Monolith DKP

Monolith DKP


Request/idea: (off)spec rolling

Snizzle12 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


As i noticed specs are being tracked in the addon, i was wondering if it would be possible to assign specs that are allowed to roll for items, along with the option to roll as offspec.

This combined with an offspec discount for example could make rolling faster once you start clearing instances.
Yes this would be a total biatch to put in (assigning items to multiple specs somehow), that i understand.

for example:
2H sword drops. The main warrior tank, protection spec, wants it for offspec so clicks that button. If nobody wants it for main spec, the offspec roller wins.

This would mean:

  • items need to be assigned to specs (3 per class, so maybe tag boxes?)
  • a check is implemented to see if the item is assigned to the current spec of the raider
  • bidding window gets button for offspec roll
  • priority is implemented to make sure offspec won't win over main spec roll.

I assume this would be quite some work to implement, but i'm sure more people would see the value in a feature like this. Would this be something for a version 3.x?