Monolith DKP

Monolith DKP


Request: Add alt characters to DKP pool

BreakBB opened this issue ยท 8 comments


In our guild we take some alt characters in the raid and let them bid with the DKP of their main characters.

It would be great to have an option to add some alternative characters to a main, so they can bid without adding them to the DKP list and sync their DKP by hand.


I created a fork and added an alt management for our guild. We tested it over the last month and it works quite good. The version is compatible with the curse version. So only the Raidleader/DKP manager need to install this new version for testing.

What should work:

  • Adding alts via target and list selection
  • Removing alts via target
  • Clearing alt list for chars
  • Recognize alts for timing awards
  • Recognize alts in list selections
  • Alts can bid with the dkp of the main
  • Main is listed in raid broadcast
  • Main is listed in item history and dkp history
  • Alts are listed in overview in brackets after the main


  • New players are now broadcasted (only to the ones who have the new version)
  • German localization

May contain bugs so, I would appreciate further testing. Make a copy of your WTF folder before testing :)


Hey @Nihildum Thank you very much! I will check this out for sure as we really need this for our guild as well! ๐Ÿ’ช And I didn't have enough time for a PR myself!

I hope @Roeshambo will have the time to review the PR and add it to MonolithDKP ๐Ÿ™


@Nihildum The only issue I noticed right now is the message "No player named is currenlty playing". Looks like something is still referencing the main char


@BreakBB I think, I found the error. If bidding with an alt, it tried to wisper the main char. Should be fixed now.


@Nihildum Yeah that sounds like the error, perfect ๐Ÿ‘Œ


@Roeshambo Any intention to update MonolithDKP? If not maybe @Nihildum wants to be added to the curseforge project to upload his branch state?


Our guild does the same and this feature would be great.