Monolith DKP

Monolith DKP


Auto award dkp with no raid initialized

sarahbau opened this issue ยท 3 comments


The "auto award dkp" option to give dkp when a boss is killed currently awards dkp regardless of whether a raid has been initialized. This means when we're running a non-dkp raid (bonus Onyxia where we can get two kills in one week, but one is not on the raid schedule, for example, or for ZG, where we don't use DKP), Monolith still awards dkp unless that option is manually disabled.

Either the option should not award dkp when a raid is not initialized, or there should be a sub option, such as:

  • Auto award DKP
    • Award when no raid is initialized

I've seen the same bug several times now.
As long as an officer of the guild is in a raid, Monolith awards DKP to guild members.
We just had an alt run to ZG (we only use DKP for MC, BWL and Onyxia), and one of the officers was on his alt. Then they get DKP for all bosses slain that they haven't been awarded DKP for before.

Manually deleting entries all the time is a bit annoying.


I found that changing line 188 of init.lua to
if core.IsOfficer and IsInRaid() and core.RaidInProgress then
fixes this


We also had this issue, (dkp was granted from zg runs when we don't use dkp there) but were informed that 'auto award dkp' checkbox being disabled would fix this. Indeed it did, but when I subsequently re-enabled the 'auto award dkp' checkbox for our BWL run the next day, no DKP was auto-awarded.

Something fishy going on with this! Please investigate.