Monolith DKP

Monolith DKP


Broadcast Issue

Harskare opened this issue ยท 13 comments


When i click on the status light it wont do anything, im not able to broadcast dkp updates to other members in the guild....I am officer rank if that matters


yes to both questions


You are officer rank in the guild, or you have access to edit officer notes ?


/console scriptErrors 1

and then try, any errors pop up ?


If someone logs into the guild with a newer version, all players on older versions are notified that a newer version is available.


Also make sure you don't have a whitelist. In your SV file, near the bottom, you'll have a MonDKP_Whitelist table. If there are any names in it then it means your GM has set a whitelist and only those names are recognized as officers.


Not an issue but i think it would be SUPER helpful if you implement a Version check so people or officers can see what version everybody has. Not everybody is so good at checking to see if the addons they have are updated. (granted this would take an update i'd imagine)


Sorry for such a late response
this is the lua error i am getting

Message: Interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\TableFunctions.lua:855: attempt to concatenate field 'index' (a nil value)
Time: Wed Jan 1 15:34:48 2020
Count: 7
Stack: Interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\TableFunctions.lua:855: attempt to concatenate field 'index' (a nil value)
Interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\TableFunctions.lua:855: in function <Interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\TableFunctions.lua:852>

Locals: seed = nil
(*temporary) = "Harskare-1577921620"
(*temporary) = ","
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to concatenate field 'index' (a nil value)"
core =

ArchiveActive = false
LocalClass =
MonDKP =
IsOfficer = true
BossList =
CenterSort = "class"
Initialized = true
MonVersion = "v2.1.2"
RaidInProgress = false
classFiltered =
currentSort = "dkp"
TableRowHeight = 18
TableWidth = 500
WorkingTable =
ClassGraph = MonDKPClassIcons {
BidInProgress = false
LastKilledNPC =
TableNumRows = 27
MonDKPUI = MonDKPConfig {
EncounterList =
L =
NumLootItems = 0
CurSubView = "all"
RecentZones =
CurView = "all"
OOD = false
CurrentRaidZone = "Onyxia's Lair"
BuildNumber = 20102
SelectedData =
LastKilledBoss = "Onyxia"
StandbyActive = false
LastVerCheck = 0
ShowState = true
faction = "Alliance"
InitStart = true
classes =
ZoneList =
CColors =
MonDKP =
DKPHistory_Update = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\DKPHistory.lua:257
StartTimer = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Core.lua:392
StartBidTimer = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\Bidding.lua:712
ValidateDKPTable_DKP = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\Validate.lua:66
PurgeDKPHistory = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Core.lua:277
RaidTimerPopout = MonDKP_RaidTimerPopout {
SortLootTable = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\LootHistory.lua:11
ConfigTab3 = {
UIConfig = MonDKPConfig {
GetGuildRankGroup = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Core.lua:206
BroadcastTimer = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Core.lua:353
ConfigTab6 = {
ClassGraph = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\ClassGraph.lua:7
BroadcastStopBidTimer = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\Bidding.lua:629
ValidateSender = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\comm.lua:17
CreateBidWindow = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\Bidding.lua:1108
reset_prev_dkp = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\ManageEntries.lua:253
Toggle = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\MonolithDKP.lua:24
DKPHistory_Reset = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\DKPHistory.lua:48
AdjustDKP = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\AdjustDKP.lua:8
Options = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\Options.lua:59
AdjustDKPTab_Create = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\AdjustDKP.lua:187
ConfigTab1 = {
AutoAward = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\AutoAward.lua:6
ConfigMenuTabs = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\ConfigMenuTabs.lua:117
LootHistory_Reset = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\LootHistory.lua:202
DKPModes_Misc = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\Modes\DKPModesMisc.lua:7
SetTabs = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\ConfigMenuTabs.lua:82
LootTable_Set = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\BidInterface.lua:21
StartRaidTimer = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\RaidTimer.lua:135
BidInterface_Toggle = defined @interface\AddOns\MonolithDKP\Modules\BidInterface.lua:217


Ok. You likely installed 2.1 and then rolled back to an older version later on then back to 2.1 with new entries from 1.6. In your SV file, search for "installed210" and delete that key value entirely (with your game closed) and you'll be fine after that. bouncing between versions can cause issues with how assets are indexed.


I'm not coming up with any file called "installed210" currently


Just to make sure I should be looking to Worldofwarcraft->classic->wtf->account->"account name"->SavedVariables


Look in your monolithdkp.lua file for that string


after deleting the string i get the following lua error along with when going back into the file the "installed210" is still there

MonDKP_DB = {
["bidpos"] = {
["y"] = 104.666557312012,
["x"] = 162.72998046875,
["point"] = "CENTER",
["relativePoint"] = "CENTER",
["defaults"] = {
["HistoryLimit"] = 2500,
["AutoOpenBid"] = true,
["MonDKPScaleSize"] = 1,
["BidTimerSize"] = 1,
["CurrentGuild"] = {
["Harskare-Whitemane"] = "Vargflocken",
["Skareguard-Whitemane"] = "Vargflocken",
["Skareward-Whitemane"] = "Vargflocken",
["DKPHistoryLimit"] = 2500,
["supressNotifications"] = false,
["SupressTells"] = true,
["ChatFrames"] = {
["General"] = true,
["Combat Log"] = true,
["HideChangeLogs"] = 20102,
["TooltipHistoryCount"] = 15,
["installed210"] = 1577531690,
["DKPBonus"] = {
["IncStandby"] = true,
["IntervalBonus"] = 0,
["CompletionBonus"] = 0,
["OnTimeBonus"] = 0,
["UnexcusedAbsence"] = 0,
["NewBossKillBonus"] = 0,
["BidTimer"] = 20,
["BossKillBonus"] = 5,
["GiveRaidEnd"] = true,
["DecayPercentage"] = 0,
["GiveRaidStart"] = false,
["timerpos"] = {
["y"] = 186.611053466797,
["x"] = 56.8889846801758,
["point"] = "BOTTOM",
["relativePoint"] = "BOTTOM",
["MinBidBySlot"] = {
["Other"] = 25,
["OneHanded"] = 45,
["Bracers"] = 25,
["Neck"] = 25,
["Belt"] = 45,
["Hands"] = 45,
["Boots"] = 45,
["Ring"] = 25,
["Cloak"] = 25,
["Head"] = 50,
["Trinket"] = 55,
["Chest"] = 55,
["OffHand"] = 35,
["Legs"] = 50,
["TwoHanded"] = 80,
["Shoulders"] = 45,
["Range"] = 35,
["bossargs"] = {
["CurrentRaidZone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["LastKilledBoss"] = "Onyxia",
["LastKilledNPC"] = {
"Onyxia", -- [1]
"Onyxian Whelp", -- [2]
"Onyxian Warder", -- [3]
"Frostmane Snowstrider", -- [4]
"Summoned Skeleton", -- [5]
"Battle Chicken", -- [6]
"Flamewaker Healer", -- [7]
"Flamewaker Elite", -- [8]
"Core Rager", -- [9]
"Golemagg the Incinerator", -- [10]
"Sulfuron Harbinger", -- [11]
"Flamewaker Priest", -- [12]
"Ancient Core Hound", -- [13]
"Lava Surger", -- [14]
"Lava Spawn", -- [15]
["RecentZones"] = {
"Darnassus", -- [1]
"Burning Steppes", -- [2]
"Onyxia's Lair", -- [3]
"Dustwallow Marsh", -- [4]
"Wetlands", -- [5]
"Ironforge", -- [6]
"Molten Core", -- [7]
"Blackrock Mountain", -- [8]
"Searing Gorge", -- [9]
"Dun Morogh", -- [10]
"Alterac Valley", -- [11]
"Warsong Gulch", -- [12]
"Durotar", -- [13]
"Orgrimmar", -- [14]
"The Barrens", -- [15]
["bidintpos"] = {
["y"] = 2.46797227859497,
["x"] = -352.572540283203,
["point"] = "CENTER",
["relativePoint"] = "CENTER",
["raiders"] = {
["modes"] = {
["rolls"] = {
["min"] = 1,
["AddToMax"] = 0,
["max"] = 100,
["UsePerc"] = false,
["ZeroSumBidType"] = "Static",
["channels"] = {
["raid"] = false,
["whisper"] = true,
["guild"] = false,
["increment"] = 60,
["CostSelection"] = "Second Bidder",
["rounding"] = 0,
["AddToNegative"] = false,
["MaximumBid"] = 0,
["mode"] = "Static Item Values",
["Inflation"] = 0,
["ZeroSumBank"] = {
["balance"] = 0,
["costvalue"] = "Integer",
["AntiSnipe"] = 0,
["SubZeroBidding"] = true,
MonDKP_Loot = {
["player"] = "Tlc",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18423::::::::60:::::::|h[Head of Onyxia]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1577427904,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = 9,
}, -- [1]
["player"] = "Sultan",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16908::::::::60:::::::|h[Bloodfang Hood]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1577427739,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = 5,
}, -- [2]
["player"] = "Executive",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16962::::::::60:::::::|h[Legplates of Wrath]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577425635,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = 5,
}, -- [3]
["player"] = "Xctu",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16909::::::::60:::::::|h[Bloodfang Pants]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577425583,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = 50,
}, -- [4]
["player"] = "Strykn",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17063::::::::60:::::::|h[Band of Accuria]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577425553,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = 25,
}, -- [5]
["player"] = "Yip",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17104::::::::60:::::::|h[Spinal Reaper]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577425527,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = 5,
}, -- [6]
["player"] = "Sylve",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18814::::::::60:::::::|h[Choker of the Fire Lord]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577425478,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = 25,
}, -- [7]
["player"] = "Dretti",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18646::::::::60:::::::|h[The Eye of Divinity]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577424703,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
["cost"] = 55,
}, -- [8]
["player"] = "Yip",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17072::::::::60:::::::|h[Blastershot Launcher]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577424390,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = 11,
}, -- [9]
["player"] = "Harskare",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16845::::::::60:::::::|h[Giantstalker's Breastplate]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577424327,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = 55,
}, -- [10]
["player"] = "Hoeser",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16798::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Robes]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577424293,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = 55,
}, -- [11]
["player"] = "Bubbelhearth",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19145::::::::60:::::::|h[Robe of Volatile Power]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577423908,
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
["cost"] = 55,
}, -- [12]
["player"] = "Hoeser",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17110::::::::60:::::::|h[Seal of the Archmagus]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577422712,
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
["cost"] = 25,
}, -- [13]
["player"] = "Bubbelhearth",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17105::::::::60:::::::|h[Aurastone Hammer]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577422280,
["boss"] = "Garr",
["cost"] = 45,
}, -- [14]
["player"] = "Executive",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17066::::::::60:::::::|h[Drillborer Disk]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577422250,
["boss"] = "Garr",
["cost"] = 6,
}, -- [15]
["player"] = "Exarch",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16813::::::::60:::::::|h[Circlet of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577422173,
["boss"] = "Garr",
["cost"] = 5,
}, -- [16]
["player"] = "Basileus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16812::::::::60:::::::|h[Gloves of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577421376,
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
["cost"] = 45,
}, -- [17]
["player"] = "Jasmine",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16830::::::::60:::::::|h[Cenarion Bracers]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577421165,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = 5,
}, -- [18]
["player"] = "Perkys",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18821::::::::60:::::::|h[Quick Strike Ring]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577420708,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = 25,
}, -- [19]
["player"] = "Bobmarlock",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16810::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Pants]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577420678,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = 5,
}, -- [20]
["player"] = "Tyrendian",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16800::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Boots]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1577420314,
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
["cost"] = 45,
}, -- [21]
["player"] = "Yip",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18423::::::::60:::::::|h[Head of Onyxia]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1576652453,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = 9,
}, -- [22]
["player"] = "Nickelback",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16909::::::::60:::::::|h[Bloodfang Pants]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576648902,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = 50,
}, -- [23]
["player"] = "Warriordad",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17063::::::::60:::::::|h[Band of Accuria]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576648870,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = 25,
}, -- [24]
["player"] = "Toomuchdog",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16915::::::::60:::::::|h[Netherwind Pants]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576648794,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = 50,
}, -- [25]
["player"] = "Basileus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18646::::::::60:::::::|h[The Eye of Divinity]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576648134,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
["cost"] = 55,
}, -- [26]
["player"] = "Bobmarlock",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18809::::::::60:::::::|h[Sash of Whispered Secrets]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576648072,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
["cost"] = 45,
}, -- [27]
["player"] = "Strykn",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18805::::::::60:::::::|h[Core Hound Tooth]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576648044,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
["cost"] = 45,
}, -- [28]
["player"] = "Iddqd",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16820::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Chestpiece]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576647660,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = 55,
}, -- [29]
["player"] = "Blazzinbob",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16865::::::::60:::::::|h[Breastplate of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576647630,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = 11,
}, -- [30]
["player"] = "Nickelback",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16823::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Shoulder Pads]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576647120,
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
["cost"] = 45,
}, -- [31]
["player"] = "Wishiwashord",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16824::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Boots]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576645818,
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
["cost"] = 45,
}, -- [32]
["player"] = "Basileus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16813::::::::60:::::::|h[Circlet of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576644939,
["boss"] = "Garr",
["cost"] = 30,
}, -- [33]
["player"] = "Warriordad",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16866::::::::60:::::::|h[Helm of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576644833,
["boss"] = "Garr",
["cost"] = 5,
}, -- [34]
["player"] = "Sultan",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16826::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576643812,
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
["cost"] = 45,
}, -- [35]
["player"] = "Toomuchdog",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16796::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Leggings]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576642906,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = 5,
}, -- [36]
["player"] = "Executive",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16863::::::::60:::::::|h[Gauntlets of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576642544,
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
["cost"] = 15,
}, -- [37]
["player"] = "Bobmarlock",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18423::::::::60:::::::|h[Head of Onyxia]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1576046288,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576046288",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [38]
["player"] = "Executive",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18205::::::::60:::::::|h[Eskhandar's Collar]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1576046207,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576046207",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [39]
["player"] = "Ashley",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17064::::::::60:::::::|h[Shard of the Scale]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1576046155,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576046155",
["cost"] = -55,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [40]
["player"] = "Hoeser",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19138::::::::60:::::::|h[Band of Sulfuras]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576043960,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576043960",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [41]
["player"] = "Ceo",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16930::::::::60:::::::|h[Nemesis Leggings]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576043930,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576043930",
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [42]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16915::::::::60:::::::|h[Netherwind Pants]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576043891,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576043891",
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [43]
["player"] = "Shiftytwo",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17063::::::::60:::::::|h[Band of Accuria]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576043864,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576043864",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [44]
["player"] = "Blazzinbob",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18806::::::::60:::::::|h[Core Forged Greaves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576043207,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576043207",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [45]
["player"] = "Melarina",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18646::::::::60:::::::|h[The Eye of Divinity]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576043157,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576043157",
["cost"] = -55,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [46]
["player"] = "Xctu",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18805::::::::60:::::::|h[Core Hound Tooth]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576043130,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576043130",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [47]
["player"] = "Basileus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16815::::::::60:::::::|h[Robes of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576042823,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576042823",
["cost"] = -55,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [48]
["player"] = "Tubble",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18842::::::::60:::::::|h[Staff of Dominance]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576042796,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576042796",
["cost"] = -80,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [49]
["player"] = "Warriordad",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16865::::::::60:::::::|h[Breastplate of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576042766,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576042766",
["cost"] = -16,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [50]
["player"] = "Corpsedaddyb",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16868::::::::60:::::::|h[Pauldrons of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576042329,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576042329",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [51]
["player"] = "Ashley",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16811::::::::60:::::::|h[Boots of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576041267,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576041267",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
}, -- [52]
["player"] = "Toomuchdog",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16797::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Mantle]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576040697,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576040697",
["cost"] = -11,
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
}, -- [53]
["player"] = "Ceo",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16806::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Belt]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576040512,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576040512",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Garr",
}, -- [54]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16795::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Crown]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576040327,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576040327",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Garr",
}, -- [55]
["player"] = "Sevan",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18820::::::::60:::::::|h[Talisman of Ephemeral Power]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576040215,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576040215",
["cost"] = -55,
["boss"] = "Garr",
}, -- [56]
["player"] = "Stoof",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19145::::::::60:::::::|h[Robe of Volatile Power]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576039525,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576039525",
["cost"] = -55,
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
}, -- [57]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16812::::::::60:::::::|h[Gloves of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576039497,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576039497",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
}, -- [58]
["player"] = "Bubbelhearth",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17073::::::::60:::::::|h[Earthshaker]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576038984,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576038984",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
}, -- [59]
["player"] = "Shubnigguraf",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17077::::::::60:::::::|h[Crimson Shocker]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576038728,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576038728",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
}, -- [60]
["player"] = "Hoeser",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17109::::::::60:::::::|h[Choker of Enlightenment]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1576038635,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576038635",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
}, -- [61]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16914::::::::60:::::::|h[Netherwind Crown]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1575442122,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575442122",
["cost"] = 0,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [62]
["player"] = "Shubnigguraf",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17078::::::::60:::::::|h[Sapphiron Drape]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1575442070,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575442070",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [63]
["player"] = "Schrei",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18423::::::::60:::::::|h[Head of Onyxia]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1575441877,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575441877",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [64]
["player"] = "Bobmarlock",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16929::::::::60:::::::|h[Nemesis Skullcap]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1575441843,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575441843",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [65]
["player"] = "Bobmarlock",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17078::::::::60:::::::|h[Sapphiron Drape]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1575441816,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575441816",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [66]
["player"] = "Zilzag",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16939::::::::60:::::::|h[Dragonstalker's Helm]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1575441783,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575441783",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [67]
["player"] = "Basileus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16922::::::::60:::::::|h[Leggings of Transcendence]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575439297,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575439297",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [68]
["player"] = "Warriordad",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18815::::::::60:::::::|h[Essence of the Pure Flame]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575439197,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575439197",
["cost"] = -9,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [69]
["player"] = "Toomuchdog",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16799::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Bindings]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575438738,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575438738",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [70]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16799::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Bindings]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575438551,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575438551",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [71]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18808::::::::60:::::::|h[Gloves of the Hypnotic Flame]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575438409,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575438409",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [72]
["player"] = "Stoof",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18810::::::::60:::::::|h[Wild Growth Spaulders]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575438356,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575438356",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [73]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19145::::::::60:::::::|h[Robe of Volatile Power]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575437455,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575437455",
["cost"] = -55,
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [74]
["player"] = "Melarina",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16811::::::::60:::::::|h[Boots of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575436440,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575436440",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
}, -- [75]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16797::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Mantle]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575435562,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575435562",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
}, -- [76]
["player"] = "Sultan",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16827::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Belt]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575435274,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575435274",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Garr",
}, -- [77]
["player"] = "Xctu",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16821::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Cover]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575435082,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575435082",
["cost"] = -6,
["boss"] = "Garr",
}, -- [78]
["player"] = "Warriordad",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17066::::::::60:::::::|h[Drillborer Disk]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575435009,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575435009",
["cost"] = -26,
["boss"] = "Garr",
}, -- [79]
["player"] = "Fj",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19136::::::::60:::::::|h[Mana Igniting Cord]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575434943,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575434943",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Garr",
}, -- [80]
["player"] = "Melarina",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16812::::::::60:::::::|h[Gloves of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575434307,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575434307",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
}, -- [81]
["player"] = "Corpsedaddyb",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16862::::::::60:::::::|h[Sabatons of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575434276,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575434276",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
}, -- [82]
["player"] = "Blazzinbob",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16864::::::::60:::::::|h[Belt of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575433890,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575433890",
["cost"] = -11,
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
}, -- [83]
["player"] = "Xctu",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18823::::::::60:::::::|h[Aged Core Leather Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575433761,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575433761",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
}, -- [84]
["player"] = "Sultan",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16822::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Pants]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575433734,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575433734",
["cost"] = -10,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
}, -- [85]
["player"] = "Lefty",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16847::::::::60:::::::|h[Giantstalker's Leggings]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1575433661,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575433661",
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
}, -- [86]
["player"] = "Blazzinbob",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18423::::::::60:::::::|h[Head of Onyxia]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1574839216,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574839216",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [87]
["player"] = "Odysseus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16900::::::::60:::::::|h[Stormrage Cover]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1574839185,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574839185",
["cost"] = -13,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [88]
["player"] = "Schrei",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16939::::::::60:::::::|h[Dragonstalker's Helm]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1574839120,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574839120",
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [89]
["player"] = "Liyana",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17078::::::::60:::::::|h[Sapphiron Drape]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1574839046,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574839046",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [90]
["player"] = "Corpsedaddyb",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16962::::::::60:::::::|h[Legplates of Wrath]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574837136,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574837136",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [91]
["player"] = "Tubble",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16915::::::::60:::::::|h[Netherwind Pants]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574837004,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574837004",
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [92]
["player"] = "Jasmine",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18814::::::::60:::::::|h[Choker of the Fire Lord]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574836972,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574836972",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [93]
["player"] = "Executive",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17102::::::::60:::::::|h[Cloak of the Shrouded Mists]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574836939,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574836939",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [94]
["player"] = "Ashley",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18646::::::::60:::::::|h[The Eye of Divinity]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574836337,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574836337",
["cost"] = -55,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [95]
["player"] = "Bubbelhearth",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18810::::::::60:::::::|h[Wild Growth Spaulders]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574836244,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574836244",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [96]
["player"] = "Jasmine",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16833::::::::60:::::::|h[Cenarion Vestments]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574835871,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574835871",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [97]
["player"] = "Sylve",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17103::::::::60:::::::|h[Azuresong Mageblade]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574835806,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574835806",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [98]
["player"] = "Shubnigguraf",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16809::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Robes]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574835775,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574835775",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [99]
["player"] = "Iddqd",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16823::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Shoulder Pads]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574835308,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574835308",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [100]
["player"] = "Xctu",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16861::::::::60:::::::|h[Bracers of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574834504,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574834504",
["cost"] = -9,
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
}, -- [101]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16801::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574834310,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574834310",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
}, -- [102]
["player"] = "Sevan",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16811::::::::60:::::::|h[Boots of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574834262,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574834262",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
}, -- [103]
["player"] = "Shubnigguraf",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16807::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Shoulder Pads]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574833689,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574833689",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
}, -- [104]
["player"] = "Sporz",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16834::::::::60:::::::|h[Cenarion Helm]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574833196,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574833196",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Garr",
}, -- [105]
["player"] = "Prosecutor",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18824::::::::60:::::::|h[Magma Tempered Boots]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574833133,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574833133",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Garr",
}, -- [106]
["player"] = "Warriordad",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16862::::::::60:::::::|h[Sabatons of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574832367,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574832367",
["cost"] = -20,
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
}, -- [107]
["player"] = "Exarch",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16814::::::::60:::::::|h[Pants of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574831745,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574831745",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
}, -- [108]
["player"] = "Liyana",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18820::::::::60:::::::|h[Talisman of Ephemeral Power]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574831696,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574831696",
["cost"] = -55,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
}, -- [109]
["player"] = "Stoof",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16855::::::::60:::::::|h[Lawbringer Legplates]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574831667,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574831667",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
}, -- [110]
["player"] = "Stoof",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16859::::::::60:::::::|h[Lawbringer Boots]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574831349,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574831349",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
}, -- [111]
["player"] = "Fj",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19147::::::::60:::::::|h[Ring of Spell Power]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574831323,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574831323",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
}, -- [112]
["player"] = "Wishiwashord",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18423::::::::60:::::::|h[Head of Onyxia]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1574397164,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574397164",
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = -25,
}, -- [113]
["player"] = "Xctu",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16908::::::::60:::::::|h[Bloodfang Hood]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1574397127,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574397127",
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = -6,
}, -- [114]
["player"] = "Shubnigguraf",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16929::::::::60:::::::|h[Nemesis Skullcap]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1574397040,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574397040",
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [115]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17078::::::::60:::::::|h[Sapphiron Drape]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1574396988,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574396988",
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = -25,
}, -- [116]
["player"] = "Schrei",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18705::::::::60:::::::|h[Mature Black Dragon Sinew]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1574233086,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574233086",
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [117]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18423::::::::60:::::::|h[Head of Onyxia]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1574233050,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574233050",
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = -25,
}, -- [118]
["player"] = "Jasmine",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18813::::::::60:::::::|h[Ring of Binding]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1574233022,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574233022",
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [119]
["player"] = "Wishiwashord",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16908::::::::60:::::::|h[Bloodfang Hood]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1574232967,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574232967",
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = -50,
}, -- [120]
["player"] = "Blazzinbob",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16963::::::::60:::::::|h[Helm of Wrath]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1574232936,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574232936",
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = -16,
}, -- [121]
["player"] = "Blazzinbob",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16962::::::::60:::::::|h[Legplates of Wrath]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574231465,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574231465",
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = -22,
}, -- [122]
["player"] = "Prosecutor",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17106::::::::60:::::::|h[Malistar's Defender]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574231384,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574231384",
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [123]
["player"] = "Prosecutor",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18815::::::::60:::::::|h[Essence of the Pure Flame]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574231327,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574231327",
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = -7,
}, -- [124]
["player"] = "Lefty",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18812::::::::60:::::::|h[Wristguards of True Flight]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574230472,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574230472",
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
["cost"] = -25,
}, -- [125]
["player"] = "Iddqd",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18805::::::::60:::::::|h[Core Hound Tooth]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574230440,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574230440",
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [126]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16798::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Robes]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574229940,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574229940",
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = -30,
}, -- [127]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17103::::::::60:::::::|h[Azuresong Mageblade]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574229853,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574229853",
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [128]
["player"] = "Harskare",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16848::::::::60:::::::|h[Giantstalker's Epaulets]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574229402,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574229402",
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [129]
["player"] = "Liyana",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16803::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Slippers]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574228447,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574228447",
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [130]
["player"] = "Odysseus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16831::::::::60:::::::|h[Cenarion Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574228396,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574228396",
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [131]
["player"] = "Liyana",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16807::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Shoulder Pads]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574227742,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574227742",
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [132]
["player"] = "Odysseus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16834::::::::60:::::::|h[Cenarion Helm]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574227439,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574227439",
["boss"] = "Garr",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [133]
["player"] = "Corpsedaddyb",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18832::::::::60:::::::|h[Brutality Blade]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574227216,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574227216",
["boss"] = "Garr",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [134]
["player"] = "Nickelback",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16826::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574226486,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574226486",
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
["cost"] = -28,
}, -- [135]
["player"] = "Hoeser",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16802::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Belt]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574226059,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574226059",
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [136]
["player"] = "Executive",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19143::::::::60:::::::|h[Flameguard Gauntlets]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574225783,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574225783",
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [137]
["player"] = "Liyana",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16810::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Pants]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574225756,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574225756",
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [138]
["player"] = "Schrei",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16847::::::::60:::::::|h[Giantstalker's Leggings]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574225705,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574225705",
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = -50,
}, -- [139]
["player"] = "Ceo",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16805::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574225581,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574225581",
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
["cost"] = -22,
}, -- [140]
["player"] = "Tubble",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16800::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Boots]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1574225460,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574225460",
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
["cost"] = -16,
}, -- [141]
["player"] = "Nickelback",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18423::::::::60:::::::|h[Head of Onyxia]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1573630047,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573630047",
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = -25,
}, -- [142]
["player"] = "Blazzinbob",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17068::::::::60:::::::|h[Deathbringer]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1573629841,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573629841",
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [143]
["player"] = "Sultan",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18423::::::::60:::::::|h[Head of Onyxia]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1573628015,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573628015",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [144]
["player"] = "Toomuchdog",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16914::::::::60:::::::|h[Netherwind Crown]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1573627971,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573627971",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Onyxia5",
}, -- [145]
["player"] = "Regularlegs",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16963::::::::60:::::::|h[Helm of Wrath]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1573627812,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573627812",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [146]
["player"] = "Xctu",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17067::::::::60:::::::|h[Ancient Cornerstone Grimoire]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1573627727,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573627727",
["cost"] = -35,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [147]
["player"] = "Jasmine",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16901::::::::60:::::::|h[Stormrage Legguards]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573624984,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573624984",
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [148]
["player"] = "Warriordad",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17102::::::::60:::::::|h[Cloak of the Shrouded Mists]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573624911,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573624911",
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = -25,
}, -- [149]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19138::::::::60:::::::|h[Band of Sulfuras]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573624880,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573624880",
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = -7,
}, -- [150]
["player"] = "Melarina",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16922::::::::60:::::::|h[Leggings of Transcendence]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573624788,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573624788",
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = -50,
}, -- [151]
["player"] = "Exarch",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18809::::::::60:::::::|h[Sash of Whispered Secrets]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573624123,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573624123",
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [152]
["player"] = "Babylegs",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19136::::::::60:::::::|h[Mana Igniting Cord]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573623694,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573623694",
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [153]
["player"] = "Fj",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16809::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Robes]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573623665,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573623665",
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = -6,
}, -- [154]
["player"] = "Blazzinbob",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16868::::::::60:::::::|h[Pauldrons of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573623074,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573623074",
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [155]
["player"] = "Lefty",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16852::::::::60:::::::|h[Giantstalker's Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573622196,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573622196",
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [156]
["player"] = "Strykn",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16824::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Boots]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573622152,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573622152",
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
["cost"] = -26,
}, -- [157]
["player"] = "Odysseus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16836::::::::60:::::::|h[Cenarion Spaulders]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573621419,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573621419",
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [158]
["player"] = "Fj",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16807::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Shoulder Pads]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573621365,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573621365",
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
["cost"] = -8,
}, -- [159]
["player"] = "Dretti",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16813::::::::60:::::::|h[Circlet of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573620942,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573620942",
["boss"] = "Garr",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [160]
["player"] = "Corpsedaddyb",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18821::::::::60:::::::|h[Quick Strike Ring]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573620868,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573620868",
["boss"] = "Garr",
["cost"] = -25,
}, -- [161]
["player"] = "Executive",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16861::::::::60:::::::|h[Bracers of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573619638,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573619638",
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [162]
["player"] = "Melarina",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16819::::::::60:::::::|h[Vambraces of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573619572,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573619572",
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = -25,
}, -- [163]
["player"] = "Odysseus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16835::::::::60:::::::|h[Cenarion Leggings]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573619453,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573619453",
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = -8,
}, -- [164]
["player"] = "Liyana",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19136::::::::60:::::::|h[Mana Igniting Cord]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573619397,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573619397",
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [165]
["player"] = "Strykn",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16822::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Pants]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573619368,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573619368",
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = -6,
}, -- [166]
["player"] = "Blazzinbob",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18879::::::::60:::::::|h[Heavy Dark Iron Ring]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573618965,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573618965",
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
["cost"] = -11,
}, -- [167]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17109::::::::60:::::::|h[Choker of Enlightenment]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573618902,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573618902",
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
["cost"] = -25,
}, -- [168]
["player"] = "Harskare",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18423::::::::60:::::::|h[Head of Onyxia]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1573193411,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573193411",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [169]
["player"] = "Babylegs",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17067::::::::60:::::::|h[Ancient Cornerstone Grimoire]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1573193303,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573193303",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [170]
["player"] = "Fj",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16930::::::::60:::::::|h[Nemesis Leggings]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573021199,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573021199",
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [171]
["player"] = "Nickelback",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17063::::::::60:::::::|h[Band of Accuria]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573021167,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573021167",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [172]
["player"] = "Regularlegs",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18817::::::::60:::::::|h[Crown of Destruction]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573021139,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573021139",
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [173]
["player"] = "Sporz",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18811::::::::60:::::::|h[Fireproof Cloak]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573020372,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573020372",
["cost"] = -10,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [174]
["player"] = "Sylve",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19140::::::::60:::::::|h[Cauterizing Band]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573020310,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573020310",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [175]
["player"] = "Viscount",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18842::::::::60:::::::|h[Staff of Dominance]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573019930,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573019930",
["cost"] = -80,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [176]
["player"] = "Tubble",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16798::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Robes]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573019901,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573019901",
["cost"] = -55,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [177]
["player"] = "Wakeness",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16868::::::::60:::::::|h[Pauldrons of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573019411,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573019411",
["cost"] = -30,
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [178]
["player"] = "Lefty",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16848::::::::60:::::::|h[Giantstalker's Epaulets]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573019345,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573019345",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [179]
["player"] = "Snappers",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16803::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Slippers]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573018341,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573018341",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
}, -- [180]
["player"] = "Tyrendian",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16801::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573018310,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573018310",
["cost"] = -11,
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
}, -- [181]
["player"] = "Iddqd",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16827::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Belt]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573018141,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573018141",
["cost"] = -10,
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
}, -- [182]
["player"] = "Leand",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16799::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Bindings]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573018017,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573018017",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
}, -- [183]
["player"] = "Tyrendian",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16799::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Bindings]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573017975,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573017975",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
}, -- [184]
["player"] = "Wishiwashord",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16827::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Belt]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573017788,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573017788",
["cost"] = -28,
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
}, -- [185]
["player"] = "Snappers",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17110::::::::60:::::::|h[Seal of the Archmagus]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573017613,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573017613",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
}, -- [186]
["player"] = "Snappers",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19142::::::::60:::::::|h[Fire Runed Grimoire]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573017581,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573017581",
["cost"] = -35,
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
}, -- [187]
["player"] = "Tubble",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16795::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Crown]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573017131,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573017131",
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Garr",
}, -- [188]
["player"] = "Strykn",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16826::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573016331,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573016331",
["cost"] = -27,
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
}, -- [189]
["player"] = "Xctu",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16822::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Pants]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573015855,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573015855",
["cost"] = -6,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
}, -- [190]
["player"] = "Thrist",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18861::::::::60:::::::|h[Flamewaker Legplates]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1573015544,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573015544",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
}, -- [191]
["player"] = "Prosecutor",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18423::::::::60:::::::|h[Head of Onyxia]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1573013925,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573013925",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [192]
["player"] = "Sevan",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16921::::::::60:::::::|h[Halo of Transcendence]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1573013816,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573013816",
["cost"] = -7,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [193]
["player"] = "Snappers",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17067::::::::60:::::::|h[Ancient Cornerstone Grimoire]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1573013760,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573013760",
["cost"] = -10,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [194]
["player"] = "Wakeness",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16962::::::::60:::::::|h[Legplates of Wrath]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572413601,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572413601",
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = -50,
}, -- [195]
["player"] = "Xctu",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18816::::::::60:::::::|h[Perdition's Blade]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572413154,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572413154",
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [196]
["player"] = "Wakeness",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18806::::::::60:::::::|h[Core Forged Greaves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572412538,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572412538",
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
["cost"] = -15,
}, -- [197]
["player"] = "Exarch",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18646::::::::60:::::::|h[The Eye of Divinity]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572412370,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572412370",
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
["cost"] = -55,
}, -- [198]
["player"] = "Blazzinbob",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16861::::::::60:::::::|h[Bracers of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572412325,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572412325",
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
["cost"] = -25,
}, -- [199]
["player"] = "Tyrendian",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17103::::::::60:::::::|h[Azuresong Mageblade]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572411912,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572411912",
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [200]
["player"] = "Babylegs",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16809::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Robes]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572411875,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572411875",
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [201]
["player"] = "Bubbelhearth",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16853::::::::60:::::::|h[Lawbringer Chestguard]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572411802,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572411802",
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [202]
["player"] = "Odysseus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16828::::::::60:::::::|h[Cenarion Belt]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572411521,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572411521",
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [203]
["player"] = "Exarch",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16816::::::::60:::::::|h[Mantle of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572411300,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572411300",
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [204]
["player"] = "Strykn",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16823::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Shoulder Pads]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572411250,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572411250",
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [205]
["player"] = "Exarch",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19147::::::::60:::::::|h[Ring of Spell Power]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572410028,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572410028",
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
["cost"] = -25,
}, -- [206]
["player"] = "Leand",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16801::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572410000,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572410000",
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [207]
["player"] = "Strykn",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16825::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Bracelets]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572409537,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572409537",
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
["cost"] = -15,
}, -- [208]
["player"] = "Blazzinbob",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18822::::::::60:::::::|h[Obsidian Edged Blade]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572409490,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572409490",
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
["cost"] = -80,
}, -- [209]
["player"] = "Ceo",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16807::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Shoulder Pads]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572409445,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572409445",
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
["cost"] = -26,
}, -- [210]
["player"] = "Babylegs",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16804::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Bracers]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572409160,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572409160",
["boss"] = "Garr",
["cost"] = -25,
}, -- [211]
["player"] = "Snappers",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18820::::::::60:::::::|h[Talisman of Ephemeral Power]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572408968,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572408968",
["boss"] = "Garr",
["cost"] = -55,
}, -- [212]
["player"] = "Melarina",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16813::::::::60:::::::|h[Circlet of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572408940,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572408940",
["boss"] = "Garr",
["cost"] = -50,
}, -- [213]
["player"] = "Blazzinbob",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16866::::::::60:::::::|h[Helm of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572408887,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572408887",
["boss"] = "Garr",
["cost"] = -30,
}, -- [214]
["player"] = "Tubble",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16802::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Belt]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572408451,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572408451",
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [215]
["player"] = "Snappers",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16806::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Belt]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572408318,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572408318",
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [216]
["player"] = "Lefty",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16849::::::::60:::::::|h[Giantstalker's Boots]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572408246,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572408246",
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [217]
["player"] = "Tyrendian",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19142::::::::60:::::::|h[Fire Runed Grimoire]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572407689,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572407689",
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = -19,
}, -- [218]
["player"] = "Wishiwashord",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16822::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Pants]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572407575,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572407575",
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = -17,
}, -- [219]
["player"] = "Bubbelhearth",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18875::::::::60:::::::|h[Salamander Scale Pants]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572407225,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572407225",
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
["cost"] = -50,
}, -- [220]
["player"] = "Viscount",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16800::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Boots]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1572407186,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572407186",
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [221]
["player"] = "Blazzinbob",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18205::::::::60:::::::|h[Eskhandar's Collar]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1572405575,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572405575",
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [222]
["player"] = "Leand",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16914::::::::60:::::::|h[Netherwind Crown]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1572405542,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572405542",
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = -22,
}, -- [223]
["player"] = "Bubbelhearth",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16955::::::::60:::::::|h[Judgement Crown]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1572405470,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572405470",
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = -7,
}, -- [224]
["player"] = "Strykn",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18423::::::::60:::::::|h[Head of Onyxia]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1572405349,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572405349",
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
["cost"] = -25,
}, -- [225]
["player"] = "Executive",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17063::::::::60:::::::|h[Band of Accuria]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571809294,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571809294",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [226]
["player"] = "Sporz",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16901::::::::60:::::::|h[Stormrage Legguards]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571809259,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571809259",
["cost"] = -15,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [227]
["player"] = "Tyrendian",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18814::::::::60:::::::|h[Choker of the Fire Lord]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571809147,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571809147",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [228]
["player"] = "Sevan",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16922::::::::60:::::::|h[Leggings of Transcendence]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571809117,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571809117",
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [229]
["player"] = "Sevan",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16819::::::::60:::::::|h[Vambraces of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571808342,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571808342",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [230]
["player"] = "Sevan",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18646::::::::60:::::::|h[The Eye of Divinity]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571808306,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571808306",
["cost"] = -55,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [231]
["player"] = "Yip",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18805::::::::60:::::::|h[Core Hound Tooth]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571808279,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571808279",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [232]
["player"] = "Warriordad",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18806::::::::60:::::::|h[Core Forged Greaves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571808250,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571808250",
["cost"] = -16,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [233]
["player"] = "Lefty",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16845::::::::60:::::::|h[Giantstalker's Breastplate]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571807870,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571807870",
["cost"] = -55,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [234]
["player"] = "Exarch",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18820::::::::60:::::::|h[Talisman of Ephemeral Power]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571807802,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571807802",
["cost"] = -55,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [235]
["player"] = "Negus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16820::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Chestpiece]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571807772,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571807772",
["cost"] = -55,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [236]
["player"] = "Blazzinbob",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18861::::::::60:::::::|h[Flamewaker Legplates]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571807318,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571807318",
["cost"] = -20,
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
}, -- [237]
["player"] = "Melarina",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16816::::::::60:::::::|h[Mantle of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571807223,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571807223",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
}, -- [238]
["player"] = "Viscount",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16801::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571806366,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571806366",
["cost"] = -14,
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
}, -- [239]
["player"] = "Fj",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16803::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Slippers]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571806296,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571806296",
["cost"] = -12,
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
}, -- [240]
["player"] = "Shiftytwo",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16851::::::::60:::::::|h[Giantstalker's Belt]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571805900,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571805900",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Garr",
}, -- [241]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17110::::::::60:::::::|h[Seal of the Archmagus]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571805625,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571805625",
["cost"] = -6,
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
}, -- [242]
["player"] = "Sporz",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16836::::::::60:::::::|h[Cenarion Spaulders]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571805554,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571805554",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
}, -- [243]
["player"] = "Viscount",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19136::::::::60:::::::|h[Mana Igniting Cord]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571804761,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571804761",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Garr",
}, -- [244]
["player"] = "Negus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16821::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Cover]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571804727,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571804727",
["cost"] = -36,
["boss"] = "Garr",
}, -- [245]
["player"] = "Shiftytwo",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16846::::::::60:::::::|h[Giantstalker's Helmet]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571804604,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571804604",
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Garr",
}, -- [246]
["player"] = "Melarina",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16817::::::::60:::::::|h[Girdle of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571804248,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571804248",
["cost"] = -20,
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
}, -- [247]
["player"] = "Odysseus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18879::::::::60:::::::|h[Heavy Dark Iron Ring]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571803349,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571803349",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
}, -- [248]
["player"] = "Negus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16826::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571803314,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571803314",
["cost"] = -31,
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
}, -- [249]
["player"] = "Shiftytwo",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16850::::::::60:::::::|h[Giantstalker's Bracers]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571803030,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571803030",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
}, -- [250]
["player"] = "Ceo",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19142::::::::60:::::::|h[Fire Runed Grimoire]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571802346,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571802346",
["cost"] = -15,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
}, -- [251]
["player"] = "Ceo",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16810::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Pants]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571802280,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571802280",
["cost"] = -22,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
}, -- [252]
["player"] = "Sporz",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16829::::::::60:::::::|h[Cenarion Boots]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571802047,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571802047",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
}, -- [253]
["player"] = "Babylegs",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16805::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571801969,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571801969",
["cost"] = -13,
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
}, -- [254]
["player"] = "Lefty",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16939::::::::60:::::::|h[Dragonstalker's Helm]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1571800600,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571800600",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [255]
["player"] = "Tyrendian",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16914::::::::60:::::::|h[Netherwind Crown]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1571800513,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571800513",
["cost"] = -14,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [256]
["player"] = "Lefty",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18423::::::::60:::::::|h[Head of Onyxia]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1571800452,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571800452",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [257]
["player"] = "Odysseus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18205::::::::60:::::::|h[Eskhandar's Collar]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1571800396,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571800396",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [258]
["player"] = "Prosecutor",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16954::::::::60:::::::|h[Judgement Legplates]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571203118,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203118",
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [259]
["player"] = "Warriordad",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17107::::::::60:::::::|h[Dragon's Blood Cape]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571203086,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203086",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [260]
["player"] = "Ceo",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19138::::::::60:::::::|h[Band of Sulfuras]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571203050,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203050",
["cost"] = -12,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [261]
["player"] = "Slothland",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16901::::::::60:::::::|h[Stormrage Legguards]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571202976,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571202976",
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [262]
["player"] = "Zerp",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18703::::::::60:::::::|h[Ancient Petrified Leaf]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571202298,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571202298",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [263]
["player"] = "Shubnigguraf",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18811::::::::60:::::::|h[Fireproof Cloak]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571202268,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571202268",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [264]
["player"] = "Sevan",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19140::::::::60:::::::|h[Cauterizing Band]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571202206,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571202206",
["cost"] = -25,
["boss"] = "Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [265]
["player"] = "Bel",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18820::::::::60:::::::|h[Talisman of Ephemeral Power]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571201880,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571201880",
["cost"] = -55,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [266]
["player"] = "Ceo",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16809::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Robes]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571201835,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571201835",
["cost"] = -28,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [267]
["player"] = "Ashley",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16816::::::::60:::::::|h[Mantle of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571201242,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571201242",
["cost"] = -15,
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [268]
["player"] = "Thrist",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16868::::::::60:::::::|h[Pauldrons of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571201172,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571201172",
["cost"] = -7,
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [269]
["player"] = "Slothland",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16831::::::::60:::::::|h[Cenarion Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571200033,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571200033",
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [270]
["player"] = "Ceo",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16803::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Slippers]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571199970,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571199970",
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
["cost"] = -13,
}, -- [271]
["player"] = "Tubble",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16797::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Mantle]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571199379,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571199379",
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
["cost"] = -12,
}, -- [272]
["player"] = "Slothland",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16836::::::::60:::::::|h[Cenarion Spaulders]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571199255,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571199255",
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [273]
["player"] = "Strykn",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17071::::::::60:::::::|h[Gutgore Ripper]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571198636,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571198636",
["boss"] = "Garr",
["cost"] = -45,
}, -- [274]
["player"] = "Jasmine",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17105::::::::60:::::::|h[Aurastone Hammer]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571198591,
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Garr",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571198591",
}, -- [275]
["player"] = "Wakeness",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16866::::::::60:::::::|h[Helm of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571198529,
["cost"] = -15,
["boss"] = "Garr",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571198529",
}, -- [276]
["player"] = "Sevan",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16812::::::::60:::::::|h[Gloves of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571197616,
["cost"] = -7,
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571197616",
}, -- [277]
["player"] = "Executive",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16862::::::::60:::::::|h[Sabatons of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571197504,
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Gehennas",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571197504",
}, -- [278]
["player"] = "Iddqd",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18823::::::::60:::::::|h[Aged Core Leather Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571196899,
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571196899",
}, -- [279]
["player"] = "Negus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16822::::::::60:::::::|h[Nightslayer Pants]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571196855,
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571196855",
}, -- [280]
["player"] = "Shubnigguraf",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16805::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571196400,
["cost"] = -23,
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571196400",
}, -- [281]
["player"] = "Slothland",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16829::::::::60:::::::|h[Cenarion Boots]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1571196298,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571196298",
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
["cost"] = -5,
}, -- [282]
["player"] = "Ashley",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16922::::::::60:::::::|h[Leggings of Transcendence]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570599571,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = -41,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570599571",
}, -- [283]
["player"] = "Stoof",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17106::::::::60:::::::|h[Malistar's Defender]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570599510,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
["cost"] = -5,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570599510",
}, -- [284]
["player"] = "Ashley",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19138::::::::60:::::::|h[Band of Sulfuras]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570599429,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570599429",
["cost"] = -18,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [285]
["player"] = "Jjd",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16938::::::::60:::::::|h[Dragonstalker's Legguards]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570599299,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570599299",
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Ragnaros",
}, -- [286]
["player"] = "Shiftytwo",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18703::::::::60:::::::|h[Ancient Petrified Leaf]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570598506,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = -5,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570598506",
}, -- [287]
["player"] = "Odysseus",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19139::::::::60:::::::|h[Fireguard Shoulders]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570598461,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = -5,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570598461",
}, -- [288]
["player"] = "Jasmine",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18810::::::::60:::::::|h[Wild Growth Spaulders]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570598387,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = -45,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570598387",
}, -- [289]
["player"] = "Stoof",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16853::::::::60:::::::|h[Lawbringer Chestguard]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570598009,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = -9,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570598009",
}, -- [290]
["player"] = "Snappers",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16809::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Robes]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570597931,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
["cost"] = -20,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570597931",
}, -- [291]
["player"] = "Perkys",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18822::::::::60:::::::|h[Obsidian Edged Blade]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570597836,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570597836",
["cost"] = -7,
["boss"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [292]
["player"] = "Ellionora",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16816::::::::60:::::::|h[Mantle of Prophecy]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570597170,
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
["cost"] = -45,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570597170",
}, -- [293]
["player"] = "Warriordad",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16868::::::::60:::::::|h[Pauldrons of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570597134,
["boss"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
["cost"] = -20,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570597134",
}, -- [294]
["player"] = "Ceo",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18878::::::::60:::::::|h[Sorcerous Dagger]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570595953,
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
["cost"] = -23,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570595953",
}, -- [295]
["player"] = "Tubble",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16801::::::::60:::::::|h[Arcanist Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570595848,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570595848",
["cost"] = -12,
["boss"] = "Shazzrah",
}, -- [296]
["player"] = "Shubnigguraf",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:17110::::::::60:::::::|h[Seal of the Archmagus]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570595165,
["boss"] = "Baron Geddon",
["cost"] = -12,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570595165",
}, -- [297]
["player"] = "Prosecutor",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18822::::::::60:::::::|h[Obsidian Edged Blade]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570594569,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570594569",
["cost"] = -10,
["boss"] = "Garr",
}, -- [298]
["player"] = "Stoof",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16854::::::::60:::::::|h[Lawbringer Helm]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570594340,
["boss"] = "Garr",
["cost"] = -50,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570594340",
}, -- [299]
["player"] = "Warriordad",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18822::::::::60:::::::|h[Obsidian Edged Blade]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570592794,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = -10,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570592794",
}, -- [300]
["player"] = "Executive",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16867::::::::60:::::::|h[Legplates of Might]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570592720,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = -5,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570592720",
}, -- [301]
["player"] = "Shubnigguraf",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16810::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Pants]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570592659,
["boss"] = "Magmadar",
["cost"] = -50,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570592659",
}, -- [302]
["player"] = "Fj",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16805::::::::60:::::::|h[Felheart Gloves]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570592328,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570592328",
["cost"] = -45,
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
}, -- [303]
["player"] = "Jasmine",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16829::::::::60:::::::|h[Cenarion Boots]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Molten Core",
["date"] = 1570592289,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570592289",
["cost"] = -10,
["boss"] = "Lucifron",
}, -- [304]
["player"] = "Babylegs",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16929::::::::60:::::::|h[Nemesis Skullcap]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1570159140,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570159140",
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [305]
["player"] = "Strykn",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:16908::::::::60:::::::|h[Bloodfang Hood]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1570159053,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570159053",
["cost"] = -50,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [306]
["player"] = "Warriordad",
["loot"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18205::::::::60:::::::|h[Eskhandar's Collar]|h|r",
["zone"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
["date"] = 1570159006,
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570159006",
["cost"] = -5,
["boss"] = "Onyxia",
}, -- [307]
["seed"] = 0,
MonDKP_DKPTable = {
["previous_dkp"] = -458,
["dkp"] = 557,
["spec"] = "Holy (21/30/0)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1167,
["player"] = "Ashley",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["rankName"] = "Officer",
["role"] = "Healer",
["lifetime_spent"] = -229,
["rank"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["previous_dkp"] = -286,
["dkp"] = 278,
["spec"] = "Affliction (30/0/21)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 725,
["player"] = "Babylegs",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Caster DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -143,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [2]
["previous_dkp"] = -120,
["rankName"] = "Member",
["spec"] = "Discipline (31/20/0)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 380,
["player"] = "Basileus",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["dkp"] = 105,
["role"] = "Healer",
["lifetime_spent"] = -190,
["rank"] = 4,
}, -- [3]
["previous_dkp"] = -1026,
["dkp"] = 372,
["spec"] = "Frost (17/0/34)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1170,
["player"] = "Bel",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Caster DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -513,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [4]
["previous_dkp"] = -600,
["dkp"] = 390,
["spec"] = "Fury (17/34/0)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 835,
["player"] = "Blazzinbob",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["rankName"] = "Member",
["role"] = "Melee DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -311,
["rank"] = 4,
}, -- [5]
["previous_dkp"] = -110,
["dkp"] = 264,
["spec"] = "Affliction (30/0/21)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 425,
["player"] = "Bobmarlock",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["lifetime_spent"] = -105,
["role"] = "Caster DPS",
["rankName"] = "Member",
["rank"] = 4,
}, -- [6]
["previous_dkp"] = 0,
["dkp"] = 613,
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1155,
["player"] = "Bubbelhearth",
["class"] = "PALADIN",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["lifetime_spent"] = -212,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [7]
["previous_dkp"] = 0,
["rankName"] = "Member",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["lifetime_gained"] = 0,
["player"] = "Castellan",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["dkp"] = 0,
["lifetime_spent"] = 0,
["rank"] = 4,
}, -- [8]
["previous_dkp"] = 423,
["dkp"] = 176,
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 395,
["player"] = "Catatonic",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["lifetime_spent"] = 0,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [9]
["previous_dkp"] = -432,
["dkp"] = 524,
["spec"] = "Demonology (9/31/11)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1055,
["player"] = "Ceo",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Caster DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -216,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [10]
["previous_dkp"] = -170,
["dkp"] = 764,
["spec"] = "Fury (17/34/0)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1245,
["player"] = "Corpsedaddyb",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Melee DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -85,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [11]
["previous_dkp"] = 423,
["dkp"] = 176,
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 380,
["player"] = "Cougar",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["lifetime_spent"] = 0,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [12]
["previous_dkp"] = 185,
["dkp"] = 77,
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 240,
["player"] = "Cuisine",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["lifetime_spent"] = 0,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [13]
["previous_dkp"] = 0,
["rankName"] = "Member",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["lifetime_gained"] = 85,
["player"] = "Deatholution",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["dkp"] = 72,
["lifetime_spent"] = 0,
["rank"] = 4,
}, -- [14]
["previous_dkp"] = 0,
["rankName"] = "Member",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["lifetime_gained"] = 0,
["player"] = "Dibbletiki",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["dkp"] = 0,
["lifetime_spent"] = 0,
["rank"] = 4,
}, -- [15]
["previous_dkp"] = -10,
["rankName"] = "Member",
["spec"] = "Holy (21/30/0)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 285,
["player"] = "Dretti",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["dkp"] = 161,
["role"] = "Healer",
["lifetime_spent"] = -60,
["rank"] = 4,
}, -- [16]
["previous_dkp"] = -90,
["dkp"] = 26,
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 230,
["player"] = "Ellionora",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["rankName"] = "Social",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["lifetime_spent"] = -45,
["rank"] = 7,
}, -- [17]
["previous_dkp"] = -380,
["dkp"] = 671,
["spec"] = "Shadow (11/0/40)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1205,
["player"] = "Exarch",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["rankName"] = "Officer",
["role"] = "Caster DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -195,
["rank"] = 2,
}, -- [18]
["previous_dkp"] = -310,
["dkp"] = 706,
["spec"] = "Fury (3/31/17)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1255,
["player"] = "Executive",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Melee DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -181,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [19]
["previous_dkp"] = -382,
["dkp"] = 659,
["spec"] = "Affliction (30/0/21)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1225,
["player"] = "Fj",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Caster DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -191,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [20]
["previous_dkp"] = -140,
["dkp"] = 618,
["spec"] = "Marksmanship (2/31/18)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1255,
["player"] = "Harskare",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["rankName"] = "GM",
["role"] = "Range DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -125,
["rank"] = 1,
}, -- [21]
["previous_dkp"] = -190,
["rankName"] = "Member",
["spec"] = "Frost (17/0/34)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 420,
["player"] = "Hoeser",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["dkp"] = 178,
["role"] = "Caster DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -175,
["rank"] = 4,
}, -- [22]
["previous_dkp"] = -290,
["dkp"] = 648,
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1235,
["player"] = "Iddqd",
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["rankName"] = "GM",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["lifetime_spent"] = -200,
["rank"] = 0,
}, -- [23]
["previous_dkp"] = -320,
["dkp"] = 647,
["spec"] = "Restoration (2/15/34)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1240,
["player"] = "Jasmine",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["rankName"] = "Officer",
["role"] = "Healer",
["lifetime_spent"] = -165,
["rank"] = 2,
}, -- [24]
["previous_dkp"] = -104,
["dkp"] = 154,
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 295,
["player"] = "Leand",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["lifetime_spent"] = -52,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [25]
["previous_dkp"] = -510,
["dkp"] = 550,
["spec"] = "Marksmanship (0/31/20)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1130,
["player"] = "Lefty",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Range DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -255,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [26]
["previous_dkp"] = -280,
["dkp"] = 317,
["spec"] = "Destruction (9/21/21)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 692,
["player"] = "Liyana",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Caster DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -140,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [27]
["previous_dkp"] = 0,
["rankName"] = "Member",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["lifetime_gained"] = 0,
["player"] = "Lonalbenzo",
["role"] = "Caster DPS",
["spec"] = "Frost (2/0/33)",
["dkp"] = 0,
["lifetime_spent"] = 0,
["rank"] = 4,
}, -- [28]
["previous_dkp"] = -590,
["dkp"] = 279,
["spec"] = "Holy (21/30/0)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 655,
["player"] = "Melarina",
["lifetime_spent"] = -295,
["rankName"] = "Member",
["role"] = "Healer",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["rank"] = 4,
}, -- [29]
["previous_dkp"] = -344,
["dkp"] = 474,
["spec"] = "Combat (19/32/0)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 895,
["player"] = "Negus",
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Melee DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -172,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [30]
["previous_dkp"] = -156,
["dkp"] = 644,
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1185,
["player"] = "Nickelback",
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["lifetime_spent"] = -173,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [31]
["previous_dkp"] = -152,
["dkp"] = 553,
["spec"] = "Feral Combat (13/31/7)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1020,
["player"] = "Odysseus",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Tank",
["lifetime_spent"] = -76,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [32]
["previous_dkp"] = -14,
["dkp"] = 771,
["spec"] = "Fury (17/34/0)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1220,
["player"] = "Perkys",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Melee DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -32,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [33]
["previous_dkp"] = 0,
["dkp"] = 707,
["spec"] = "Holy (35/11/5)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1225,
["player"] = "Prosecutor",
["class"] = "PALADIN",
["rankName"] = "Officer",
["role"] = "Healer",
["lifetime_spent"] = -102,
["rank"] = 2,
}, -- [34]
["previous_dkp"] = -110,
["rankName"] = "Member",
["spec"] = "Fury (17/34/0)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 263,
["player"] = "Regularlegs",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["dkp"] = 130,
["role"] = "Melee DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -55,
["rank"] = 4,
}, -- [35]
["previous_dkp"] = -260,
["rankName"] = "Member",
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 570,
["player"] = "Schrei",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["dkp"] = 368,
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["lifetime_spent"] = -130,
["rank"] = 4,
}, -- [36]
["previous_dkp"] = 0,
["rankName"] = "Member",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["lifetime_gained"] = 0,
["player"] = "Scrabs",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["dkp"] = 0,
["lifetime_spent"] = 0,
["rank"] = 4,
}, -- [37]
["previous_dkp"] = -538,
["dkp"] = 540,
["spec"] = "Discipline (31/20/0)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1105,
["player"] = "Sevan",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["rankName"] = "Officer",
["role"] = "Healer",
["lifetime_spent"] = -269,
["rank"] = 2,
}, -- [38]
["previous_dkp"] = -300,
["dkp"] = 579,
["spec"] = "Marksmanship (0/31/20)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1060,
["player"] = "Shiftytwo",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Range DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -150,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [39]
["previous_dkp"] = 131,
["dkp"] = 54,
["lifetime_spent"] = 0,
["lifetime_gained"] = 70,
["player"] = "Shogun",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["spec"] = "Marksmanship (12/21/18)",
["role"] = "Range DPS",
["rankName"] = "None",
["rank"] = 20,
}, -- [40]
["previous_dkp"] = -270,
["dkp"] = 516,
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 902,
["player"] = "Shubnigguraf",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["lifetime_spent"] = -135,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [41]
["previous_dkp"] = -130,
["dkp"] = 317,
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 635,
["player"] = "Slothland",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["lifetime_spent"] = -65,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [42]
["previous_dkp"] = -470,
["dkp"] = 154,
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 640,
["player"] = "Snappers",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["rankName"] = "Officer",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["lifetime_spent"] = -235,
["rank"] = 2,
}, -- [43]
["previous_dkp"] = -80,
["dkp"] = 237,
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 535,
["player"] = "Sporz",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["rankName"] = "Officer",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["lifetime_spent"] = -40,
["rank"] = 2,
}, -- [44]
["previous_dkp"] = 0,
["dkp"] = 428,
["spec"] = "Holy (35/11/5)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 909,
["player"] = "Stoof",
["class"] = "PALADIN",
["rankName"] = "Officer",
["role"] = "Healer",
["lifetime_spent"] = -214,
["rank"] = 2,
}, -- [45]
["previous_dkp"] = -478,
["dkp"] = 603,
["spec"] = "Subtlety (21/8/22)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1220,
["player"] = "Strykn",
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Melee DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -309,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [46]
["previous_dkp"] = -80,
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["spec"] = "Combat (19/32/0)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 770,
["player"] = "Sultan",
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["dkp"] = 512,
["role"] = "Melee DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -90,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [47]
["previous_dkp"] = 0,
["dkp"] = 698,
["spec"] = "Holy (35/11/5)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1195,
["player"] = "Sylve",
["class"] = "PALADIN",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Healer",
["lifetime_spent"] = -95,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [48]
["previous_dkp"] = -24,
["dkp"] = 208,
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 385,
["player"] = "Thrist",
["lifetime_spent"] = -12,
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [49]
["previous_dkp"] = 0,
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["lifetime_gained"] = 175,
["player"] = "Tlc",
["role"] = "Healer",
["spec"] = "Holy (21/30/0)",
["dkp"] = 154,
["lifetime_spent"] = -9,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [50]
["previous_dkp"] = -42,
["dkp"] = 388,
["class"] = "MAGE",
["lifetime_gained"] = 542,
["player"] = "Toomuchdog",
["lifetime_spent"] = -76,
["spec"] = "Frost (0/21/30)",
["role"] = "Caster DPS",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [51]
["previous_dkp"] = -560,
["dkp"] = 560,
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1055,
["player"] = "Tubble",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["lifetime_spent"] = -280,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [52]
["previous_dkp"] = -278,
["dkp"] = 641,
["spec"] = "Frost (17/0/34)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1150,
["player"] = "Tyrendian",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Caster DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -184,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [53]
["previous_dkp"] = 0,
["rankName"] = "Member",
["class"] = "PALADIN",
["lifetime_gained"] = 0,
["player"] = "Vexu",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["dkp"] = 0,
["lifetime_spent"] = 0,
["rank"] = 4,
}, -- [54]
["previous_dkp"] = -368,
["dkp"] = 484,
["spec"] = "Frost (9/0/42)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1045,
["player"] = "Viscount",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Caster DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -184,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [55]
["previous_dkp"] = -220,
["dkp"] = 105,
["spec"] = "Fury (0/31/20)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 315,
["player"] = "Wakeness",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["rankName"] = "Alt",
["role"] = "Melee DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -110,
["rank"] = 6,
}, -- [56]
["previous_dkp"] = -344,
["dkp"] = 637,
["spec"] = "Protection (13/5/33)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1205,
["player"] = "Warriordad",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Tank",
["lifetime_spent"] = -202,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [57]
["previous_dkp"] = -240,
["dkp"] = 447,
["spec"] = "Combat (19/32/0)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 795,
["player"] = "Wishiwashord",
["lifetime_spent"] = -165,
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Melee DPS",
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [58]
["previous_dkp"] = -394,
["dkp"] = 574,
["spec"] = "Combat (15/31/5)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1211,
["player"] = "Xctu",
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Melee DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -247,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [59]
["previous_dkp"] = -90,
["dkp"] = 775,
["spec"] = "Fury (17/34/0)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 1239,
["player"] = "Yip",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "Melee DPS",
["lifetime_spent"] = -70,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [60]
["previous_dkp"] = -10,
["dkp"] = 37,
["spec"] = "No Spec Reported",
["lifetime_gained"] = 75,
["player"] = "Zerp",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["rankName"] = "Raider",
["role"] = "No Role Detected",
["lifetime_spent"] = -5,
["rank"] = 3,
}, -- [61]
["previous_dkp"] = -10,
["dkp"] = 350,
["spec"] = "Marksmanship (0/31/20)",
["lifetime_gained"] = 450,
["player"] = "Zilzag",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["lifetime_spent"] = -5,
["role"] = "Range DPS",
["rankName"] = "Member",
["rank"] = 4,
}, -- [62]
MonDKP_DKPHistory = {
["players"] = "Ceo,",
["index"] = "Harskare-1577959006",
["dkp"] = 65,
["date"] = 1577959006,
["reason"] = "Other - MC/Ony 12/26(Missed first 3 bosses)",
}, -- [1]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Basileus,Bel,Blazzinbob,Bobmarlock,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Cuisine,Deatholution,Dretti,Ellionora,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Hoeser,Iddqd,Jasmine,Leand,Lefty,Liyana,Melarina,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Regularlegs,Schrei,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shogun,Shubnigguraf,Slothland,Snappers,Sporz,Stoof,Strykn,Sultan,Sylve,Thrist,Tlc,Toomuchdog,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Wakeness,Warriordad,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Yip,Zerp,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Harskare-1577921620",
["dkp"] = "-29,-15,-6,-20,-21,-14,-32,-9,-24,-40,-9,-4,-4,-8,-1,-35,-37,-35,-33,-9,-34,-34,-8,-29,-17,-15,-25,-34,-29,-41,-37,-7,-19,-28,-30,-3,-27,-17,-8,-12,-23,-32,-27,-37,-11,-8,-20,-29,-34,-25,-6,-34,-24,-30,-41,-2,-18,-5%",
["date"] = 1577921620,
["reason"] = "Weekly Decay",
}, -- [2]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1577428712,
["reason"] = "Other - Deathbringer",
}, -- [3]
["players"] = "Toomuchdog,",
["dkp"] = 7,
["date"] = 1577428648,
["reason"] = "Other - GRIMORE",
}, -- [4]
["players"] = "Ashley,",
["dkp"] = 7,
["date"] = 1577428590,
["reason"] = "Other - Head of Ony",
}, -- [5]
["players"] = "Hoeser,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1577428556,
["reason"] = "Other - T2 helm",
}, -- [6]
["players"] = "Harskare,Perkys,Odysseus,Prosecutor,Ceo,Executive,Tyrendian,Tubble,Nickelback,Exarch,Sultan,Bobmarlock,Yip,Strykn,Basileus,Tlc,Bubbelhearth,",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1577426604,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [7]
["players"] = "Yip,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Exarch,Harskare,Fj,Jasmine,Iddqd,Nickelback,Tyrendian,Warriordad,Strykn,Xctu,Tubble,Odysseus,Ashley,Sevan,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Dretti,Tlc,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1577425687,
["reason"] = "Other - Complete Ony+boss kill",
}, -- [8]
["players"] = "Yip,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Exarch,Harskare,Fj,Jasmine,Iddqd,Nickelback,Tyrendian,Warriordad,Strykn,Xctu,Tubble,Odysseus,Ashley,Sevan,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Dretti,Tlc,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1577425666,
["reason"] = "Other - Complete MC",
}, -- [9]
["players"] = "Yip,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Exarch,Harskare,Fj,Jasmine,Iddqd,Nickelback,Tyrendian,Warriordad,Strykn,Xctu,Tubble,Odysseus,Ashley,Sevan,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Dretti,Tlc,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1577425645,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Ragnaros",
}, -- [10]
["players"] = "Yip,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Exarch,Harskare,Fj,Jasmine,Iddqd,Nickelback,Tyrendian,Warriordad,Strykn,Xctu,Tubble,Odysseus,Ashley,Sevan,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Dretti,Tlc,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1577424943,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [11]
["players"] = "Yip,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Exarch,Harskare,Fj,Jasmine,Iddqd,Nickelback,Tyrendian,Warriordad,Strykn,Xctu,Tubble,Odysseus,Ashley,Sevan,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Dretti,Tlc,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1577424921,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [12]
["players"] = "Yip,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Exarch,Harskare,Fj,Jasmine,Iddqd,Nickelback,Tyrendian,Warriordad,Strykn,Xctu,Tubble,Odysseus,Ashley,Sevan,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Dretti,Tlc,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1577424509,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [13]
["players"] = "Yip,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Exarch,Harskare,Fj,Jasmine,Iddqd,Nickelback,Tyrendian,Warriordad,Strykn,Xctu,Tubble,Odysseus,Ashley,Sevan,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Dretti,Tlc,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1577423259,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Shazzrah",
}, -- [14]
["players"] = "Harskare,Stoof,Odysseus,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Executive,Tyrendian,Hoeser,Toomuchdog,Dretti,Exarch,Negus,Sevan,Yip,Strykn,Schrei,Jasmine,Bubbelhearth,Tubble,Basileus,Fj,Corpsedaddyb,Sultan,Nickelback,Bobmarlock,Zilzag,Perkys,Shubnigguraf,Iddqd,Xctu,Tlc,Sylve,Ashley,Ceo,",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1577422980,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [15]
["players"] = "Yip,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Exarch,Harskare,Fj,Jasmine,Iddqd,Nickelback,Tyrendian,Warriordad,Strykn,Xctu,Tubble,Odysseus,Ashley,Sevan,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Dretti,Tlc,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1577422747,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Baron Geddon",
}, -- [16]
["players"] = "Yip,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Exarch,Harskare,Fj,Jasmine,Iddqd,Nickelback,Tyrendian,Warriordad,Strykn,Xctu,Tubble,Odysseus,Ashley,Sevan,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Dretti,Tlc,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1577422356,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Garr",
}, -- [17]
["players"] = "Yip,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Exarch,Harskare,Fj,Jasmine,Iddqd,Nickelback,Tyrendian,Warriordad,Strykn,Xctu,Tubble,Odysseus,Ashley,Sevan,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Dretti,Tlc,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1577421447,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [18]
["players"] = "Yip,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Exarch,Harskare,Fj,Jasmine,Iddqd,Nickelback,Tyrendian,Warriordad,Strykn,Xctu,Tubble,Odysseus,Ashley,Sevan,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Dretti,Tlc,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1577420782,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [19]
["players"] = "Yip,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Exarch,Harskare,Fj,Jasmine,Iddqd,Nickelback,Tyrendian,Warriordad,Strykn,Xctu,Tubble,Odysseus,Ashley,Sevan,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Dretti,Tlc,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1577420779,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [20]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Tyrendian,Exarch,Harskare,Fj,Jasmine,Iddqd,Nickelback,Warriordad,Strykn,Xctu,Tubble,Odysseus,Ashley,Sevan,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Dretti,Tlc,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1577419344,
["reason"] = "Other - on time ",
}, -- [21]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Basileus,Bel,Blazzinbob,Bobmarlock,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Cuisine,Dretti,Ellionora,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Hoeser,Iddqd,Jasmine,Leand,Lefty,Liyana,Melarina,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Regularlegs,Schrei,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shogun,Shubnigguraf,Slothland,Snappers,Sporz,Stoof,Strykn,Sultan,Sylve,Thrist,Toomuchdog,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Wakeness,Warriordad,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Yip,Zerp,Zilzag,Tlc,Castellan,Deatholution,Dibbletiki,Lonalbenzo,Scrabs,Vexu,",
["dkp"] = "-5%",
["date"] = 1577301909,
["reason"] = "Weekly Decay",
}, -- [22]
["players"] = "Tlc,",
["dkp"] = 85,
["date"] = 1577301876,
["reason"] = "Other - MC + Ony 12/17",
}, -- [23]
["players"] = "Deatholution,",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1577301849,
["reason"] = "Other - T1 Shoulders",
}, -- [24]
["players"] = "Deatholution,",
["dkp"] = 85,
["date"] = 1577301839,
["reason"] = "Other - MC+Ony 12/17",
}, -- [25]
["players"] = "Jasmine,",
["dkp"] = -14,
["date"] = 1576653766,
["reason"] = "Other - Head of Onyxia",
}, -- [26]
["players"] = "Jasmine,",
["dkp"] = -10,
["date"] = 1576653755,
["reason"] = "Other - Ancient Cornerstone Grimore",
}, -- [27]
["players"] = "Yip,",
["dkp"] = 4,
["date"] = 1576652534,
["reason"] = "Other - Overcharge on Ony Head",
}, -- [28]
["players"] = "Viscount,",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1576652324,
["reason"] = "Other - T2 HELM",
}, -- [29]
["players"] = "Harskare,Bubbelhearth,Executive,Prosecutor,Fj,Warriordad,Toomuchdog,Tyrendian,Shubnigguraf,Stoof,Melarina,Strykn,Nickelback,Yip,Perkys,Lefty,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,Tubble,Schrei,Sultan,Blazzinbob,Wishiwashord,Viscount,Ashley,Jasmine,Exarch,Sylve,Corpsedaddyb,Negus,Xctu,Zilzag,Bel,Shiftytwo,Ceo,",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1576649216,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [30]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Exarch,Jasmine,Harskare,Strykn,Shiftytwo,Fj,Warriordad,Lefty,Xctu,Viscount,Tubble,Ashley,Ceo,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Negus,Bel,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Melarina,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1576649091,
["reason"] = "Other - Ony 12/17",
}, -- [31]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Exarch,Jasmine,Harskare,Strykn,Shiftytwo,Fj,Warriordad,Lefty,Xctu,Viscount,Tubble,Ashley,Ceo,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Negus,Bel,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Melarina,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1576648976,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [32]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Exarch,Jasmine,Harskare,Strykn,Shiftytwo,Fj,Warriordad,Lefty,Xctu,Viscount,Tubble,Ashley,Ceo,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Negus,Bel,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Melarina,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576648961,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Ragnaros",
}, -- [33]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Exarch,Jasmine,Harskare,Strykn,Shiftytwo,Fj,Warriordad,Lefty,Xctu,Viscount,Tubble,Ashley,Ceo,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Negus,Bel,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Melarina,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576648280,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [34]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Exarch,Jasmine,Harskare,Strykn,Shiftytwo,Fj,Warriordad,Lefty,Xctu,Viscount,Tubble,Ashley,Ceo,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Negus,Bel,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Melarina,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576648269,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [35]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Exarch,Jasmine,Harskare,Strykn,Shiftytwo,Fj,Warriordad,Lefty,Xctu,Viscount,Tubble,Ashley,Ceo,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Negus,Bel,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Melarina,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576647252,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [36]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Exarch,Jasmine,Harskare,Strykn,Shiftytwo,Fj,Warriordad,Lefty,Xctu,Viscount,Tubble,Ashley,Ceo,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Negus,Bel,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Melarina,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576645885,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Garr",
}, -- [37]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Exarch,Jasmine,Harskare,Strykn,Shiftytwo,Fj,Warriordad,Lefty,Xctu,Viscount,Tubble,Ashley,Ceo,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Negus,Bel,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Melarina,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576645877,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Baron Geddon",
}, -- [38]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Exarch,Jasmine,Harskare,Strykn,Shiftytwo,Fj,Warriordad,Lefty,Xctu,Viscount,Tubble,Ashley,Ceo,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Negus,Bel,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Melarina,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576645862,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Shazzrah",
}, -- [39]
["players"] = "Harskare,Executive,Prosecutor,Fj,Warriordad,Toomuchdog,Tyrendian,Shubnigguraf,Nickelback,Melarina,Strykn,Stoof,Yip,Perkys,Lefty,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,Wishiwashord,Tubble,Schrei,Iddqd,Sultan,Blazzinbob,Bubbelhearth,Viscount,Ashley,Jasmine,Exarch,Sylve,Corpsedaddyb,Negus,Xctu,Zilzag,Bel,Shiftytwo,Ceo,",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1576645598,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [40]
["players"] = "Yip,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Exarch,Jasmine,Harskare,Strykn,Shiftytwo,Warriordad,Fj,Lefty,Xctu,Viscount,Wishiwashord,Tubble,Ashley,Ceo,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Bel,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Melarina,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576643896,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [41]
["players"] = "Yip,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Exarch,Jasmine,Harskare,Strykn,Shiftytwo,Warriordad,Fj,Lefty,Xctu,Viscount,Wishiwashord,Tubble,Ashley,Ceo,Sultan,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Bel,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Melarina,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576643892,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [42]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Schrei,Harskare,Zilzag,Lefty,Toomuchdog,Tyrendian,Tubble,Hoeser,Viscount,Prosecutor,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Stoof,Melarina,Ashley,Basileus,Exarch,Sultan,Iddqd,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Nickelback,Bobmarlock,Ceo,Shubnigguraf,Fj,Warriordad,Corpsedaddyb,Executive,Blazzinbob,Perkys,Yip,",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576642630,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [43]
["players"] = "Zilzag,",
["reason"] = "On Time Bonus",
["date"] = 1576641608,
["dkp"] = 5,
}, -- [44]
["players"] = "Yip,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Executive,Nickelback,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Exarch,Jasmine,Harskare,Strykn,Warriordad,Fj,Lefty,Xctu,Viscount,Wishiwashord,Tubble,Sultan,Ashley,Ceo,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Toomuchdog,Stoof,Schrei,Melarina,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,",
["reason"] = "On Time Bonus",
["date"] = 1576641541,
["dkp"] = 5,
}, -- [45]
["players"] = "Fj,",
["reason"] = "Other - Head of Ony",
["date"] = 1576558047,
["dkp"] = -5,
}, -- [46]
["players"] = "Xctu,",
["reason"] = "Other - Head of Ony to Vend",
["date"] = 1576557850,
["dkp"] = -25,
}, -- [47]
["players"] = "Perkys,",
["reason"] = "Other - Decay ajust after errors",
["date"] = 1576557539,
["dkp"] = -2,
}, -- [48]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Basileus,Bel,Blazzinbob,Bobmarlock,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Cuisine,Dretti,Ellionora,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Hoeser,Iddqd,Jasmine,Leand,Lefty,Liyana,Melarina,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Regularlegs,Schrei,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shogun,Shubnigguraf,Slothland,Snappers,Sporz,Stoof,Strykn,Sultan,Sylve,Thrist,Toomuchdog,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Wakeness,Warriordad,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Yip,Zerp,Zilzag,",
["reason"] = "Weekly Decay",
["date"] = 1576557487,
["dkp"] = "-5%",
}, -- [49]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Executive,Nickelback,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Exarch,Shiftytwo,Jasmine,Harskare,Strykn,Fj,Warriordad,Xctu,Lefty,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Tubble,Ashley,Blazzinbob,Toomuchdog,Stoof,Schrei,Melarina,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Shubnigguraf,",
["reason"] = "Other - Ony 12/16",
["date"] = 1576557474,
["dkp"] = 20,
}, -- [50]
["players"] = "Negus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576049586",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1576049586,
["reason"] = "Other - Head of Onyxia(12/3)",
}, -- [51]
["players"] = "Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576048175",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1576048175,
["reason"] = "Other - Head of Onyxia",
}, -- [52]
["players"] = "Jasmine,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576048019",
["dkp"] = -55,
["date"] = 1576048019,
["reason"] = "Other - Shard of the Scale",
}, -- [53]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576047311",
["dkp"] = -20,
["date"] = 1576047311,
["reason"] = "Other - Extra raid bonus",
}, -- [54]
["players"] = "Ceo,Stoof,Warriordad,Jasmine,Shubnigguraf,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Strykn,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Sultan,Iddqd,Zilzag,Sevan,Bel,Melarina,Hoeser,Tubble,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576047285",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1576047285,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [55]
["players"] = "Xctu,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576046414",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1576046414,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [56]
["players"] = "Perkys,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576046406",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1576046406,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [57]
["players"] = "Sevan,Ceo,Stoof,Warriordad,Shubnigguraf,Jasmine,Yip,Perkys,Strykn,Xctu,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Sultan,Iddqd,Zilzag,Bel,Melarina,Hoeser,Tubble,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576044908",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1576044908,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [58]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,Executive,Nickelback,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Tyrendian,Exarch,Harskare,Fj,Odysseus,Ashley,Wishiwashord,Blazzinbob,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Bobmarlock,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576044736",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1576044736,
["reason"] = "Other - Ony",
}, -- [59]
["players"] = "Wishiwashord,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576044318",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576044318,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [60]
["players"] = "Wishiwashord,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576044314",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576044314,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [61]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Executive,Nickelback,Jasmine,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Tyrendian,Exarch,Harskare,Strykn,Fj,Warriordad,Xctu,Sevan,Lefty,Odysseus,Ceo,Ashley,Sultan,Wishiwashord,Tubble,Bel,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Toomuchdog,Stoof,Melarina,Zilzag,Schrei,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576043986",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1576043986,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [62]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Executive,Nickelback,Jasmine,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Tyrendian,Exarch,Harskare,Strykn,Fj,Warriordad,Xctu,Sevan,Lefty,Odysseus,Ceo,Ashley,Sultan,Wishiwashord,Tubble,Bel,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Toomuchdog,Stoof,Melarina,Zilzag,Schrei,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576043978",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576043978,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Ragnaros",
}, -- [63]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Executive,Nickelback,Jasmine,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Tyrendian,Exarch,Harskare,Strykn,Fj,Warriordad,Xctu,Sevan,Lefty,Odysseus,Ceo,Ashley,Sultan,Wishiwashord,Tubble,Bel,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Toomuchdog,Stoof,Melarina,Zilzag,Schrei,Bobmarlock,Hoeser,Basileus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576043271",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576043271,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [64]
["players"] = "Executive,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Perkys,Warriordad,Ceo,Bobmarlock,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Iddqd,Nickelback,Strykn,Sultan,Xctu,Sevan,Melarina,Ashley,Exarch,Basileus,Stoof,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Prosecutor,Toomuchdog,Hoeser,Bel,Tubble,Tyrendian,Zilzag,Harskare,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Jasmine,Odysseus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576042427",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576042427,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [65]
["players"] = "Executive,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Perkys,Warriordad,Ceo,Bobmarlock,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Iddqd,Nickelback,Strykn,Sultan,Xctu,Sevan,Melarina,Ashley,Exarch,Basileus,Stoof,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Prosecutor,Toomuchdog,Hoeser,Bel,Tubble,Tyrendian,Zilzag,Harskare,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Jasmine,Odysseus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576041603",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576041603,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Baron Geddon",
}, -- [66]
["players"] = "Executive,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Perkys,Warriordad,Ceo,Bobmarlock,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Iddqd,Nickelback,Strykn,Sultan,Xctu,Sevan,Melarina,Ashley,Exarch,Basileus,Stoof,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Prosecutor,Toomuchdog,Hoeser,Bel,Tubble,Tyrendian,Zilzag,Harskare,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Jasmine,Odysseus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576041590",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576041590,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Shazzrah",
}, -- [67]
["players"] = "Executive,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Perkys,Warriordad,Ceo,Bobmarlock,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Iddqd,Nickelback,Strykn,Sultan,Xctu,Sevan,Melarina,Ashley,Exarch,Basileus,Stoof,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Prosecutor,Toomuchdog,Hoeser,Bel,Tubble,Tyrendian,Zilzag,Harskare,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Jasmine,Odysseus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576040457",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576040457,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Garr",
}, -- [68]
["players"] = "Ashley,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576039599",
["dkp"] = -45,
["date"] = 1576039599,
["reason"] = "Other - T1 Gloves",
}, -- [69]
["players"] = "Bel,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576039585",
["dkp"] = 45,
["date"] = 1576039585,
["reason"] = "Other - Mistake Charge",
}, -- [70]
["players"] = "Executive,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Perkys,Warriordad,Ceo,Bobmarlock,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Iddqd,Nickelback,Strykn,Sultan,Xctu,Sevan,Melarina,Ashley,Exarch,Basileus,Stoof,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Prosecutor,Toomuchdog,Hoeser,Bel,Tubble,Tyrendian,Zilzag,Harskare,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Jasmine,Odysseus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576039568",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576039568,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [71]
["players"] = "Executive,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Perkys,Warriordad,Ceo,Bobmarlock,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Iddqd,Nickelback,Strykn,Sultan,Xctu,Sevan,Melarina,Ashley,Exarch,Basileus,Stoof,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Prosecutor,Toomuchdog,Hoeser,Bel,Tubble,Tyrendian,Zilzag,Harskare,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Jasmine,Odysseus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576039122",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576039122,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [72]
["players"] = "Executive,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Perkys,Warriordad,Ceo,Bobmarlock,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Iddqd,Nickelback,Strykn,Sultan,Xctu,Sevan,Melarina,Ashley,Exarch,Basileus,Stoof,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Prosecutor,Toomuchdog,Hoeser,Bel,Tubble,Tyrendian,Zilzag,Harskare,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Jasmine,Odysseus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576039119",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1576039119,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [73]
["players"] = "Hoeser,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1576039093",
["dkp"] = -30,
["date"] = 1576039093,
["reason"] = "Other - t1 pants",
}, -- [74]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Basileus,Bel,Blazzinbob,Bobmarlock,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Cuisine,Dretti,Ellionora,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Hoeser,Iddqd,Jasmine,Leand,Lefty,Liyana,Melarina,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Regularlegs,Schrei,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shogun,Shubnigguraf,Slothland,Snappers,Sporz,Stoof,Strykn,Sultan,Sylve,Thrist,Toomuchdog,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Wakeness,Warriordad,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Yip,Zerp,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575922661",
["dkp"] = "-26,-17,-3,-17,-15,-5,-28,-11,-22,-31,-11,-5,-8,-2,-26,-30,-25,-26,-4,-27,-29,-10,-24,-20,-10,-20,-29,-23,-33,-28,-8,-7,-27,-27,-3,-18,-19,-9,-15,-14,-25,-20,-29,-13,-11,-23,-27,-25,-6,-26,-21,-26,-33,-2,-7,-5%",
["date"] = 1575922661,
["reason"] = "Weekly Decay",
}, -- [75]
["players"] = "Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Sevan,Warriordad,Strykn,Lefty,Tubble,Wishiwashord,Negus,Bel,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Stoof,Toomuchdog,Melarina,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575572754",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1575572754,
["reason"] = "Other - Ony completion Bonus 12/3",
}, -- [76]
["players"] = "Executive,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575572502",
["dkp"] = -15,
["date"] = 1575572502,
["reason"] = "Other - Extra timer interval bonus awarded",
}, -- [77]
["players"] = "Yip,Nickelback,Jasmine,Prosecutor,Viscount,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575448546",
["dkp"] = -15,
["date"] = 1575448546,
["reason"] = "Other - extra timer interval bonus awarded",
}, -- [78]
["players"] = "Sultan,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575442685",
["dkp"] = -6,
["date"] = 1575442685,
["reason"] = "Other - T1 Helm",
}, -- [79]
["players"] = "Xctu,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575442642",
["dkp"] = 6,
["date"] = 1575442642,
["reason"] = "Other - t1 helm-> sultan",
}, -- [80]
["players"] = "Lefty,Shiftytwo,Tubble,Bel,Toomuchdog,Sylve,Stoof,Sevan,Melarina,Wishiwashord,Iddqd,Strykn,Negus,Shubnigguraf,Warriordad,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Perkys,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575442550",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1575442550,
["reason"] = "Other - ony kill 12/4",
}, -- [81]
["players"] = "Prosecutor,Yip,Zilzag,Bobmarlock,Executive,Jasmine,Viscount,Nickelback,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575442418",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1575442418,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [82]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Harskare,Schrei,Zilzag,Tyrendian,Viscount,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Ashley,Exarch,Xctu,Sultan,Nickelback,Bobmarlock,Fj,Yip,Executive,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575441938",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1575441938,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [83]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Harskare,Schrei,Zilzag,Tyrendian,Viscount,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Ashley,Exarch,Xctu,Sultan,Nickelback,Bobmarlock,Fj,Yip,Executive,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575441929",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1575441929,
["reason"] = "Onyxia's Lair: Onyxia",
}, -- [84]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Zilzag,Toomuchdog,Bel,Tyrendian,Tubble,Viscount,Stoof,Sylve,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Basileus,Ashley,Sevan,Exarch,Melarina,Sultan,Wishiwashord,Iddqd,Strykn,Xctu,Nickelback,Negus,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Ceo,Bobmarlock,Warriordad,Perkys,Yip,Executive,Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575440984",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1575440984,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [85]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Zilzag,Toomuchdog,Bel,Tyrendian,Tubble,Viscount,Stoof,Sylve,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Basileus,Ashley,Sevan,Exarch,Melarina,Sultan,Wishiwashord,Iddqd,Strykn,Xctu,Nickelback,Negus,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Ceo,Bobmarlock,Warriordad,Perkys,Yip,Executive,Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575440969",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1575440969,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Ragnaros",
}, -- [86]
["players"] = "Harskare,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Executive,Sevan,Tubble,Wishiwashord,Stoof,Zilzag,Viscount,Ceo,Bel,Shubnigguraf,Exarch,Lefty,Yip,Nickelback,Corpsedaddyb,Strykn,Schrei,Blazzinbob,Sultan,Negus,Sylve,Shiftytwo,Iddqd,Odysseus,Perkys,Xctu,Ashley,Fj,Tyrendian,Toomuchdog,Melarina,Basileus,Jasmine,Bobmarlock,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575439127",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1575439127,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [87]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Zilzag,Toomuchdog,Bel,Tyrendian,Tubble,Viscount,Stoof,Sylve,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Basileus,Ashley,Sevan,Exarch,Melarina,Sultan,Wishiwashord,Iddqd,Strykn,Xctu,Nickelback,Negus,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Ceo,Bobmarlock,Warriordad,Perkys,Yip,Executive,Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575438497",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1575438497,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [88]
["players"] = "Perkys,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575438121",
["dkp"] = -10,
["date"] = 1575438121,
["reason"] = "Other - mc Gun",
}, -- [89]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Zilzag,Toomuchdog,Bel,Tyrendian,Tubble,Viscount,Stoof,Sylve,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Basileus,Ashley,Sevan,Exarch,Melarina,Sultan,Wishiwashord,Iddqd,Strykn,Xctu,Nickelback,Negus,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Ceo,Bobmarlock,Warriordad,Perkys,Yip,Executive,Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575438092",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1575438092,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [90]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Zilzag,Toomuchdog,Bel,Tyrendian,Tubble,Viscount,Stoof,Sylve,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Basileus,Ashley,Sevan,Exarch,Melarina,Sultan,Wishiwashord,Iddqd,Strykn,Xctu,Nickelback,Negus,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Ceo,Bobmarlock,Warriordad,Perkys,Yip,Executive,Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575437482",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1575437482,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Shazzrah",
}, -- [91]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Zilzag,Toomuchdog,Bel,Tyrendian,Tubble,Viscount,Stoof,Sylve,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Basileus,Ashley,Sevan,Exarch,Melarina,Sultan,Wishiwashord,Iddqd,Strykn,Xctu,Nickelback,Negus,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Ceo,Bobmarlock,Warriordad,Perkys,Yip,Executive,Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575437473",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1575437473,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [92]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Harskare,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Zilzag,Tyrendian,Bel,Toomuchdog,Tubble,Viscount,Sylve,Stoof,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Ashley,Exarch,Melarina,Basileus,Iddqd,Negus,Nickelback,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Sultan,Xctu,Fj,Ceo,Shubnigguraf,Warriordad,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Executive,Perkys,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575435597",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1575435597,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Baron Geddon",
}, -- [93]
["players"] = "Harskare,Odysseus,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Executive,Sevan,Tubble,Bubbelhearth,Stoof,Jasmine,Viscount,Ceo,Bel,Shubnigguraf,Exarch,Lefty,Yip,Nickelback,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Schrei,Blazzinbob,Sultan,Negus,Zilzag,Shiftytwo,Iddqd,Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Xctu,Ashley,Fj,Tyrendian,Toomuchdog,Melarina,Basileus,Sylve,Bobmarlock,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575435514",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1575435514,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [94]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Harskare,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Zilzag,Tyrendian,Bel,Toomuchdog,Tubble,Viscount,Sylve,Stoof,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Ashley,Exarch,Melarina,Basileus,Iddqd,Negus,Nickelback,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Sultan,Xctu,Fj,Ceo,Shubnigguraf,Warriordad,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Executive,Perkys,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575434716",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1575434716,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [95]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Harskare,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Zilzag,Tyrendian,Bel,Toomuchdog,Tubble,Viscount,Sylve,Stoof,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Ashley,Exarch,Melarina,Basileus,Iddqd,Negus,Nickelback,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Sultan,Xctu,Fj,Ceo,Shubnigguraf,Warriordad,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Executive,Perkys,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575433794",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1575433794,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [96]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Harskare,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Zilzag,Tyrendian,Bel,Toomuchdog,Tubble,Viscount,Sylve,Stoof,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Ashley,Exarch,Melarina,Basileus,Iddqd,Negus,Nickelback,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Sultan,Xctu,Fj,Ceo,Shubnigguraf,Warriordad,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Executive,Perkys,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575433789",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1575433789,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [97]
["players"] = "Basileus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575433449",
["dkp"] = -20,
["date"] = 1575433449,
["reason"] = "Other - Spl Dmg Dag",
}, -- [98]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Harskare,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Zilzag,Tyrendian,Bel,Toomuchdog,Tubble,Viscount,Sylve,Stoof,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Ashley,Exarch,Melarina,Basileus,Iddqd,Negus,Nickelback,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Sultan,Xctu,Fj,Ceo,Shubnigguraf,Warriordad,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Executive,Perkys,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575432081",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1575432081,
["reason"] = "On Time Bonus",
}, -- [99]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Basileus,Bel,Blazzinbob,Bobmarlock,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Cuisine,Dretti,Ellionora,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Hoeser,Iddqd,Jasmine,Leand,Lefty,Liyana,Melarina,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Regularlegs,Schrei,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shogun,Shubnigguraf,Slothland,Snappers,Sporz,Stoof,Strykn,Sultan,Sylve,Thrist,Toomuchdog,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Wakeness,Warriordad,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Yip,Zerp,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1575333838",
["dkp"] = "-23,-18,-1,-21,-11,-4,-25,-11,-20,-29,-11,-5,-8,-2,-23,-27,-25,-23,-4,-24,-26,-10,-23,-21,-11,-17,-26,-20,-31,-25,-8,-4,-23,-24,-4,-14,-21,-10,-15,-12,-22,-17,-26,-14,-8,-20,-23,-22,-7,-25,-18,-26,-31,-2,-4,-5%",
["date"] = 1575333838,
["reason"] = "Weekly Decay",
}, -- [100]
["players"] = "Negus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574839411",
["dkp"] = 65,
["date"] = 1574839411,
["reason"] = "Other - Stand by 11/26",
}, -- [101]
["players"] = "Ceo,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574839405",
["dkp"] = 65,
["date"] = 1574839405,
["reason"] = "Other - Stand by 11/26",
}, -- [102]
["players"] = "Harskare,Executive,Shubnigguraf,Warriordad,Stoof,Prosecutor,Shiftytwo,Fj,Odysseus,Exarch,Jasmine,Toomuchdog,Melarina,Bobmarlock,Nickelback,Corpsedaddyb,Strykn,Sporz,Sevan,Liyana,Zilzag,Yip,Schrei,Shogun,Perkys,Ashley,Tubble,Tyrendian,Sylve,Hoeser,Lefty,Blazzinbob,Iddqd,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574839296",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1574839296,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [103]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Jasmine,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Ashley,Fj,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Tyrendian,Sevan,Exarch,Lefty,Harskare,Tubble,Strykn,Viscount,Liyana,Bel,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Sporz,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Hoeser,Bobmarlock,Shogun,Basileus,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574839294",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574839294,
["reason"] = "Onyxia's Lair: Onyxia",
}, -- [104]
["players"] = "Harskare,Executive,Shubnigguraf,Warriordad,Stoof,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Shiftytwo,Fj,Odysseus,Exarch,Jasmine,Toomuchdog,Melarina,Bel,Bobmarlock,Nickelback,Corpsedaddyb,Strykn,Sultan,Sporz,Sevan,Liyana,Viscount,Zilzag,Yip,Schrei,Shogun,Perkys,Ashley,Tubble,Tyrendian,Sylve,Hoeser,Lefty,Blazzinbob,Xctu,Wishiwashord,Iddqd,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574837998",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1574837998,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [105]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Jasmine,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Ashley,Fj,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Tyrendian,Sevan,Exarch,Lefty,Harskare,Tubble,Strykn,Viscount,Liyana,Bel,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Sporz,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Hoeser,Bobmarlock,Shogun,Basileus,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574837481",
["dkp"] = 10,
["date"] = 1574837481,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [106]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Jasmine,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Ashley,Fj,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Tyrendian,Sevan,Exarch,Lefty,Harskare,Tubble,Strykn,Viscount,Liyana,Bel,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Sporz,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Hoeser,Bobmarlock,Shogun,Basileus,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574837196",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574837196,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Ragnaros",
}, -- [107]
["players"] = "Wishiwashord,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574836395",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574836395,
["reason"] = "Other - Domo shoulders",
}, -- [108]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Jasmine,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Ashley,Fj,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Tyrendian,Sevan,Exarch,Lefty,Harskare,Tubble,Strykn,Viscount,Liyana,Bel,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Sporz,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Hoeser,Bobmarlock,Shogun,Basileus,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574836361",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574836361,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [109]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Jasmine,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Ashley,Fj,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Tyrendian,Sevan,Exarch,Lefty,Harskare,Tubble,Strykn,Viscount,Liyana,Bel,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Sporz,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Hoeser,Bobmarlock,Shogun,Basileus,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574836353",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574836353,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [110]
["players"] = "Basileus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574835400",
["dkp"] = -45,
["date"] = 1574835400,
["reason"] = "Other - t1 shoulders",
}, -- [111]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Jasmine,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Ashley,Fj,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Tyrendian,Sevan,Exarch,Lefty,Harskare,Tubble,Strykn,Viscount,Liyana,Bel,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Sporz,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Hoeser,Bobmarlock,Shogun,Basileus,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574835386",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574835386,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [112]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Jasmine,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Ashley,Fj,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Tyrendian,Sevan,Exarch,Lefty,Harskare,Tubble,Strykn,Viscount,Liyana,Bel,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Sporz,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Hoeser,Bobmarlock,Shogun,Basileus,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574835383",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574835383,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [113]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Jasmine,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Ashley,Fj,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Tyrendian,Sevan,Exarch,Lefty,Harskare,Tubble,Strykn,Viscount,Liyana,Bel,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Sporz,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Hoeser,Bobmarlock,Shogun,Basileus,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574835380",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574835380,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [114]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Jasmine,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Ashley,Fj,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Tyrendian,Sevan,Exarch,Lefty,Harskare,Tubble,Strykn,Viscount,Liyana,Bel,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Sporz,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Hoeser,Bobmarlock,Shogun,Basileus,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574835376",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574835376,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Garr",
}, -- [115]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Jasmine,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Ashley,Fj,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Tyrendian,Sevan,Exarch,Lefty,Harskare,Tubble,Strykn,Viscount,Liyana,Bel,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Sporz,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Hoeser,Bobmarlock,Shogun,Basileus,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574835367",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574835367,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Baron Geddon",
}, -- [116]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Jasmine,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Ashley,Fj,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Tyrendian,Sevan,Exarch,Lefty,Harskare,Tubble,Strykn,Viscount,Liyana,Bel,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Sporz,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Hoeser,Bobmarlock,Shogun,Basileus,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574835363",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574835363,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Shazzrah",
}, -- [117]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Jasmine,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Ashley,Fj,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Tyrendian,Sevan,Exarch,Lefty,Harskare,Tubble,Strykn,Viscount,Liyana,Bel,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Sporz,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Schrei,Hoeser,Bobmarlock,Shogun,Basileus,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574835359",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574835359,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [118]
["players"] = "Harskare,Executive,Shubnigguraf,Warriordad,Stoof,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Shiftytwo,Fj,Odysseus,Exarch,Jasmine,Toomuchdog,Melarina,Basileus,Bobmarlock,Nickelback,Corpsedaddyb,Strykn,Sultan,Sporz,Sevan,Bel,Liyana,Viscount,Zilzag,Yip,Schrei,Shogun,Perkys,Ashley,Tubble,Tyrendian,Sylve,Hoeser,Lefty,Blazzinbob,Xctu,Wishiwashord,Iddqd,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574834389",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1574834389,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [119]
["players"] = "Harskare,Executive,Ceo,Warriordad,Stoof,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Melarina,Fj,Odysseus,Exarch,Jasmine,Toomuchdog,Shiftytwo,Bobmarlock,Nickelback,Corpsedaddyb,Strykn,Sporz,Liyana,Sevan,Bel,Shubnigguraf,Viscount,Zilzag,Yip,Schrei,Shogun,Negus,Ashley,Tubble,Tyrendian,Sylve,Hoeser,Lefty,Blazzinbob,Xctu,Wishiwashord,Iddqd,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574830785",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1574830785,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [120]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Executive,Xctu,Nickelback,Warriordad,Fj,Sevan,Prosecutor,Liyana,Shiftytwo,Bel,Exarch,Lefty,Harskare,Strykn,Odysseus,Negus,Sporz,Stoof,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Melarina,Schrei,Basileus,Bobmarlock,Shogun,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574827205",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574827205,
["reason"] = "On Time Bonus",
}, -- [121]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Basileus,Bel,Blazzinbob,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Cuisine,Dretti,Ellionora,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Hoeser,Iddqd,Jasmine,Leand,Lefty,Liyana,Melarina,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Regularlegs,Schrei,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Slothland,Snappers,Sporz,Stoof,Strykn,Sultan,Sylve,Thrist,Toomuchdog,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Wakeness,Warriordad,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Yip,Zerp,Bobmarlock,Zilzag,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817957",
["dkp"] = "-23,-19,0,-21,-10,-26,-12,-17,-27,-12,-5,-9,-2,-21,-26,-23,-20,-1,-25,-26,-11,-20,-22,-7,-14,-24,-18,-29,-23,-9,-4,-23,-22,-12,-22,-11,-13,-12,-20,-15,-26,-14,-5,-20,-21,-20,-7,-23,-15,-24,-29,-3,0,0,-5%",
["date"] = 1574817957,
["reason"] = "Weekly Decay",
}, -- [122]
["players"] = "Thrist,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817808",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817808,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [123]
["players"] = "Sporz,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817804",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817804,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [124]
["players"] = "Catatonic,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817800",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817800,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [125]
["players"] = "Cuisine,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817784",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817784,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [126]
["players"] = "Zerp,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817773",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817773,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [127]
["players"] = "Icedout,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817768",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817768,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [128]
["players"] = "Frostcat,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817766",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817766,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [129]
["players"] = "Metric,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817764",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817764,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [130]
["players"] = "Quavo,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817759",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817759,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [131]
["players"] = "Castellan,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817757",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817757,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [132]
["players"] = "Mattimeox,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817755",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817755,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [133]
["players"] = "Lyso,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817753",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817753,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [134]
["players"] = "Puretank,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817750",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817750,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [135]
["players"] = "Jardio,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817748",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817748,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [136]
["players"] = "Xoo,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817746",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817746,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [137]
["players"] = "Brujeria,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817738",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817738,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [138]
["players"] = "Dibbletiki,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817736",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817736,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [139]
["players"] = "Cougar,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817733",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817733,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [140]
["players"] = "Vexu,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817730",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817730,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [141]
["players"] = "Ballsmells,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817727",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817727,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [142]
["players"] = "Holyrect,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817722",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817722,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [143]
["players"] = "Indreams,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817719",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817719,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [144]
["players"] = "Sendarin,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817716",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817716,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [145]
["players"] = "Santoki,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817713",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817713,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [146]
["players"] = "Rustyblade,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817708",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817708,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [147]
["players"] = "Santopadre,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817706",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817706,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [148]
["players"] = "Kaytana,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817702",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817702,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [149]
["players"] = "Ellionora,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817697",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817697,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [150]
["players"] = "Basileus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817692",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817692,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [151]
["players"] = "Breakpoint,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817687",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817687,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [152]
["players"] = "Thighhighs,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817681",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817681,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [153]
["players"] = "Rin,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817675",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817675,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [154]
["players"] = "Babylegs,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817670",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817670,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [155]
["players"] = "Snappers,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817666",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817666,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [156]
["players"] = "Joomla,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817663",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817663,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [157]
["players"] = "Nahj,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817660",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817660,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [158]
["players"] = "Regularlegs,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817646",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817646,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [159]
["players"] = "Wakeness,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574817639",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574817639,
["reason"] = "Other - absent for garr",
}, -- [160]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Odysseus,Slothland,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Schrei,Harskare,Tyrendian,Tubble,Leand,Toomuchdog,Bel,Stoof,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sevan,Exarch,Ashley,Dretti,Melarina,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Nickelback,Xctu,Negus,Iddqd,Ceo,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Warriordad,Executive,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574397215",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1574397215,
["reason"] = "Onyxia's Lair: Onyxia",
}, -- [161]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Slothland,Harskare,Schrei,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Tubble,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Stoof,Melarina,Ashley,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Negus,Iddqd,Xctu,Nickelback,Fj,Ceo,Shubnigguraf,Blazzinbob,Perkys,Warriordad,Executive,Corpsedaddyb,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574395417",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574395417,
["reason"] = "On Time Bonus",
}, -- [162]
["players"] = "Harskare,Tubble,Ashley,Xctu,Shiftytwo,Perkys,Schrei,Jasmine,Wishiwashord,Corpsedaddyb,Fj,Slothland,Executive,Stoof,Strykn,Shubnigguraf,Odysseus,Lefty,Nickelback,Melarina,Yip,Bubbelhearth,Ceo,Negus,Warriordad,Iddqd,Bel,Blazzinbob,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574395233",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1574395233,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [163]
["players"] = "Schrei,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574233548",
["dkp"] = 45,
["date"] = 1574233548,
["reason"] = "Other - Over charge on tier pants",
}, -- [164]
["players"] = "Harskare,Shubnigguraf,Executive,Blazzinbob,Schrei,Negus,Shiftytwo,Yip,Iddqd,Sylve,Melarina,Tubble,Bel,Sevan,Jasmine,Toomuchdog,Liyana,Ashley,Viscount,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574233149",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1574233149,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [165]
["players"] = "Perkys,Executive,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Warriordad,Blazzinbob,Fj,Liyana,Shubnigguraf,Ceo,Sultan,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Strykn,Iddqd,Negus,Nickelback,Ashley,Sevan,Melarina,Exarch,Sylve,Stoof,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Bel,Viscount,Tubble,Tyrendian,Hoeser,Toomuchdog,Lefty,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Schrei,Odysseus,Slothland,Jasmine,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574233063",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574233063,
["reason"] = "Onyxia's Lair: Onyxia",
}, -- [166]
["players"] = "Perkys,Executive,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Warriordad,Blazzinbob,Fj,Liyana,Shubnigguraf,Ceo,Sultan,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Strykn,Iddqd,Negus,Nickelback,Ashley,Sevan,Melarina,Exarch,Sylve,Stoof,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Bel,Viscount,Tubble,Tyrendian,Hoeser,Toomuchdog,Lefty,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Schrei,Odysseus,Slothland,Jasmine,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574231530",
["dkp"] = 10,
["date"] = 1574231530,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [167]
["players"] = "Harskare,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Shubnigguraf,Executive,Strykn,Blazzinbob,Wishiwashord,Schrei,Nickelback,Negus,Shiftytwo,Exarch,Yip,Sultan,Lefty,Xctu,Iddqd,Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Sylve,Odysseus,Melarina,Stoof,Tubble,Bel,Ceo,Tyrendian,Sevan,Jasmine,Fj,Hoeser,Bubbelhearth,Toomuchdog,Liyana,Slothland,Ashley,Viscount,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574231524",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1574231524,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [168]
["players"] = "Perkys,Executive,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Warriordad,Blazzinbob,Fj,Liyana,Shubnigguraf,Ceo,Sultan,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Strykn,Iddqd,Negus,Nickelback,Ashley,Sevan,Melarina,Exarch,Sylve,Stoof,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Bel,Viscount,Tubble,Tyrendian,Hoeser,Toomuchdog,Lefty,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Schrei,Odysseus,Slothland,Jasmine,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574231494",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574231494,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Ragnaros",
}, -- [169]
["players"] = "Harskare,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Shubnigguraf,Executive,Strykn,Blazzinbob,Wishiwashord,Schrei,Nickelback,Negus,Shiftytwo,Exarch,Yip,Sultan,Lefty,Xctu,Iddqd,Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Sylve,Odysseus,Melarina,Stoof,Tubble,Bel,Ceo,Tyrendian,Sevan,Jasmine,Fj,Hoeser,Bubbelhearth,Toomuchdog,Liyana,Slothland,Ashley,Viscount,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574231379",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1574231379,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [170]
["players"] = "Schrei,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574230569",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574230569,
["reason"] = "Other - LEAF",
}, -- [171]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Bel,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Iddqd,Jasmine,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Liyana,Prosecutor,Sevan,Warriordad,Fj,Ashley,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Tyrendian,Exarch,Slothland,Viscount,Tubble,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Odysseus,Ceo,Sultan,Negus,Blazzinbob,Shubnigguraf,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Hoeser,Schrei,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574230557",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574230557,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [172]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Bel,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Iddqd,Jasmine,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Liyana,Prosecutor,Sevan,Warriordad,Fj,Ashley,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Tyrendian,Exarch,Slothland,Viscount,Tubble,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Odysseus,Ceo,Sultan,Negus,Blazzinbob,Shubnigguraf,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Hoeser,Schrei,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574230213",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574230213,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [173]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Bel,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Iddqd,Jasmine,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Liyana,Prosecutor,Sevan,Warriordad,Fj,Ashley,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Tyrendian,Exarch,Slothland,Viscount,Tubble,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Odysseus,Ceo,Sultan,Negus,Blazzinbob,Shubnigguraf,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Hoeser,Schrei,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574229544",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574229544,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [174]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Bel,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Iddqd,Jasmine,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Liyana,Prosecutor,Sevan,Warriordad,Fj,Ashley,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Tyrendian,Exarch,Slothland,Viscount,Tubble,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Odysseus,Ceo,Sultan,Negus,Blazzinbob,Shubnigguraf,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Hoeser,Schrei,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574228518",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574228518,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Shazzrah",
}, -- [175]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Bel,Corpsedaddyb,Sylve,Iddqd,Jasmine,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Liyana,Prosecutor,Sevan,Warriordad,Fj,Ashley,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Tyrendian,Exarch,Slothland,Viscount,Tubble,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Odysseus,Ceo,Sultan,Negus,Blazzinbob,Shubnigguraf,Stoof,Melarina,Toomuchdog,Hoeser,Schrei,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574228062",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574228062,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Baron Geddon",
}, -- [176]
["players"] = "Harskare,Prosecutor,Warriordad,Odysseus,Executive,Strykn,Blazzinbob,Wishiwashord,Schrei,Nickelback,Negus,Shiftytwo,Exarch,Yip,Sultan,Lefty,Xctu,Iddqd,Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Sylve,Shubnigguraf,Melarina,Stoof,Tubble,Bel,Ceo,Tyrendian,Sevan,Jasmine,Fj,Hoeser,Bubbelhearth,Toomuchdog,Liyana,Slothland,Ashley,Viscount,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574227766",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1574227766,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [177]
["players"] = "Odysseus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574227520",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574227520,
["reason"] = "Other - did not get t1 helm",
}, -- [178]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Yip,Bel,Sylve,Iddqd,Jasmine,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Nickelback,Liyana,Prosecutor,Sevan,Warriordad,Fj,Ashley,Babylegs,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Tyrendian,Exarch,Slothland,Viscount,Tubble,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Odysseus,Thrist,Ceo,Sporz,Sultan,Catatonic,Cougar,Snappers,Negus,Leand,Blazzinbob,Regularlegs,Shubnigguraf,Stoof,Wakeness,Dretti,Cuisine,Melarina,Zerp,Ellionora,Toomuchdog,Tresdin,Puretank,Fatbird,Terran,Thighhighs,Frostcat,Dibbletiki,Castellan,Ballsmells,Xoo,Vexu,Basileus,Brujeria,Breakpoint,Nahj,Metric,Icedout,Santopadre,Holyrect,Santoki,Rin,Rustyblade,Mattimeox,Sendarin,Lyso,Indreams,Marshmelluw,Jardio,Kaytana,Joomla,Quavo,Hoeser,Schrei,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574227492",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574227492,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Garr",
}, -- [179]
["players"] = "Hoeser,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574227391",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574227391,
["reason"] = "Other - T1 HELM",
}, -- [180]
["players"] = "Schrei,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574226652",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1574226652,
["reason"] = "Other - T1 boots",
}, -- [181]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Yip,Executive,Bel,Sylve,Iddqd,Jasmine,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Liyana,Prosecutor,Sevan,Warriordad,Fj,Ashley,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Tyrendian,Exarch,Tubble,Slothland,Viscount,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Ceo,Sultan,Negus,Blazzinbob,Shubnigguraf,Stoof,Melarina,Schrei,Hoeser,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574226530",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574226530,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [182]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Yip,Executive,Bel,Sylve,Iddqd,Jasmine,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Liyana,Prosecutor,Sevan,Warriordad,Fj,Ashley,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Tyrendian,Exarch,Tubble,Slothland,Viscount,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Ceo,Sultan,Negus,Blazzinbob,Shubnigguraf,Stoof,Melarina,Schrei,Hoeser,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574226526",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574226526,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [183]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Yip,Executive,Bel,Sylve,Iddqd,Jasmine,Bubbelhearth,Xctu,Liyana,Prosecutor,Sevan,Warriordad,Fj,Ashley,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Tyrendian,Exarch,Tubble,Slothland,Viscount,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Ceo,Sultan,Negus,Blazzinbob,Shubnigguraf,Stoof,Melarina,Schrei,Hoeser,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574225341",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574225341,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [184]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Ballsmells,Basileus,Bel,Blazzinbob,Breakpoint,Brujeria,Bubbelhearth,Castellan,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Cuisine,Dibbletiki,Dretti,Ellionora,Exarch,Executive,Fatbird,Fj,Frostcat,Harskare,Hoeser,Holyrect,Icedout,Iddqd,Indreams,Jardio,Jasmine,Joomla,Kaytana,Leand,Lefty,Liyana,Lyso,Marshmelluw,Mattimeox,Melarina,Metric,Nahj,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Puretank,Quavo,Regularlegs,Rin,Rustyblade,Santoki,Santopadre,Schrei,Sendarin,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Slothland,Snappers,Sporz,Stoof,Strykn,Sultan,Sylve,Terran,Thighhighs,Thrist,Toomuchdog,Tresdin,Tubble,Tyrendian,Vexu,Viscount,Wakeness,Warriordad,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Xoo,Yip,Zerp,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574222724",
["dkp"] = "-20,-20,0,0,-24,-8,0,0,-22,0,-13,-15,-27,-13,-6,0,-8,-2,-18,-25,0,-20,0,-19,-0,0,0,-24,0,0,-23,0,0,-10,-18,-21,0,0,0,-3,0,0,-10,-23,-16,-27,-20,0,0,-9,0,0,0,0,-0,0,-20,-18,-8,-18,-11,-13,-8,-16,-12,-24,0,0,-15,-2,0,-18,-18,0,-17,-8,-20,-16,-21,0,-26,-3,-5%",
["date"] = 1574222724,
["reason"] = "Weekly Decay",
}, -- [185]
["players"] = "Slothland,Jasmine,Lefty,Schrei,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Tubble,Viscount,Tyrendian,Bel,Hoeser,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Stoof,Ashley,Melarina,Exarch,Wishiwashord,Negus,Xctu,Liyana,Ceo,Fj,Perkys,Warriordad,Corpsedaddyb,Executive,Blazzinbob,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1574222708",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1574222708,
["reason"] = "On Time Bonus",
}, -- [186]
["players"] = "Sporz,Odysseus,Lefty,Tubble,Leand,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Dretti,Strykn,Iddqd,Wishiwashord,Nickelback,Liyana,Ceo,Blazzinbob,Warriordad,Corpsedaddyb,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573629764",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573629764,
["reason"] = "Other - ony 11/12",
}, -- [187]
["players"] = "Harskare,Prosecutor,Fj,Sylve,Executive,Ashley,Regularlegs,Slothland,Melarina,Babylegs,Viscount,Exarch,Yip,Toomuchdog,Jasmine,Perkys,Shiftytwo,Sultan,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573628130",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1573628130,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [188]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Slothland,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Toomuchdog,Viscount,Prosecutor,Sylve,Ashley,Melarina,Exarch,Sultan,Babylegs,Fj,Perkys,Executive,Regularlegs,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573628126",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573628126,
["reason"] = "Onyxia's Lair: Onyxia",
}, -- [189]
["players"] = "Harskare,Warriordad,Ceo,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Odysseus,Iddqd,Xctu,Perkys,Wishiwashord,Regularlegs,Yip,Sultan,Lefty,Strykn,Blazzinbob,Nickelback,Shiftytwo,Corpsedaddyb,Sporz,Leand,Ashley,Liyana,Viscount,Tubble,Fj,Sevan,Bel,Prosecutor,Exarch,Melarina,Slothland,Jasmine,Babylegs,Dretti,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573625222",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1573625222,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [190]
["players"] = "Slothland,Jasmine,Odysseus,Sporz,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Lefty,Leand,Viscount,Bel,Tubble,Sylve,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Ashley,Melarina,Dretti,Exarch,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Nickelback,Iddqd,Xctu,Liyana,Babylegs,Fj,Ceo,Warriordad,Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,Regularlegs,Executive,Perkys,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573625206",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573625206,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [191]
["players"] = "Slothland,Jasmine,Odysseus,Sporz,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Lefty,Leand,Viscount,Bel,Tubble,Sylve,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Ashley,Melarina,Dretti,Exarch,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Nickelback,Iddqd,Xctu,Liyana,Babylegs,Fj,Ceo,Warriordad,Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,Regularlegs,Executive,Perkys,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573625119",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573625119,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [192]
["players"] = "Slothland,Jasmine,Odysseus,Sporz,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Lefty,Leand,Viscount,Bel,Tubble,Sylve,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Ashley,Melarina,Dretti,Exarch,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Nickelback,Iddqd,Xctu,Liyana,Babylegs,Fj,Ceo,Warriordad,Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,Regularlegs,Executive,Perkys,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573625107",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573625107,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Ragnaros",
}, -- [193]
["players"] = "Harskare,Warriordad,Ceo,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Odysseus,Iddqd,Xctu,Perkys,Wishiwashord,Regularlegs,Yip,Sultan,Lefty,Strykn,Blazzinbob,Nickelback,Shiftytwo,Corpsedaddyb,Sporz,Leand,Ashley,Liyana,Viscount,Tubble,Fj,Sevan,Bel,Prosecutor,Exarch,Melarina,Slothland,Jasmine,Babylegs,Dretti,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573624909",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573624909,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [194]
["players"] = "Slothland,Jasmine,Odysseus,Sporz,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Lefty,Leand,Viscount,Bel,Tubble,Sylve,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Ashley,Melarina,Dretti,Exarch,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Nickelback,Iddqd,Xctu,Liyana,Babylegs,Fj,Ceo,Warriordad,Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,Regularlegs,Executive,Perkys,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573623714",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573623714,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [195]
["players"] = "Slothland,Jasmine,Odysseus,Sporz,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Lefty,Leand,Viscount,Bel,Tubble,Sylve,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Ashley,Melarina,Dretti,Exarch,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Nickelback,Iddqd,Xctu,Liyana,Babylegs,Fj,Ceo,Warriordad,Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,Regularlegs,Executive,Perkys,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573623705",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573623705,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [196]
["players"] = "Slothland,Jasmine,Odysseus,Sporz,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Lefty,Leand,Viscount,Bel,Tubble,Sylve,Prosecutor,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Ashley,Melarina,Dretti,Exarch,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Nickelback,Iddqd,Xctu,Liyana,Babylegs,Fj,Ceo,Warriordad,Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,Regularlegs,Executive,Perkys,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573622315",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573622315,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Shazzrah",
}, -- [197]
["players"] = "Slothland,Sporz,Jasmine,Odysseus,Harskare,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Bel,Viscount,Tubble,Leand,Prosecutor,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Melarina,Ashley,Sevan,Exarch,Dretti,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Sultan,Nickelback,Iddqd,Xctu,Fj,Ceo,Liyana,Warriordad,Blazzinbob,Perkys,Executive,Regularlegs,Corpsedaddyb,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573621436",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573621436,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Baron Geddon",
}, -- [198]
["players"] = "Harskare,Warriordad,Ceo,Sylve,Executive,Bubbelhearth,Odysseus,Iddqd,Xctu,Perkys,Wishiwashord,Regularlegs,Yip,Sultan,Lefty,Strykn,Blazzinbob,Nickelback,Shiftytwo,Corpsedaddyb,Sporz,Leand,Ashley,Liyana,Viscount,Tubble,Fj,Sevan,Bel,Jasmine,Exarch,Dretti,Melarina,Slothland,Prosecutor,Babylegs,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573621297",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573621297,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [199]
["players"] = "Slothland,Sporz,Jasmine,Odysseus,Harskare,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Bel,Viscount,Tubble,Leand,Prosecutor,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Melarina,Ashley,Sevan,Exarch,Dretti,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Sultan,Nickelback,Iddqd,Xctu,Fj,Ceo,Liyana,Warriordad,Blazzinbob,Perkys,Executive,Regularlegs,Corpsedaddyb,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573621021",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573621021,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Garr",
}, -- [200]
["players"] = "Slothland,Jasmine,Odysseus,Sporz,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Lefty,Leand,Bel,Tubble,Viscount,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Sevan,Ashley,Melarina,Dretti,Exarch,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Xctu,Nickelback,Iddqd,Fj,Ceo,Liyana,Executive,Warriordad,Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,Regularlegs,Perkys,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573619932",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573619932,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [201]
["players"] = "Slothland,Jasmine,Odysseus,Sporz,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Lefty,Leand,Bel,Tubble,Viscount,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Sevan,Ashley,Melarina,Dretti,Exarch,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Xctu,Nickelback,Iddqd,Fj,Ceo,Liyana,Executive,Warriordad,Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,Regularlegs,Perkys,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573619542",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573619542,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [202]
["players"] = "Slothland,Jasmine,Odysseus,Sporz,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Lefty,Leand,Bel,Tubble,Viscount,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Sevan,Ashley,Melarina,Dretti,Exarch,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Sultan,Xctu,Nickelback,Iddqd,Fj,Ceo,Liyana,Executive,Warriordad,Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,Regularlegs,Perkys,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573619539",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573619539,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [203]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Ballsmells,Basileus,Bel,Blazzinbob,Breakpoint,Brujeria,Bubbelhearth,Castellan,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Cuisine,Dibbletiki,Dretti,Ellionora,Exarch,Executive,Fatbird,Fj,Frostcat,Harskare,Hoeser,Holyrect,Icedout,Iddqd,Indreams,Jardio,Jasmine,Joomla,Kaytana,Leand,Lefty,Liyana,Lyso,Marshmelluw,Mattimeox,Melarina,Metric,Nahj,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Puretank,Quavo,Regularlegs,Rin,Rustyblade,Santoki,Santopadre,Schrei,Sendarin,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Slothland,Snappers,Sporz,Stoof,Strykn,Sultan,Sylve,Terran,Thighhighs,Thrist,Toomuchdog,Tresdin,Tubble,Tyrendian,Vexu,Viscount,Wakeness,Warriordad,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Xoo,Yip,Zerp,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573531203",
["dkp"] = "-17,-20,0,0,-23,-7,0,0,-19,0,-13,-11,-25,-13,-6,0,-4,-2,-16,-22,0,-17,0,-15,0,0,0,-20,0,0,-20,0,0,-6,-17,-19,0,0,0,-3,0,0,-11,-21,-13,-23,-18,0,0,-6,0,0,0,0,0,0,-17,-15,-9,-14,-12,-10,-8,-14,-10,-21,0,0,-16,-1,0,-14,-19,0,-13,-8,-18,-12,-20,0,-23,-3,-5%",
["date"] = 1573531203,
["reason"] = "Weekly Decay",
}, -- [204]
["players"] = "Regularlegs,Dretti,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194316",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194316,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [205]
["players"] = "Blazzinbob,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194265",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194265,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [206]
["players"] = "Ceo,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194225",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194225,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [207]
["players"] = "Odysseus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194215",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194215,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [208]
["players"] = "Tubble,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194211",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194211,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [209]
["players"] = "Strykn,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194205",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194205,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [210]
["players"] = "Thrist,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194196",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194196,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [211]
["players"] = "Lefty,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194191",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194191,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [212]
["players"] = "Sevan,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194187",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194187,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [213]
["players"] = "Fj,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194184",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194184,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [214]
["players"] = "Bubbelhearth,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194181",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194181,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [215]
["players"] = "Tyrendian,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194178",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194178,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [216]
["players"] = "Jasmine,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194175",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194175,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [217]
["players"] = "Xctu,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194172",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194172,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [218]
["players"] = "Iddqd,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194167",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194167,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [219]
["players"] = "Bel,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194156",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194156,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [220]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573194147",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1573194147,
["reason"] = "Other - 11/7 Onyxia",
}, -- [221]
["players"] = "Toomuchdog,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573193729",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573193729,
["reason"] = "Onyxia's Lair: Onyxia",
}, -- [222]
["players"] = "Toomuchdog,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573193725",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1573193725,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [223]
["players"] = "Wakeness,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573193573",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1573193573,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [224]
["players"] = "Negus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573193570",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1573193570,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [225]
["players"] = "Shiftytwo,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573193561",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1573193561,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [226]
["players"] = "Ashley,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573193558",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1573193558,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [227]
["players"] = "Exarch,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573193554",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1573193554,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [228]
["players"] = "Nickelback,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573193542",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1573193542,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [229]
["players"] = "Liyana,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573193536",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1573193536,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [230]
["players"] = "Snappers,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573193492",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573193492,
["reason"] = "Onyxia's Lair: Onyxia",
}, -- [231]
["players"] = "Perkys,Yip,Executive,Nickelback,Sylve,Babylegs,Liyana,Prosecutor,Harskare,Exarch,Ashley,Shiftytwo,Viscount,Wishiwashord,Sporz,Negus,Wakeness,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573193480",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573193480,
["reason"] = "Onyxia's Lair: Onyxia",
}, -- [232]
["players"] = "Harskare,Prosecutor,Babylegs,Sylve,Executive,Wishiwashord,Perkys,Yip,Viscount,Sporz,Snappers,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573193468",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1573193468,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [233]
["players"] = "Harskare,Ashley,Prosecutor,Babylegs,Sylve,Executive,Wishiwashord,Nickelback,Shiftytwo,Perkys,Yip,Viscount,Sporz,Exarch,Wakeness,Negus,Liyana,Snappers,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573190873",
["dkp"] = 0,
["date"] = 1573190873,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [234]
["players"] = "Odysseus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573188471",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1573188471,
["reason"] = "Other - head of ony",
}, -- [235]
["players"] = "Ceo,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573188456",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1573188456,
["reason"] = "Other - t2 helm",
}, -- [236]
["players"] = "Jasmine,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573188439",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1573188439,
["reason"] = "Other - t2 helm",
}, -- [237]
["players"] = "Fj,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573188411",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1573188411,
["reason"] = "Other - sapphrion drape",
}, -- [238]
["players"] = "Dretti,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573022061",
["dkp"] = 50,
["date"] = 1573022061,
["reason"] = "Other - MC 11/5",
}, -- [239]
["players"] = "Dretti,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573022032",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1573022032,
["reason"] = "Other - completions over",
}, -- [240]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Odysseus,Sporz,Slothland,Lefty,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Tubble,Viscount,Tyrendian,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Prosecutor,Exarch,Sevan,Ashley,Negus,Strykn,Nickelback,Iddqd,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Sultan,Babylegs,Liyana,Ceo,Fj,Snappers,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Regularlegs,Perkys,Thrist,Yip,Warriordad,Executive,Blazzinbob,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573021096",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1573021096,
["reason"] = "Other - completions over",
}, -- [241]
["players"] = "Harskare,Snappers,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Executive,Sylve,Sevan,Babylegs,Ceo,Jasmine,Viscount,Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Iddqd,Xctu,Nickelback,Shiftytwo,Strykn,Sultan,Thrist,Wakeness,Prosecutor,Odysseus,Ashley,Negus,Blazzinbob,Regularlegs,Lefty,Yip,Wishiwashord,Liyana,Exarch,Tubble,Tyrendian,Sporz,Fj,Bel,Slothland,Leand,Dretti,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573021076",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1573021076,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [242]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Odysseus,Sporz,Slothland,Lefty,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Tubble,Viscount,Tyrendian,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Prosecutor,Exarch,Sevan,Ashley,Negus,Strykn,Nickelback,Iddqd,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Sultan,Babylegs,Liyana,Ceo,Fj,Snappers,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Regularlegs,Perkys,Thrist,Yip,Warriordad,Executive,Blazzinbob,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573021061",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573021061,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Ragnaros",
}, -- [243]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Odysseus,Sporz,Slothland,Lefty,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Tubble,Viscount,Tyrendian,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Prosecutor,Exarch,Sevan,Ashley,Negus,Strykn,Nickelback,Iddqd,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Sultan,Babylegs,Liyana,Ceo,Fj,Snappers,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Regularlegs,Perkys,Thrist,Yip,Warriordad,Executive,Blazzinbob,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573020424",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573020424,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [244]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Odysseus,Sporz,Slothland,Lefty,Harskare,Shiftytwo,Tubble,Viscount,Tyrendian,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Prosecutor,Exarch,Sevan,Ashley,Negus,Strykn,Nickelback,Iddqd,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Sultan,Babylegs,Liyana,Ceo,Fj,Snappers,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Regularlegs,Perkys,Thrist,Yip,Warriordad,Executive,Blazzinbob,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573020420",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573020420,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [245]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Bel,Yip,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Fj,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Xctu,Babylegs,Jasmine,Liyana,Lefty,Tubble,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Harskare,Snappers,Viscount,Sevan,Exarch,Thrist,Strykn,Ashley,Shiftytwo,Slothland,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Ceo,Sultan,Sporz,Negus,Wakeness,Regularlegs,Blazzinbob,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573018422",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573018422,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Baron Geddon",
}, -- [246]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Bel,Yip,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Fj,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Xctu,Babylegs,Jasmine,Liyana,Lefty,Tubble,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Harskare,Snappers,Viscount,Sevan,Exarch,Thrist,Strykn,Ashley,Shiftytwo,Slothland,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Ceo,Sultan,Sporz,Negus,Wakeness,Regularlegs,Blazzinbob,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573018418",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573018418,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Garr",
}, -- [247]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Bel,Yip,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Fj,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Xctu,Babylegs,Jasmine,Liyana,Lefty,Tubble,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Harskare,Snappers,Viscount,Sevan,Exarch,Thrist,Strykn,Ashley,Shiftytwo,Slothland,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Ceo,Sultan,Sporz,Negus,Wakeness,Regularlegs,Blazzinbob,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573018408",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573018408,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Shazzrah",
}, -- [248]
["players"] = "Harskare,Odysseus,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Executive,Prosecutor,Sevan,Babylegs,Sylve,Jasmine,Viscount,Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Iddqd,Xctu,Nickelback,Shiftytwo,Strykn,Sultan,Thrist,Wakeness,Ceo,Sporz,Ashley,Negus,Blazzinbob,Regularlegs,Lefty,Yip,Wishiwashord,Liyana,Exarch,Tubble,Tyrendian,Snappers,Fj,Bel,Slothland,Leand,Dretti,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573017655",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573017655,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [249]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Bel,Yip,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Fj,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Xctu,Babylegs,Jasmine,Liyana,Lefty,Tubble,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Harskare,Snappers,Viscount,Sevan,Exarch,Thrist,Strykn,Ashley,Shiftytwo,Slothland,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Ceo,Sultan,Sporz,Negus,Wakeness,Regularlegs,Blazzinbob,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573016763",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573016763,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [250]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Bel,Yip,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Fj,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Xctu,Babylegs,Jasmine,Liyana,Lefty,Tubble,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Harskare,Snappers,Viscount,Sevan,Exarch,Thrist,Strykn,Ashley,Shiftytwo,Slothland,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Ceo,Sultan,Sporz,Negus,Wakeness,Regularlegs,Blazzinbob,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573016759",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573016759,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [251]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Bel,Yip,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Fj,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Xctu,Babylegs,Jasmine,Liyana,Lefty,Tubble,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Harskare,Snappers,Viscount,Sevan,Exarch,Thrist,Strykn,Ashley,Shiftytwo,Slothland,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Ceo,Sultan,Sporz,Negus,Wakeness,Regularlegs,Blazzinbob,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573016755",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573016755,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [252]
["players"] = "Harskare,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573016745",
["dkp"] = -45,
["date"] = 1573016745,
["reason"] = "Other - t1 belt",
}, -- [253]
["players"] = "Harskare,Odysseus,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Executive,Prosecutor,Sevan,Babylegs,Sylve,Jasmine,Viscount,Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Iddqd,Xctu,Nickelback,Shiftytwo,Strykn,Sultan,Thrist,Wakeness,Ceo,Sporz,Ashley,Negus,Blazzinbob,Regularlegs,Lefty,Yip,Wishiwashord,Liyana,Tubble,Tyrendian,Snappers,Fj,Bel,Slothland,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573014029",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1573014029,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [254]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,Perkys,Bel,Yip,Nickelback,Sylve,Executive,Fj,Iddqd,Tyrendian,Xctu,Babylegs,Jasmine,Liyana,Lefty,Tubble,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Harskare,Snappers,Viscount,Sevan,Exarch,Thrist,Strykn,Ashley,Shiftytwo,Slothland,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Ceo,Sultan,Sporz,Negus,Wakeness,Regularlegs,Blazzinbob,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1573014022",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1573014022,
["reason"] = "Onyxia's Lair: Onyxia",
}, -- [255]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Bel,Blazzinbob,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Cuisine,Ellionora,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Leand,Lefty,Liyana,Mattimeox,Melarina,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Slothland,Snappers,Sporz,Stoof,Strykn,Sultan,Sylve,Thrist,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Wakeness,Warriordad,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Yip,Zerp,Castellan,Hoeser,Basileus,Dretti,Thighhighs,Kaytana,Quavo,Marshmelluw,Jardio,Brujeria,Holyrect,Santoki,Icedout,Terran,Nahj,Indreams,Santopadre,Dibbletiki,Metric,Tresdin,Xoo,Fatbird,Schrei,Vexu,Breakpoint,Joomla,Ballsmells,Sendarin,Frostcat,Rustyblade,Puretank,Lyso,Regularlegs,Rin,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572932260",
["dkp"] = "-12,-16,-19,-2,-15,-14,-6,-21,-14,-6,-2,-13,-18,-17,-14,-17,-16,-7,-15,-15,0,-3,-6,-18,-10,-19,-14,-13,-10,-9,-11,-13,-5,-9,-11,-6,-18,-12,-15,-16,-13,-5,-15,-9,-16,-18,-3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-3,0,-5%",
["date"] = 1572932260,
["reason"] = "Weekly Decay",
}, -- [256]
["players"] = "Regularlegs,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572932230",
["dkp"] = 3,
["date"] = 1572932230,
["reason"] = "Other - mc 10/29",
}, -- [257]
["players"] = "Regularlegs,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572932107",
["dkp"] = "-3,-5%",
["date"] = 1572932107,
["reason"] = "Weekly Decay",
}, -- [258]
["players"] = "Regularlegs,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572932095",
["dkp"] = 65,
["date"] = 1572932095,
["reason"] = "Other - mc 10/29",
}, -- [259]
["players"] = "Catatonic,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572415121",
["dkp"] = -10,
["date"] = 1572415121,
["reason"] = "Other - over gifted dkp",
}, -- [260]
["players"] = "Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,Yip,Wakeness,Warriordad,Executive,Perkys,Thrist,Fj,Ceo,Snappers,Liyana,Babylegs,Iddqd,Strykn,Nickelback,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Sultan,Exarch,Melarina,Sevan,Prosecutor,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Tyrendian,Viscount,Tubble,Leand,Bel,Catatonic,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Lefty,Jasmine,Odysseus,Sporz,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572415094",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1572415094,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [261]
["players"] = "Blazzinbob,Corpsedaddyb,Yip,Wakeness,Warriordad,Executive,Perkys,Thrist,Fj,Ceo,Snappers,Liyana,Babylegs,Iddqd,Strykn,Nickelback,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Sultan,Exarch,Melarina,Sevan,Prosecutor,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Tyrendian,Viscount,Tubble,Leand,Bel,Catatonic,Shiftytwo,Harskare,Lefty,Jasmine,Odysseus,Sporz,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572415054",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1572415054,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Ragnaros",
}, -- [262]
["players"] = "Harskare,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572413839",
["dkp"] = -50,
["date"] = 1572413839,
["reason"] = "Other - t2 Pants",
}, -- [263]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Sporz,Harskare,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Bel,Tubble,Leand,Viscount,Tyrendian,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sylve,Sevan,Exarch,Melarina,Xctu,Iddqd,Nickelback,Sultan,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Babylegs,Snappers,Ceo,Fj,Liyana,Perkys,Blazzinbob,Warriordad,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Thrist,Executive,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572412335",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1572412335,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [264]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Sporz,Harskare,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Bel,Tubble,Leand,Viscount,Tyrendian,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sylve,Sevan,Exarch,Melarina,Xctu,Iddqd,Nickelback,Sultan,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Babylegs,Snappers,Ceo,Fj,Liyana,Perkys,Blazzinbob,Warriordad,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Thrist,Executive,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572411931",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1572411931,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [265]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Sporz,Harskare,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Bel,Tubble,Leand,Viscount,Tyrendian,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sylve,Sevan,Exarch,Melarina,Xctu,Iddqd,Nickelback,Sultan,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Babylegs,Snappers,Ceo,Fj,Liyana,Perkys,Blazzinbob,Warriordad,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Thrist,Executive,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572411455",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1572411455,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [266]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Sporz,Harskare,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Bel,Tubble,Leand,Viscount,Tyrendian,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sylve,Sevan,Exarch,Melarina,Xctu,Iddqd,Nickelback,Sultan,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Babylegs,Snappers,Ceo,Fj,Liyana,Perkys,Blazzinbob,Warriordad,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Thrist,Executive,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572410931",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1572410931,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Baron Geddon",
}, -- [267]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Sporz,Harskare,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Bel,Tubble,Leand,Viscount,Tyrendian,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sylve,Sevan,Exarch,Melarina,Xctu,Iddqd,Nickelback,Sultan,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Babylegs,Snappers,Ceo,Fj,Liyana,Perkys,Blazzinbob,Warriordad,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Thrist,Executive,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572410924",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1572410924,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Shazzrah",
}, -- [268]
["players"] = "Harskare,Lefty,Sylve,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Executive,Blazzinbob,Tyrendian,Leand,Viscount,Liyana,Perkys,Corpsedaddyb,Iddqd,Xctu,Shiftytwo,Nickelback,Thrist,Strykn,Yip,Fj,Jasmine,Tubble,Bel,Exarch,Prosecutor,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Wakeness,Sultan,Sporz,Ceo,Melarina,Snappers,Sevan,Babylegs,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572409873",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1572409873,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [269]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Sporz,Harskare,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Bel,Tubble,Leand,Viscount,Tyrendian,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sylve,Sevan,Exarch,Melarina,Xctu,Iddqd,Nickelback,Sultan,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Babylegs,Snappers,Ceo,Fj,Liyana,Perkys,Blazzinbob,Warriordad,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Thrist,Executive,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572408990",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1572408990,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Garr",
}, -- [270]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Sporz,Harskare,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Bel,Tubble,Leand,Viscount,Tyrendian,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sylve,Sevan,Exarch,Melarina,Xctu,Iddqd,Nickelback,Sultan,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Babylegs,Snappers,Ceo,Fj,Liyana,Perkys,Blazzinbob,Warriordad,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Thrist,Executive,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572408255",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1572408255,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [271]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Sporz,Harskare,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Bel,Tubble,Leand,Viscount,Tyrendian,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sylve,Sevan,Exarch,Melarina,Xctu,Iddqd,Nickelback,Sultan,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Babylegs,Snappers,Ceo,Fj,Liyana,Perkys,Blazzinbob,Warriordad,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Thrist,Executive,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572407762",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1572407762,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [272]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Sporz,Harskare,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Bel,Tubble,Leand,Viscount,Tyrendian,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sylve,Sevan,Exarch,Melarina,Xctu,Iddqd,Nickelback,Sultan,Strykn,Wishiwashord,Babylegs,Snappers,Ceo,Fj,Liyana,Perkys,Blazzinbob,Warriordad,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Thrist,Executive,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572407299",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1572407299,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [273]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Bel,Blazzinbob,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Cuisine,Ellionora,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Leand,Lefty,Liyana,Mattimeox,Melarina,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Slothland,Snappers,Sporz,Stoof,Strykn,Sultan,Sylve,Thrist,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Wakeness,Warriordad,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Yip,Zerp,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572400090",
["dkp"] = "-13,-15,-17,-6,-15,-15,-5,-18,-15,-6,-2,-15,-16,-15,-15,-15,-14,-5,-13,-13,0,-3,-6,-16,-7,-17,-12,-10,-8,-10,-12,-16,-3,-9,-13,-3,-16,-9,-13,-17,-13,-5,-12,-7,-16,-16,-3,-5%",
["date"] = 1572400090,
["reason"] = "Weekly Decay",
}, -- [274]
["players"] = "Sultan,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1572155509",
["dkp"] = 65,
["date"] = 1572155509,
["reason"] = "Other - MC 10/21",
}, -- [275]
["players"] = "Thrist,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571811101",
["dkp"] = -20,
["date"] = 1571811101,
["reason"] = "Other - Onyxia Axe",
}, -- [276]
["players"] = "Tyrendian,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Sevan,Perkys,Executive,Bel,Xctu,Nickelback,Sylve,Snappers,Lefty,Babylegs,Bubbelhearth,Harskare,Exarch,Fj,Iddqd,Jasmine,Strykn,Warriordad,Viscount,Liyana,Ashley,Tubble,Prosecutor,Slothland,Thrist,Shiftytwo,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Negus,Blazzinbob,Leand,Wakeness,Ceo,Sporz,Melarina,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571809324",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571809324,
["reason"] = "Other - Raid completion",
}, -- [277]
["players"] = "Harskare,Snappers,Sylve,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Executive,Nickelback,Negus,Prosecutor,Odysseus,Shiftytwo,Yip,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Blazzinbob,Lefty,Perkys,Iddqd,Corpsedaddyb,Xctu,Fj,Ceo,Tyrendian,Exarch,Jasmine,Tubble,Liyana,Sevan,Viscount,Babylegs,Wakeness,Thrist,Sporz,Bel,Ashley,Slothland,Melarina,Leand,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571809305",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1571809305,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [278]
["players"] = "Tyrendian,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Sevan,Perkys,Executive,Bel,Xctu,Nickelback,Sylve,Snappers,Lefty,Babylegs,Bubbelhearth,Harskare,Exarch,Fj,Iddqd,Jasmine,Strykn,Warriordad,Viscount,Liyana,Ashley,Tubble,Prosecutor,Slothland,Thrist,Shiftytwo,Odysseus,Wishiwashord,Negus,Blazzinbob,Leand,Wakeness,Ceo,Sporz,Melarina,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571808436",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571808436,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [279]
["players"] = "Tyrendian,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Exarch,Perkys,Sevan,Executive,Bel,Xctu,Nickelback,Sylve,Snappers,Lefty,Babylegs,Bubbelhearth,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Viscount,Strykn,Warriordad,Liyana,Ashley,Tubble,Prosecutor,Slothland,Thrist,Negus,Shiftytwo,Odysseus,Blazzinbob,Wishiwashord,Leand,Wakeness,Ceo,Sporz,Melarina,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571807161",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571807161,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Shazzrah",
}, -- [280]
["players"] = "Tyrendian,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Exarch,Perkys,Sevan,Executive,Bel,Xctu,Nickelback,Sylve,Snappers,Lefty,Babylegs,Bubbelhearth,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Viscount,Strykn,Warriordad,Liyana,Ashley,Tubble,Prosecutor,Slothland,Thrist,Negus,Shiftytwo,Odysseus,Blazzinbob,Wishiwashord,Leand,Wakeness,Ceo,Sporz,Melarina,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571807145",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571807145,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [281]
["players"] = "Harskare,Sylve,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Executive,Nickelback,Negus,Prosecutor,Thrist,Odysseus,Shiftytwo,Yip,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Blazzinbob,Lefty,Perkys,Iddqd,Corpsedaddyb,Xctu,Fj,Ceo,Tyrendian,Exarch,Jasmine,Tubble,Liyana,Sevan,Viscount,Babylegs,Wakeness,Bel,Sporz,Snappers,Ashley,Slothland,Melarina,Leand,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571806900",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571806900,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [282]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Slothland,Sporz,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Harskare,Tyrendian,Tubble,Bel,Viscount,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sylve,Sevan,Ashley,Melarina,Exarch,Nickelback,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Iddqd,Xctu,Negus,Ceo,Snappers,Fj,Liyana,Babylegs,Warriordad,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Thrist,Blazzinbob,Yip,Executive,Perkys,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571805707",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571805707,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Garr",
}, -- [283]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Slothland,Sporz,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Harskare,Tyrendian,Tubble,Bel,Viscount,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sylve,Sevan,Ashley,Melarina,Exarch,Nickelback,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Iddqd,Xctu,Negus,Ceo,Snappers,Fj,Liyana,Babylegs,Warriordad,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Thrist,Blazzinbob,Yip,Executive,Perkys,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571805696",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571805696,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Baron Geddon",
}, -- [284]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Slothland,Sporz,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Harskare,Tyrendian,Tubble,Bel,Viscount,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sylve,Sevan,Ashley,Melarina,Exarch,Nickelback,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Iddqd,Xctu,Negus,Ceo,Snappers,Fj,Liyana,Babylegs,Warriordad,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Thrist,Blazzinbob,Yip,Executive,Perkys,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571803745",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571803745,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [285]
["players"] = "Harskare,Sylve,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Executive,Nickelback,Negus,Prosecutor,Thrist,Odysseus,Shiftytwo,Yip,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Blazzinbob,Lefty,Perkys,Iddqd,Corpsedaddyb,Xctu,Fj,Ceo,Tyrendian,Exarch,Jasmine,Tubble,Liyana,Sevan,Viscount,Babylegs,Wakeness,Bel,Sporz,Snappers,Ashley,Slothland,Melarina,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571803281",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571803281,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [286]
["players"] = "Odysseus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571802427",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1571802427,
["reason"] = "Other - Medalian of steadfast",
}, -- [287]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Slothland,Sporz,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Harskare,Tyrendian,Tubble,Bel,Viscount,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sylve,Sevan,Ashley,Melarina,Exarch,Nickelback,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Iddqd,Xctu,Negus,Ceo,Snappers,Fj,Liyana,Babylegs,Warriordad,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Thrist,Blazzinbob,Yip,Executive,Perkys,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571802218",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571802218,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [288]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Slothland,Sporz,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Harskare,Tyrendian,Tubble,Bel,Viscount,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sylve,Sevan,Ashley,Melarina,Exarch,Nickelback,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Iddqd,Xctu,Negus,Ceo,Snappers,Fj,Liyana,Babylegs,Warriordad,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Thrist,Blazzinbob,Yip,Executive,Perkys,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571802125",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571802125,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [289]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Jasmine,Slothland,Sporz,Shiftytwo,Lefty,Harskare,Tyrendian,Tubble,Bel,Viscount,Bubbelhearth,Prosecutor,Sylve,Sevan,Ashley,Melarina,Exarch,Nickelback,Wishiwashord,Strykn,Iddqd,Xctu,Negus,Ceo,Snappers,Fj,Liyana,Babylegs,Warriordad,Wakeness,Corpsedaddyb,Thrist,Blazzinbob,Yip,Executive,Perkys,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571800909",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571800909,
["reason"] = "Onyxia's Lair: Onyxia",
}, -- [290]
["players"] = "Harskare,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571800660",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1571800660,
["reason"] = "Other - Black Dragon Sinew",
}, -- [291]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Bel,Blazzinbob,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Cuisine,Ellionora,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Leand,Lefty,Liyana,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Slothland,Snappers,Sporz,Stoof,Strykn,Sylve,Thrist,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Wakeness,Warriordad,Wishiwashord,Xctu,Yip,Zerp,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571718667",
["dkp"] = "-10,-13,-14,-4,-12,-16,-3,-16,-16,-7,-2,-14,-14,-12,-12,-11,-11,-4,-14,-10,-9,-13,-7,-14,-9,-14,-10,-10,-8,-13,0,-10,-10,-13,-7,-9,-17,-13,-2,-10,-3,-13,-16,-3,-5%",
["date"] = 1571718667,
["reason"] = "Weekly Decay",
}, -- [292]
["players"] = "Shiftytwo,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571369378",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1571369378,
["reason"] = "Other - Head of Onyxia",
}, -- [293]
["players"] = "Lefty,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571369331",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1571369331,
["reason"] = "Other - Sinew:)",
}, -- [294]
["players"] = "Wakeness,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571369312",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1571369312,
["reason"] = "Other - Eskhadar Collar (Neck)",
}, -- [295]
["players"] = "Prosecutor,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571369253",
["dkp"] = -50,
["date"] = 1571369253,
["reason"] = "Other - T2 Helm",
}, -- [296]
["players"] = "Harskare,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571369154",
["dkp"] = -50,
["date"] = 1571369154,
["reason"] = "Other - Dragonstalker Helm",
}, -- [297]
["players"] = "Tyrendian,Cougar,Catatonic,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Lefty,Harskare,Exarch,Sevan,Perkys,Bel,Executive,Xctu,Babylegs,Nickelback,Viscount,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Fj,Shiftytwo,Iddqd,Prosecutor,Jasmine,Shubnigguraf,Strykn,Warriordad,Liyana,Stoof,Ashley,Tubble,Negus,Thrist,Odysseus,Leand,Blazzinbob,Wishiwashord,Zerp,Ceo,Wakeness,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571368422",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571368422,
["reason"] = "Onyxia's Lair: Onyxia",
}, -- [298]
["players"] = "Blazzinbob,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571366985",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1571366985,
["reason"] = "Other - Overgifted completion bonus",
}, -- [299]
["players"] = "Catatonic,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571366978",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1571366978,
["reason"] = "Other - Overgifted completion bonus",
}, -- [300]
["players"] = "Warriordad,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571366968",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1571366968,
["reason"] = "Other - Overgifted completion bonus",
}, -- [301]
["players"] = "Stoof,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571366955",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1571366955,
["reason"] = "Other - Overgifted completion bonus",
}, -- [302]
["players"] = "Prosecutor,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571366946",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1571366946,
["reason"] = "Other - Overgifted completion bonus",
}, -- [303]
["players"] = "Snappers,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571366938",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1571366938,
["reason"] = "Other - Overgifted completion bonus",
}, -- [304]
["players"] = "Wakeness,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571365889",
["dkp"] = 10,
["date"] = 1571365889,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [305]
["players"] = "Wakeness,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571365838",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571365838,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Ragnaros (First Kill)",
}, -- [306]
["players"] = "Wakeness,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571365830",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571365830,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Majordomo Executus (First Kill)",
}, -- [307]
["players"] = "Wakeness,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571365824",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571365824,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Golemagg the Incinerator (First Kill)",
}, -- [308]
["players"] = "Wakeness,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571365819",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571365819,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Sulfuron Harbinger (First Kill)",
}, -- [309]
["players"] = "Wakeness,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571365815",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571365815,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Shazzrah (First Kill)",
}, -- [310]
["players"] = "Sylve,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571365724",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571365724,
["reason"] = "Other - 2nd hour of raid (Missed 5 for late)",
}, -- [311]
["players"] = "Sylve,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203889",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571203889,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [312]
["players"] = "Sylve,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203885",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571203885,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [313]
["players"] = "Sylve,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203881",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571203881,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [314]
["players"] = "Sylve,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203877",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571203877,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Garr",
}, -- [315]
["players"] = "Sylve,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203872",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571203872,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Baron Geddon",
}, -- [316]
["players"] = "Tyrendian,Catatonic,Yip,Cougar,Corpsedaddyb,Lefty,Exarch,Harskare,Sevan,Perkys,Executive,Bel,Xctu,Snappers,Nickelback,Babylegs,Viscount,Bubbelhearth,Fj,Prosecutor,Iddqd,Sylve,Jasmine,Shubnigguraf,Warriordad,Strykn,Stoof,Liyana,Ashley,Tubble,Negus,Slothland,Thrist,Odysseus,Blazzinbob,Leand,Wishiwashord,Zerp,Ceo,Ellionora,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203856",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571203856,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [317]
["players"] = "Harskare,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203713",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1571203713,
["reason"] = "Other - completion bonus ajust",
}, -- [318]
["players"] = "Harskare,Snappers,Prosecutor,Stoof,Warriordad,Catatonic,Blazzinbob,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203623",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571203623,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [319]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Slothland,Odysseus,Lefty,Zerp,Harskare,Leand,Cougar,Tyrendian,Viscount,Catatonic,Bel,Tubble,Prosecutor,Stoof,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Exarch,Ashley,Ellionora,Strykn,Xctu,Negus,Nickelback,Iddqd,Wishiwashord,Snappers,Babylegs,Liyana,Ceo,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Perkys,Yip,Executive,Warriordad,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Thrist,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203618",
["dkp"] = 10,
["date"] = 1571203618,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [320]
["players"] = "Stoof,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203596",
["dkp"] = -18,
["date"] = 1571203596,
["reason"] = "Other - T1 BRACER",
}, -- [321]
["players"] = "Slothland,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203530",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1571203530,
["reason"] = "Other - T1 BRACER",
}, -- [322]
["players"] = "Warriordad,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203491",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1571203491,
["reason"] = "Other - T1 belt",
}, -- [323]
["players"] = "Strykn,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203384",
["dkp"] = -16,
["date"] = 1571203384,
["reason"] = "Other - T1 belt",
}, -- [324]
["players"] = "Stoof,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203301",
["dkp"] = 9,
["date"] = 1571203301,
["reason"] = "Other - T1 BRACERS",
}, -- [325]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Slothland,Odysseus,Lefty,Zerp,Harskare,Leand,Cougar,Tyrendian,Viscount,Catatonic,Bel,Tubble,Prosecutor,Stoof,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Exarch,Ashley,Ellionora,Strykn,Xctu,Negus,Nickelback,Iddqd,Wishiwashord,Snappers,Babylegs,Liyana,Ceo,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Perkys,Yip,Executive,Warriordad,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Thrist,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203161",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571203161,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [326]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Slothland,Odysseus,Lefty,Zerp,Harskare,Leand,Cougar,Tyrendian,Viscount,Catatonic,Bel,Tubble,Prosecutor,Stoof,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Exarch,Ashley,Ellionora,Strykn,Xctu,Negus,Nickelback,Iddqd,Wishiwashord,Snappers,Babylegs,Liyana,Ceo,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Perkys,Yip,Executive,Warriordad,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Thrist,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203150",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571203150,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [327]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Slothland,Odysseus,Lefty,Zerp,Harskare,Leand,Cougar,Tyrendian,Viscount,Catatonic,Bel,Tubble,Prosecutor,Stoof,Sylve,Bubbelhearth,Sevan,Exarch,Ashley,Ellionora,Strykn,Xctu,Negus,Nickelback,Iddqd,Wishiwashord,Snappers,Babylegs,Liyana,Ceo,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Perkys,Yip,Executive,Warriordad,Corpsedaddyb,Blazzinbob,Thrist,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571203139",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571203139,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Ragnaros",
}, -- [328]
["players"] = "Wishiwashord,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571200252",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571200252,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Shazzrah",
}, -- [329]
["players"] = "Wishiwashord,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571200247",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571200247,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Baron Geddon",
}, -- [330]
["players"] = "Wishiwashord,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571200242",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571200242,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Garr",
}, -- [331]
["players"] = "Wishiwashord,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571200237",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571200237,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [332]
["players"] = "Wishiwashord,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571200233",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571200233,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [333]
["players"] = "Wishiwashord,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571200227",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571200227,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [334]
["players"] = "Bel,Tyrendian,Yip,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Catatonic,Lefty,Sevan,Exarch,Harskare,Perkys,Prosecutor,Executive,Xctu,Nickelback,Snappers,Babylegs,Viscount,Bubbelhearth,Warriordad,Fj,Slothland,Iddqd,Sylve,Strykn,Jasmine,Shubnigguraf,Ashley,Stoof,Liyana,Tubble,Negus,Thrist,Odysseus,Ceo,Zerp,Blazzinbob,Leand,Ellionora,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571200049",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571200049,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Shazzrah",
}, -- [335]
["players"] = "Bel,Tyrendian,Cougar,Yip,Catatonic,Corpsedaddyb,Lefty,Sevan,Exarch,Harskare,Perkys,Xctu,Executive,Babylegs,Snappers,Prosecutor,Strykn,Nickelback,Viscount,Jasmine,Bubbelhearth,Warriordad,Fj,Slothland,Iddqd,Shubnigguraf,Ashley,Stoof,Tubble,Liyana,Negus,Thrist,Odysseus,Ceo,Wakeness,Blazzinbob,Leand,Zerp,Ellionora,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571199427",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571199427,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Baron Geddon",
}, -- [336]
["players"] = "Bel,Tyrendian,Cougar,Yip,Catatonic,Corpsedaddyb,Lefty,Sevan,Exarch,Harskare,Perkys,Xctu,Executive,Babylegs,Snappers,Prosecutor,Strykn,Nickelback,Viscount,Jasmine,Bubbelhearth,Warriordad,Fj,Slothland,Iddqd,Shubnigguraf,Ashley,Stoof,Tubble,Liyana,Negus,Thrist,Odysseus,Ceo,Wakeness,Blazzinbob,Leand,Zerp,Ellionora,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571198649",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571198649,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Garr",
}, -- [337]
["players"] = "Harskare,Snappers,Bubbelhearth,Executive,Stoof,Warriordad,Cougar,Leand,Babylegs,Ellionora,Tubble,Catatonic,Tyrendian,Ceo,Ashley,Slothland,Thrist,Zerp,Iddqd,Strykn,Negus,Fj,Jasmine,Shubnigguraf,Exarch,Sevan,Yip,Blazzinbob,Perkys,Prosecutor,Bel,Wakeness,Liyana,Viscount,Lefty,Odysseus,Nickelback,Xctu,Corpsedaddyb,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571198449",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571198449,
["reason"] = "Time Interval Bonus",
}, -- [338]
["players"] = "Ellionora,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571197779",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571197779,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [339]
["players"] = "Executive,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571197714",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571197714,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [340]
["players"] = "Executive,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571197708",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571197708,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [341]
["players"] = "Prosecutor,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571197701",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571197701,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [342]
["players"] = "Prosecutor,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571197695",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571197695,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [343]
["players"] = "Prosecutor,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571197691",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571197691,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [344]
["players"] = "Tyrendian,Bel,Sevan,Yip,Catatonic,Cougar,Corpsedaddyb,Lefty,Harskare,Exarch,Perkys,Iddqd,Xctu,Strykn,Babylegs,Nickelback,Snappers,Viscount,Jasmine,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Fj,Slothland,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Ashley,Stoof,Tubble,Liyana,Thrist,Odysseus,Ceo,Leand,Psilocybin,Blazzinbob,Zerp,Wakeness,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571197651",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571197651,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [345]
["players"] = "Tyrendian,Bel,Sevan,Yip,Catatonic,Cougar,Corpsedaddyb,Lefty,Harskare,Exarch,Perkys,Iddqd,Xctu,Strykn,Babylegs,Nickelback,Snappers,Viscount,Jasmine,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Fj,Slothland,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Ashley,Stoof,Tubble,Liyana,Thrist,Odysseus,Ceo,Leand,Psilocybin,Blazzinbob,Zerp,Wakeness,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571197010",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571197010,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [346]
["players"] = "Tyrendian,Bel,Sevan,Yip,Catatonic,Cougar,Corpsedaddyb,Lefty,Harskare,Exarch,Perkys,Iddqd,Xctu,Strykn,Babylegs,Nickelback,Snappers,Viscount,Jasmine,Warriordad,Bubbelhearth,Fj,Slothland,Shubnigguraf,Negus,Ashley,Stoof,Tubble,Liyana,Thrist,Odysseus,Ceo,Leand,Psilocybin,Blazzinbob,Zerp,Wakeness,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571197006",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571197006,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [347]
["players"] = "Harskare,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571196997",
["dkp"] = -20,
["date"] = 1571196997,
["reason"] = "Other - Giantstalker Legs",
}, -- [348]
["players"] = "Harskare,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1571196924",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1571196924,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [349]
["players"] = "Perkys,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570838009",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1570838009,
["reason"] = "Other - Head of Onyxia",
}, -- [350]
["players"] = "Exarch,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570837981",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1570837981,
["reason"] = "Other - Sapphiron Drape",
}, -- [351]
["players"] = "Sylve,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570837949",
["dkp"] = -55,
["date"] = 1570837949,
["reason"] = "Other - Shared of the Scale",
}, -- [352]
["players"] = "Ashley,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570837860",
["dkp"] = -45,
["date"] = 1570837860,
["reason"] = "Other - Trancendence Helm",
}, -- [353]
["players"] = "Shiftytwo,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570837808",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1570837808,
["reason"] = "Other - Sinew",
}, -- [354]
["players"] = "Shiftytwo,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570837802",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1570837802,
["reason"] = "Other - DragonStalker Helm",
}, -- [355]
["players"] = "Odysseus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570837715",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1570837715,
["reason"] = "DKP Adjust",
}, -- [356]
["players"] = "Odysseus,Executive,Babylegs,Prosecutor,Stoof,Jasmine,Strykn,Corpsedaddyb,Bel,Viscount,Sevan,Iddqd,Shiftytwo,Xctu,Negus,Cougar,Ashley,Yip,Catatonic,Thrist,Tyrendian,Fj,Liyana,Shubnigguraf,Sylve,Ceo,Tubble,Exarch,Perkys,Bubbelhearth,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570837687",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1570837687,
["reason"] = "DKP Adjust",
}, -- [357]
["players"] = "Ellionora,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570600890",
["dkp"] = 30,
["date"] = 1570600890,
["reason"] = "Other - Molten Core Partial",
}, -- [358]
["players"] = "Thrist,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570600290",
["dkp"] = 65,
["date"] = 1570600290,
["reason"] = "Other - Molten Core",
}, -- [359]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Jjd,Lefty,Liyana,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Snappers,Stoof,Strykn,Sylve,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Warriordad,Xctu,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570600174",
["dkp"] = 10,
["date"] = 1570600174,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [360]
["players"] = "Negus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570600049",
["dkp"] = -15,
["date"] = 1570600049,
["reason"] = "Other - tier1 belt",
}, -- [361]
["players"] = "Nickelback,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570600044",
["dkp"] = -15,
["date"] = 1570600044,
["reason"] = "Other - tier1 belt",
}, -- [362]
["players"] = "Stoof,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570599857",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1570599857,
["reason"] = "Other - tier1 belt",
}, -- [363]
["players"] = "Harskare,Executive,Snappers,Warriordad,Prosecutor,Stoof,Cougar,Jasmine,Exarch,Shubnigguraf,Bel,Corpsedaddyb,Strykn,Yip,Negus,Sevan,Bubbelhearth,Babylegs,Viscount,Liyana,Tyrendian,Ashley,Catatonic,Lefty,Xctu,Iddqd,Perkys,Ceo,Tubble,Ellionora,Fj,Sylve,Odysseus,Nickelback,Shiftytwo,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570599590",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1570599590,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [364]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Jjd,Lefty,Liyana,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Snappers,Stoof,Strykn,Sylve,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Warriordad,Xctu,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570599219",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1570599219,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Ragnaros",
}, -- [365]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Jjd,Lefty,Liyana,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Snappers,Stoof,Strykn,Sylve,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Warriordad,Xctu,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570598542",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1570598542,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Majordomo Executus",
}, -- [366]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Jjd,Lefty,Liyana,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Snappers,Stoof,Strykn,Sylve,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Warriordad,Xctu,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570597787",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1570597787,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Golemagg the Incinerator",
}, -- [367]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Jjd,Lefty,Liyana,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Snappers,Stoof,Strykn,Sylve,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Warriordad,Xctu,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570597240",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1570597240,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Sulfuron Harbinger",
}, -- [368]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Jjd,Lefty,Liyana,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Snappers,Stoof,Strykn,Sylve,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Warriordad,Xctu,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570595964",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1570595964,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Shazzrah",
}, -- [369]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Jjd,Lefty,Liyana,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Snappers,Stoof,Strykn,Sylve,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Warriordad,Xctu,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570595018",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1570595018,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Baron Geddon",
}, -- [370]
["players"] = "Viscount,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570594494",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1570594494,
["reason"] = "Other - T1 HELM",
}, -- [371]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Jjd,Lefty,Liyana,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Snappers,Stoof,Strykn,Sylve,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Warriordad,Xctu,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570594468",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1570594468,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Garr",
}, -- [372]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Jjd,Lefty,Liyana,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Snappers,Stoof,Strykn,Sylve,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Warriordad,Xctu,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570593801",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1570593801,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [373]
["players"] = "Sylve,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570592868",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1570592868,
["reason"] = "Other - ONY/AJUST",
}, -- [374]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Jjd,Lefty,Liyana,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Snappers,Stoof,Strykn,Sylve,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Warriordad,Xctu,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570592840",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1570592840,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Lucifron",
}, -- [375]
["players"] = "Ashley,Babylegs,Bel,Bubbelhearth,Catatonic,Ceo,Corpsedaddyb,Cougar,Exarch,Executive,Fj,Harskare,Iddqd,Jasmine,Jjd,Lefty,Liyana,Negus,Nickelback,Odysseus,Perkys,Prosecutor,Sevan,Shiftytwo,Shubnigguraf,Snappers,Stoof,Strykn,Sylve,Tubble,Tyrendian,Viscount,Warriordad,Xctu,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570592831",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1570592831,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Magmadar",
}, -- [376]
["players"] = "Syvaris,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570582268",
["dkp"] = -70,
["date"] = 1570582268,
["reason"] = "Other - ajust",
}, -- [377]
["players"] = "Ceo,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570582245",
["dkp"] = -70,
["date"] = 1570582245,
["reason"] = "Other - ajust",
}, -- [378]
["players"] = "Ellionora,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570582206",
["dkp"] = -70,
["date"] = 1570582206,
["reason"] = "Other - ajust",
}, -- [379]
["players"] = "Lyanbank,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570578964",
["dkp"] = -70,
["date"] = 1570578964,
["reason"] = "Other - Raid Completion",
}, -- [380]
["players"] = "Oshwee,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570578958",
["dkp"] = -70,
["date"] = 1570578958,
["reason"] = "Other - Raid Completion",
}, -- [381]
["players"] = "Durai,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570578953",
["dkp"] = -70,
["date"] = 1570578953,
["reason"] = "Other - Raid Completion",
}, -- [382]
["players"] = "Baldpal,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570578943",
["dkp"] = -70,
["date"] = 1570578943,
["reason"] = "Other - Raid Completion",
}, -- [383]
["players"] = "Jjd,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570578842",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1570578842,
["reason"] = "Other - Raid Completion",
}, -- [384]
["players"] = "Odysseus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570578808",
["dkp"] = -70,
["date"] = 1570578808,
["reason"] = "Other - ajust",
}, -- [385]
["players"] = "Sporz,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570578793",
["dkp"] = -70,
["date"] = 1570578793,
["reason"] = "Other - ajust",
}, -- [386]
["players"] = "Babylegs,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570170188",
["dkp"] = 45,
["date"] = 1570170188,
["reason"] = "Other - Overcharged for head",
}, -- [387]
["players"] = "Liyana,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570161404",
["dkp"] = 17,
["date"] = 1570161404,
["reason"] = "Other - Overcharged for belt",
}, -- [388]
["players"] = "Harskare,Warriordad,Fjori,Executive,Prosecutor,Lefty,Qwerty,Snappers,Nickelback,Strykn,Bubbelhearth,Exarch,Catatonic,Slothland,Ashley,Jasmine,Sevan,Cougar,Bel,Tyrendian,Cuisine,Negus,Yip,Perkys,Xctu,Corpsedaddyb,Babylegs,Iddqd,Naia,Viscount,Wraxu,Shiftytwo,Fj,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570159281",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1570159281,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [389]
["players"] = "Shubnigguraf,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570157735",
["dkp"] = 12,
["date"] = 1570157735,
["reason"] = "Other - Overcharged for neck",
}, -- [390]
["players"] = "Cuisine,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570073903",
["dkp"] = -35,
["date"] = 1570073903,
["reason"] = "Other - bow",
}, -- [391]
["players"] = "Iddqd,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1570056471",
["dkp"] = -13,
["date"] = 1570056471,
["reason"] = "Other - bracers",
}, -- [392]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Sporz,Odysseus,Slothland,Harskare,Naia,Jjd,Wraxu,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Scrabs,Tubble,Catatonic,Bel,Tyrendian,Viscount,Cougar,Stoof,Baldpal,Fjori,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Prosecutor,Sevan,Ashley,Ellionora,Exarch,Strykn,Negus,Nickelback,Durai,Iddqd,Xctu,Snappers,Fj,Ceo,Liyana,Shubnigguraf,Savagelock,Babylegs,Warriordad,Corpsedaddyb,Cuisine,Oshwee,Executive,Qwerty,Syvaris,Lyanbank,Perkys,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569996796",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1569996796,
["reason"] = "DKP Adjust",
}, -- [393]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Sporz,Odysseus,Slothland,Harskare,Naia,Jjd,Wraxu,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Scrabs,Tubble,Catatonic,Bel,Tyrendian,Viscount,Cougar,Stoof,Baldpal,Fjori,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Prosecutor,Sevan,Ashley,Ellionora,Exarch,Strykn,Negus,Nickelback,Durai,Iddqd,Xctu,Snappers,Fj,Ceo,Liyana,Shubnigguraf,Savagelock,Babylegs,Warriordad,Corpsedaddyb,Cuisine,Oshwee,Executive,Qwerty,Syvaris,Lyanbank,Perkys,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569996780",
["dkp"] = 50,
["date"] = 1569996780,
["reason"] = "DKP Adjust",
}, -- [394]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Sporz,Odysseus,Slothland,Harskare,Naia,Jjd,Wraxu,Lefty,Shiftytwo,Scrabs,Tubble,Catatonic,Bel,Tyrendian,Viscount,Cougar,Stoof,Baldpal,Fjori,Bubbelhearth,Sylve,Prosecutor,Sevan,Ashley,Ellionora,Exarch,Strykn,Negus,Nickelback,Durai,Iddqd,Xctu,Snappers,Fj,Ceo,Liyana,Shubnigguraf,Savagelock,Babylegs,Warriordad,Corpsedaddyb,Cuisine,Oshwee,Executive,Qwerty,Syvaris,Lyanbank,Perkys,Yip,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569996767",
["dkp"] = 15,
["date"] = 1569996767,
["reason"] = "DKP Adjust",
}, -- [395]
["players"] = "Naia,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569995758",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1569995758,
["reason"] = "Other - RING",
}, -- [396]
["players"] = "Savagelock,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569995639",
["dkp"] = -50,
["date"] = 1569995639,
["reason"] = "Other - pants",
}, -- [397]
["players"] = "Iddqd,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569995582",
["dkp"] = -45,
["date"] = 1569995582,
["reason"] = "Other - PERD BLADE",
}, -- [398]
["players"] = "Viscount,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569995533",
["dkp"] = -50,
["date"] = 1569995533,
["reason"] = "Other - t2 pants",
}, -- [399]
["players"] = "Prosecutor,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569993813",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1569993813,
["reason"] = "Other - RING",
}, -- [400]
["players"] = "Harskare,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569993786",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1569993786,
["reason"] = "Other - leaf",
}, -- [401]
["players"] = "Fjori,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569992865",
["dkp"] = -55,
["date"] = 1569992865,
["reason"] = "Other - chest",
}, -- [402]
["players"] = "Xctu,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569992435",
["dkp"] = -45,
["date"] = 1569992435,
["reason"] = "Other - shoulders",
}, -- [403]
["players"] = "Scrabs,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569990832",
["dkp"] = -45,
["date"] = 1569990832,
["reason"] = "Other - GLOVES",
}, -- [404]
["players"] = "Babylegs,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569990785",
["dkp"] = -45,
["date"] = 1569990785,
["reason"] = "Other - BOOTS",
}, -- [405]
["players"] = "Fjori,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569989252",
["dkp"] = -45,
["date"] = 1569989252,
["reason"] = "Other - mainhand",
}, -- [406]
["players"] = "Liyana,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569988687",
["dkp"] = -35,
["date"] = 1569988687,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [407]
["players"] = "Stoof,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569988304",
["dkp"] = -35,
["date"] = 1569988304,
["reason"] = "Molten Core: Gehennas",
}, -- [408]
["players"] = "Warriordad,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569987730",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1569987730,
["reason"] = "Other - BRACERS",
}, -- [409]
["players"] = "Fj,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569987682",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1569987682,
["reason"] = "Other - BRACERS",
}, -- [410]
["players"] = "Shubnigguraf,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569986885",
["dkp"] = -25,
["date"] = 1569986885,
["reason"] = "DKP Adjust",
}, -- [411]
["players"] = "Snappers,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569986873",
["dkp"] = -45,
["date"] = 1569986873,
["reason"] = "DKP Adjust",
}, -- [412]
["players"] = "Slothland,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569984629",
["dkp"] = 95,
["date"] = 1569984629,
["reason"] = "Other - ajust",
}, -- [413]
["players"] = "Snappers,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569909852",
["dkp"] = 95,
["date"] = 1569909852,
["reason"] = "Other - Ajust",
}, -- [414]
["players"] = "Corpsedaddyb,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569903746",
["dkp"] = 95,
["date"] = 1569903746,
["reason"] = "DKP Adjust",
}, -- [415]
["players"] = "Iddqd,Harskare,Exarch,Ashley,Prosecutor,Stoof,Jasmine,Yip,Warriordad,Qwerty,Perkys,Executive,Cuisine,Fj,Savagelock,Shubnigguraf,Babylegs,Xctu,Strykn,Sevan,Sylve,Fjori,Viscount,Tyrendian,Cougar,Catatonic,Bel,Shiftytwo,Naia,Jjd,Lefty,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569903654",
["dkp"] = 95,
["date"] = 1569903654,
["reason"] = "DKP Adjust",
}, -- [416]
["players"] = "Nickelback,Scrabs,Wraxu,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569903432",
["dkp"] = 65,
["date"] = 1569903432,
["reason"] = "DKP Adjust",
}, -- [417]
["players"] = "Bubbelhearth,Negus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569903402",
["dkp"] = 30,
["date"] = 1569903402,
["reason"] = "DKP Adjust",
}, -- [418]
["players"] = "Harskare,Viscount,Tyrendian,Bel,Fjori,Snappers,Iddqd,Executive,Qwerty,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569903218",
["dkp"] = 20,
["date"] = 1569903218,
["reason"] = "Other - Aqual Quintessence",
}, -- [419]
["players"] = "Sporz,Odysseus,Ellionora,Bubbelhearth,Durai,Syvaris,Lyanbank,Oshwee,Baldpal,Ceo,Negus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569815868",
["dkp"] = 65,
["date"] = 1569815868,
["reason"] = "Other - Reset",
}, -- [420]
["players"] = "Snappers,Harskare,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569815855",
["dkp"] = -5,
["date"] = 1569815855,
["reason"] = "Other - Reset",
}, -- [421]
["players"] = "Harskare,Snappers,Xctu,Nickelback,Iddqd,Yip,Ashley,Strykn,Perkys,Fj,Shubnigguraf,Savagelock,Qwerty,Cuisine,Sevan,Executive,Warriordad,Corpsedaddyb,Babylegs,Fjori,Exarch,Cougar,Sylve,Viscount,Scrabs,Shiftytwo,Naia,Wraxu,Jjd,Lefty,Tyrendian,Jasmine,Bel,Stoof,Catatonic,Prosecutor,Slothland,Sporz,Lyanbank,Oshwee,Syvaris,Baldpal,Durai,Bubbelhearth,Ceo,Ellionora,Negus,Odysseus,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569815844",
["dkp"] = -65,
["date"] = 1569815844,
["reason"] = "Other - Reset",
}, -- [422]
["players"] = "Harskare,Snappers,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569815038",
["dkp"] = 5,
["date"] = 1569815038,
["reason"] = "Raid Completion Bonus",
}, -- [423]
["players"] = "Jasmine,Slothland,Naia,Wraxu,Harskare,Lefty,Jjd,Shiftytwo,Catatonic,Scrabs,Bel,Tyrendian,Cougar,Viscount,Fjori,Prosecutor,Sylve,Stoof,Ashley,Sevan,Exarch,Nickelback,Xctu,Strykn,Iddqd,Savagelock,Fj,Snappers,Shubnigguraf,Babylegs,Warriordad,Corpsedaddyb,Executive,Yip,Cuisine,Perkys,Qwerty,",
["index"] = "Iddqd-1569545076",
["dkp"] = 65,
["date"] = 1569545076,
["reason"] = "DKP Adjust",
}, -- [424]
["seed"] = 0,
MonDKP_MinBids = {
["item"] = "Eskhandar's Collar",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["item"] = "Bloodfang Hood",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [2]
["item"] = "Nemesis Skullcap",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [3]
["item"] = "Cenarion Boots",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [4]
["item"] = "Felheart Gloves",
["minbid"] = 22,
}, -- [5]
["item"] = "Felheart Pants",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [6]
["item"] = "Legplates of Might",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [7]
["item"] = "Obsidian Edged Blade",
["minbid"] = 7,
}, -- [8]
["item"] = "Lawbringer Helm",
["minbid"] = 50,
}, -- [9]
["item"] = "Seal of the Archmagus",
["minbid"] = 6,
}, -- [10]
["item"] = "Arcanist Gloves",
["minbid"] = 11,
}, -- [11]
["item"] = "Sorcerous Dagger",
["minbid"] = 23,
}, -- [12]
["item"] = "Pauldrons of Might",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [13]
["item"] = "Mantle of Prophecy",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [14]
["item"] = "Felheart Robes",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [15]
["item"] = "Lawbringer Chestguard",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [16]
["item"] = "Wild Growth Spaulders",
["minbid"] = 45,
}, -- [17]
["item"] = "Fireguard Shoulders",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [18]
["item"] = "Ancient Petrified Leaf",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [19]
["item"] = "Dragonstalker's Legguards",
["minbid"] = 50,
}, -- [20]
["item"] = "Band of Sulfuras",
["minbid"] = 7,
}, -- [21]
["item"] = "Malistar's Defender",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [22]
["item"] = "Leggings of Transcendence",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [23]
["item"] = "Nightslayer Pants",
["minbid"] = 10,
}, -- [24]
["item"] = "Aged Core Leather Gloves",
["minbid"] = 45,
}, -- [25]
["item"] = "Sabatons of Might",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [26]
["item"] = "Gloves of Prophecy",
["minbid"] = 7,
}, -- [27]
["item"] = "Helm of Might",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [28]
["item"] = "Aurastone Hammer",
["minbid"] = 45,
}, -- [29]
["item"] = "Gutgore Ripper",
["minbid"] = 45,
}, -- [30]
["item"] = "Cenarion Spaulders",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [31]
["item"] = "Arcanist Mantle",
["minbid"] = 11,
}, -- [32]
["item"] = "Felheart Slippers",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [33]
["item"] = "Cenarion Gloves",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [34]
["item"] = "Talisman of Ephemeral Power",
["minbid"] = 55,
}, -- [35]
["item"] = "Cauterizing Band",
["minbid"] = 25,
}, -- [36]
["item"] = "Fireproof Cloak",
["minbid"] = 10,
}, -- [37]
["item"] = "Stormrage Legguards",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [38]
["item"] = "Dragon's Blood Cape",
["minbid"] = 25,
}, -- [39]
["item"] = "Judgement Legplates",
["minbid"] = 50,
}, -- [40]
["item"] = "Netherwind Crown",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [41]
["item"] = "Dragonstalker's Helm",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [42]
["item"] = "Fire Runed Grimoire",
["minbid"] = 19,
}, -- [43]
["item"] = "Nightslayer Gloves",
["minbid"] = 28,
}, -- [44]
["item"] = "Girdle of Prophecy",
["minbid"] = 20,
}, -- [45]
["item"] = "Nightslayer Cover",
["minbid"] = 6,
}, -- [46]
["item"] = "Flamewaker Legplates",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [47]
["item"] = "Core Forged Greaves",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [48]
["item"] = "Judgement Crown",
["minbid"] = 7,
}, -- [49]
["item"] = "Giantstalker's Boots",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [50]
["item"] = "Arcanist Belt",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [51]
["item"] = "Felheart Shoulder Pads",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [52]
["item"] = "Nightslayer Bracelets",
["minbid"] = 15,
}, -- [53]
["item"] = "Cenarion Belt",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [54]
["item"] = "Ancient Cornerstone Grimoire",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [55]
["item"] = "Halo of Transcendence",
["minbid"] = 7,
}, -- [56]
["item"] = "Nightslayer Belt",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [57]
["item"] = "Heavy Dark Iron Ring",
["minbid"] = 11,
}, -- [58]
["item"] = "Cenarion Leggings",
["minbid"] = 8,
}, -- [59]
["item"] = "Bracers of Might",
["minbid"] = 9,
}, -- [60]
["item"] = "Circlet of Prophecy",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [61]
["item"] = "Nightslayer Boots",
["minbid"] = 26,
}, -- [62]
["item"] = "Helm of Wrath",
["minbid"] = 16,
}, -- [63]
["item"] = "Arcanist Boots",
["minbid"] = 16,
}, -- [64]
["item"] = "Cenarion Helm",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [65]
["item"] = "Arcanist Robes",
["minbid"] = 30,
}, -- [66]
["item"] = "Essence of the Pure Flame",
["minbid"] = 9,
}, -- [67]
["item"] = "Legplates of Wrath",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [68]
["item"] = "Ring of Binding",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [69]
["item"] = "Mature Black Dragon Sinew",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [70]
["item"] = "Lawbringer Legplates",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [71]
["item"] = "Pants of Prophecy",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [72]
["item"] = "Magma Tempered Boots",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [73]
["item"] = "Cenarion Vestments",
["minbid"] = 25,
}, -- [74]
["item"] = "Stormrage Cover",
["minbid"] = 13,
}, -- [75]
["item"] = "Belt of Might",
["minbid"] = 11,
}, -- [76]
["item"] = "Drillborer Disk",
["minbid"] = 6,
}, -- [77]
["item"] = "Gloves of the Hypnotic Flame",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [78]
["item"] = "Arcanist Bindings",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [79]
["item"] = "Crimson Shocker",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [80]
["item"] = "Earthshaker",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [81]
["item"] = "Arcanist Crown",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [82]
["item"] = "Felheart Belt",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [83]
["item"] = "Breastplate of Might",
["minbid"] = 11,
}, -- [84]
["item"] = "Gauntlets of Might",
["minbid"] = 15,
}, -- [85]
["item"] = "Arcanist Leggings",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [86]
["item"] = "Head of Onyxia",
["minbid"] = 9,
}, -- [87]
["item"] = "Cenarion Bracers",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [88]
["item"] = "Blastershot Launcher",
["minbid"] = 11,
}, -- [89]
["item"] = "Spinal Reaper",
["minbid"] = 5,
}, -- [90]
MonDKP_Whitelist = {
MonDKP_Standby = {
MonDKP_Archive = {


The variable would recreate itself on the next login. The value would be different though which is what you need. You didn't post an error.