- [5]
"LibDBIcon10_BugSack", -- [6]
"ExpansionLandingPageMinimapButton", -- [7]
"GameTimeFrame", -- [8]
"LibDBIcon10_Bartender4", -- [9]
"LibDBIcon10_Myslot", -- [10]
"LibDBIcon10_MythicDungeonTools", -- [11]
"LibDBIcon10_Plater", -- [12]
"SexyMapZoneTextButton", -- [13]
"LibDBIcon10_SimulationCraft", -- [14]
"LibDBIcon10_Details", -- [15]
"LibDBIcon10_DetailsStreamer", -- [16]
["grabBlizzButtons"] = true,


I copied your config for MBF exactly and I still can't replicate this error.

Maybe it's a different sort of interaction; what version of SexyMap are you using?


I need the version from the toc file to make sure I'm testing with the same version. I'm wondering if there's another addon interfering.

Things to test further

  • Do you get this error with JUST MBF enabled with no other addons?
  • Do you get this error with JUST MBF + SexyMap enabled?

I ask this because I tested on a bank alt that I don't normally use addons on, sent mail, grabbed blizz buttons, tried with and without mail pending, used your exact settings (as in I literally copy/pasted from what you pasted and overwrote my savedvariables to test) and I cannot get this error to trigger.


I'm sorry, github didn't email me about your reply.

The options for gathering the mail icon are in the settings menu.
Under the Blizzard Options -> AddOns -> MinimapButtonFrame -> Gathering