Lua Error on login on CN region
LiangYuxuan opened this issue · 2 comments
Encountered a lua error on login, and Shadowlands icon is selected by the addon.
456x .../MissionReportButtonPlus/MissionReportButtonPlus.lua:1520: attempt to index local 'landingPageInfo' (a nil value)
[string "@MissionReportButtonPlus/MissionReportButtonPlus.lua"]:1520: in function `RefreshExpansionOverlay'
[string "@Blizzard_ExpansionLandingPage/Blizzard_ExpansionLandingPage.lua"]:37: in function <...pansionLandingPage/Blizzard_ExpansionLandingPage.lua:35>
self = ExpansionLandingPage {
Overlay = Frame {
newestOverlay = <table> {
newestUnlockedExpansionID = nil
landingPageInfo = nil
displayInfo = <table> {
description = "点击这里显示卡兹阿加概要"
normalAtlas = "warwithin-landingbutton-up"
glowAtlas = "warwithin-landingbutton-glow"
pushedAtlas = "warwithin-landingbutton-down"
anchorOffset = <table> {
useDefaultButtonSize = true
expansionLandingPageType = 2
title = "卡兹阿加概要"
highlightAtlas = "warwithin-landingbutton-highlight"
(*temporary) = 2
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'landingPageInfo' (a nil value)"
LocalLandingPageTypeUtil = <table> {
currentGarrisonTypeID = 0
previousLandingPageTypeID = 0
previousGarrisonTypeID = 0
currentLandingPageTypeID = 0
LandingPageInfo = <table> {
8 = <table> {
9 = <table> {
6 = <table> {
10 = <table> {
7 = <table> {
5 = <table> {
landingPageOverlay = <table> {
9 = <table> {
10 = <table> {
I've dig some details here, and found that GetMaximumExpansionLevel
returns weird info on CN region. But the others returns well.
Dump: value=GetMaximumExpansionLevel()
Dump: value=GetExpansionLevel()
Dump: value=GetAccountExpansionLevel()
Dump: value=GetServerExpansionLevel()
And I tried change the following line to return 10;
, then the error gone and TWW icon is selected again.
Thank you for reporting this, especially for the digging part!
I encountered this bug today accidentally myself, but my values for the Get...ExpansionLevel()
functions weren't that weirdly off. Maybe this it's not just a problem for the CN region.
I will try to fix this, as soon as possible.