Monolith DKP

Monolith DKP


Not So Much a Issue but a Question

YoitsMeda opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hey Roeshambo,

I wanted to ask you if you ever planned on adding a feature where if you wanted to have a second table separate from your normal guild table kinda like a Guild Pug Table or something you could have a separate table that doesn't interfere with your normal guild table? The reason I ask is I run pugs for people that don't want to leave their current guild but want to raid consistently and want to use a dkp system that would be for that raid other only, but I don't want it to interfere with the current rosters we use for our main raids because this is mainly our alts and whatnot. Is that something you've considered like letting people have two different tables on one account or is that already a feature and I just need to learn more about this app? It's just hard looking at other dkp trackers when your's is really well done.