Mission Report Button Plus

Mission Report Button Plus


zhTW only error

EKE00372 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


only happened when checking Camp Aylaag in zhTW client, will broke minimap button right click menu

...onReportButtonPlus/MissionReportButtonPlus_Utils.lua:1923: bad argument #1 to 'strtrim' (string expected, got nil)


Oh, I forgot to consider the character encoding. This is were I split the zone name from the subzone name to get a shorter display name. Those are usually separated by a , (comma) character which is 8-bit of length. I forgot that most asian fonts use wide 16-bit characters.
I will fix this as soon as possible. Thank you for reporting this!


Fixed. Unfortunately I couldn't test it. Blizzard doesn't seem to allow entering an European server with a Chinese version of the game. I tried it with both traditional and simplified Chinese, but with no luck. Apparently, I'm not the only one (see this post at Blizzard Support). It seems, that it isn't working with any non-European language.

But the error shouldn't return. There are 3 possible outcomes now:

  1. it works, and displays the short name of the closest flight point, or
  2. it displays the full name, including zone name (in this case I got the wrong character as separator), or
  3. it returns an empty string.

Hopefully you keep me posted @EKE00372.


it works now.

PS. you can switch client locale on PTR


I'm glad it works. Thanks for your feedback, and thanks for the PTR hint. I will try it.