Monolith DKP

Monolith DKP


Inactive data

AlvinBurunduk opened this issue · 11 comments


Hello! My clan members see not relevant table data. How can I fix this? Thanks in advance for your reply.


Did you update to 2.1 or are you using 2.0?




In the application, Twitch is only 2.0.6. I’m from Russia, can it somehow affect?


Nope. 2.1 is posted as a beta so it's not forced on anyone because 2.1 is not compatible with 2.0. It reverts back to the old broadcast system as some are having issues with the 2.0 version. With 2.0, if a player is deleted from the list, it should broadcast that list to other players unless another officer readded them.


2.1 is far more reliable than 2.0 with regards to broadcasting. The sync system had some quirks in it and if an issue arose it tended to just compound on itself due to automatic propagation. 2.1 essentially uses the 1.6 broadcast system with a UI to choose who to send it to rather than simply broadcasting to everyone. But 2.1 is not compatible with 2.0. So if you use 2.1, everyone else must as well.


where can i dowload 2.1?


It's available on Curse. I posted it as "beta" so the twitch client wouldn't auto install it for some when today is raid resets. 2.1 doesn't work with 2.0 so if some auto downloaded 2.1 and their raid leaders were still on 2.0 it they wouldn't have been able to participate.


but my clan members have 2.0 and I have


If 2.0 works well for you you can stay with that. The sync project was abandoned though due to several data retention issues. So all further updates will be off of 2.1


Thanks, got it! Good luck and thanks for the addon


you mean that i should go for 2.1?