Monolith DKP

Monolith DKP


DKP Sync Not Working

Zmboop opened this issue ยท 1 comments


My guild's monolith DKP system got completely ruined somehow after we updated to the 2.0 version, we've been trucking along with a scuffed version for a while thinking the newer updates would fix it for us somehow, but that's clearly not the case as something must have gone really wrong. Right now, everyone has different DKP values and they won't sync up. Only one player in the guild has the correct amount so we all rely on him to message the guild their DKP amount, it's very annoying.

How can we reset everybodys amounts in order to get back to a uniformed DKP System?


I would recommend everyone get on 2.1.2 and get the savedvariables file from the one user with the correct data. Then broadcast that correct version of the tables to everyone else. 2.1.2 abandons the sync system since it was causing more issues than were worth fixing.