Monolith DKP

Monolith DKP


Adding a non guild member

tomr578uk opened this issue · 7 comments


My guild raids with another guild,and used monolith for the first time between the guild last night. Everybody apart from one added with wither the add raid members,or using the target option.
But one person could not be added in any way at all,he even tried unistalling and re-installing,and even a full pc restart did nothing.
Have used it before with non-guild members and never had this problem.
Any help on this would be appreciated,thanks


The only workaround I know at the moment is:

  1. Player joins the guild
  2. You add him to the Database
  3. You sync to all officers
  4. Player leaves the guild and joins his old guild

Then he will still be in your database, the only problem is that he won't be able to see/access his DKP.


Sounds like a character name issue? Does the affected player name have any weird characters in it? Anything that's not "a-z"


Yeah i think the addon keeps historical data .. so you should've wiped the table, deleted the lua files in saved variables or something to really make sure all old data is gone. Then start from scratch.

Guess that's not an option anymore right now.
