Monolith DKP

Monolith DKP


Feature request: select affected players

crx-au opened this issue ยท 0 comments


User story:

As a loot master, I want to apply different amounts of decay to my raid team based on whether they attended any raids that week, so that our DKP system can be more fair on casual raiders in the guild.

On the DKP History tab, when I right-click a DKP entry as an officer I'd like an option to "Select Affected Players". This would select every player in the table on the left who was affected by that DKP entry. As per the user story, I'd then be able to use the "Selected Players Only" checkbox and apply decay to the selected players.

This may also be useful for when an officer forgets to manually issue DKP for a boss fight and the raid has already disbanded; the feature will allow that officer to re-select the attendees of the raid without having to refer to WarcraftLogs for attendance and manually select the players who were present.

Ideally, the selection would be additive. To clarify what I mean here, if any players are already selected in the table, clicking "Select Affected Players" would not de-select any of those players before selecting the players affected by the DKP entry.
E.g. We have a DKP table with PlayerA, PlayerB, PlayerC and PlayerD. A DKP entry is created for +5 DKP for killing Ragnaros, affecting PlayerA and PlayerC. I select PlayerB in the table, then right-click "Select Affected Players" for the DKP entry. PlayerA, PlayerB and PlayerC should then all be selected.

I'm very open to other ways that I can accomplish this but this was the easiest way I could think of as far as implementation goes. Either way thanks for all the hard work you put into Monolith!