Misspelled - Chat Spellchecker

Misspelled - Chat Spellchecker


Compatibility problem.

Cluuey opened this issue ยท 6 comments


This addon is causing errors with Greenwall, I've opened an issue on their page too.

Hopefully you'll be able to find a solution.


I got a BugGrabber message for you too, sorry I should have included it yesterday.

[string "@!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua"]:519: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:519>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SendChatMessage'
[string "@Misspelled\Misspelled-1.7.4.lua"]:278: in function <Misspelled\Misspelled.lua:275>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@GreenWall\Channel-Channel.lua"]:365: in function `tl_flush'
[string "@GreenWall\Channel-Channel.lua"]:325: in function <GreenWall\Channel.lua:297>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@GreenWall\GreenWall-1.10.1.lua"]:308: in function `GreenWall_OnEvent'
[string "*:OnEvent"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnEvent"]:1>

To make Misspelled compatible with other addons that intercept and process chat messages prior to sending them, requires identifying the integration point and where to hook in the process that clears the highlighting of any incorrectly spelled words.

The integration with WIM is coded in Misspelled.lua line: 223. I've added some documentation about this issue here and also discuss it in line 69.

I'm no longer a player, and don't have a character that's part of a guild. Thus it may not be possible for me to test code related to integrating this addon with GreenWall. I'm unsure of your addon development experience but I encourage you to explore the source code for the two addons and work to understand the code being called prior to the Blizzard SendChatMessage call.

If you have a proposed code change, I'll be happy to review it and collaborate on the work needed. I'm afraid I won't be able to lead such and endeavour.


Hello! I'm the GreenWall author and I had a look at this.

I'm not sure what the exact fault is from the message, but applying any changes to the messages on the hidden channels that GreenWall uses will cause problems regardless.

One way to solve this would be to do what Identity-2 does and explicitly enable the spelling correction on specific channels. Another way would be to disable the correction for channels that GreenWall uses.

The former avoids problems with any other add-ons that use a similar pattern to GreenWall. But, if you want to do the latter, you can check which channels are "off-limits" with a test like this:

function IsIgnoredChannel(channel)
	if IsAddOnLoaded('GreenWall') then
		if channel == gw.config.channel.guild.number then
			return true
		elseif channel == gw.config.channel.officer.number then
			return true
	return false

I'd be more than happy to wrap the channel test in an API call to avoid breaking it if I refactor.


In GreenWall 1.11, you will be able to query the channels with:

local channels = GreenWallAPI.GetChannelNumbers()

Thanks. I'll see if I can get this check added. If I remember the addon is coded to check for addon channels, I should be able to add this check there.


Hi guys,
Sorry I didn't get back to either of you after opening a couple of tickets, the world has fallen apart and it's all been a bit much.

I did have a look at what you suggested @nrpieper but it's beyond my ability to work out, I've only written config files for a different addon and I screwed them up a few times!
I'm pretty sure you can play WoW without an active subscription but only to L20, I can ask one of the guild officers if they'd invite you for testing purposes, if you're up for that of course. I don't think it would be a problem, let me know if you're interested.