Minimap Button Frame Redux

Minimap Button Frame Redux


RareScanner does not seem to gather

Cyondil opened this issue ยท 5 comments


It seems stuck up in the minimap. I seem to recall there being a way to force thing, but can't seem to recall the instructions.. Any thoughts?

Screenshot 2022-11-04 124013


Thought I had just needed to try the /MBF Add LibDBIcon10_RareScannerMinimapIcon to the commands to remove this and have it grouped, but it seems to not work. I get the following message when I try adding it. This name is not on the protected list when I go check either.

Screenshot 2022-11-04 124609


I don't use Rare Scanner so I'm not familiar with some aspects.

Is the icon in your screenshot the icon that it puts on the minimap to indicate a rare, or is that the button to use to interact with the addon?


It's the actual button itself.


Ok, this is because they decided to call it "MinimapIcon" and not "MinimapButton".

Luckily you can override this in options.

If you to the Exceptions panel, the second option "Button Override." is what you need. Put LibDBIcon10_RareScannerMinimapIcon in the "Add Button Override" box and hit "Okay" and it should immediately grab the button.


Perfect. Thanks for the help. I think I just read the Override function incorrectly!