Monolith DKP

Monolith DKP


All data from our last raid got somehow deleted

0850294 opened this issue ยท 1 comments



So our GM broadcasted the DKP table and somehow all the logs of our last raid got deleted while his table was up-to-date. We have no clue how to fix it, seemingly trying to restore with backup file doesn't work. Do you have any ideas how to fix this??


If you have any raiders that were offline when he broadcasted and they still have the entries, you could get their SV file. It's recommended to only do merge broadcasts once everyone has the past history. That way you're only giving everyone the entries they do not have. Up to date is subjective. It's only considered up to date if no one logged in while that officer was online to tell them they have entries the officer doesnt (that info is passed on login). Full broadcasts overwrite the recipients table with duplicates of what you're sending. 2.1.2 implemented warnings for those broadcasts so players are a bit more aware of what it's doing.