Mission Report Button Plus

Mission Report Button Plus


Menu issue with another addon enabled

nancikennedy opened this issue ยท 3 comments


On Retail, using MRBP v0.10.0 and War Plan v3.22, the MRBP minimap button is not registering any of the custom options for the menu or showing summaries. I looked it up and didn't see any documentation that War Plan "did" stuff to the MM button and there are no settings in game for WP.

My Settings:

How it looks normally:

How it looks with War Plan enabled:


Hi, thank you for reporting this!

I also checked his Venture Plan/Master Plan addons for other expansion "garrison" content and neither of those is causing this issue.

You're right, neither Venture Plan nor Master Plan is causing this issue. If War Plan is used in combination with either one of the others, MRBP also works. I looked into the code of WP and it is using a button hook. Your 3rd screenshot shows the WP menu. It is definitely not the MRBP menu; your settings are ok.
I assume that, since WP loads after MRBP, it simply overrides the minimap button hook. Apparently the WoW UI can only handle the last applied hook for the same UI widget.

I will try to find a way to add a possibility to manually reload the minimap button hook. I'm not sure if this is possible though. As far as I know, hooking into the WoW UI widgets only works during the UI loading process, but I might be wrong.

Currently you have only these three options:

  • either use MRBP and WP together with VP and/or MP,
  • or use MRBP without WP and/or VP/MP,
  • or rename the first letter of the MissionReportButtonPlus addon folder and the MissionReportButtonPlus.toc file in it to 'W', so it loads after WP. This also works. I just tried it.

I also checked his Venture Plan/Master Plan addons for other expansion "garrison" content and neither of those is causing this issue.


Hi, I fixed it. Re-registering the minimap button hooks went smoother than expected.
MRBP checks now after loading if War Plan is installed, and automatically re-registers the needed hooks. I tested it and it works with all 3 addons mentioned above.
In case this happens again, I also added a slash command. Should something similar happen again, simply type /mrbp hook and it re-registers the needed hooks.

Have fun!