Monolith DKP

Monolith DKP


Unable to add users

curtman7 opened this issue · 9 comments


Hello, I am trying to test this out in the retail client before using it in classic. I created a raid group with 3 people and when I click the button to add users to the table, nothing happens. This is the only addon I have installed. Any suggestions?


Were those raid members in your guild? The addon only adds the raid members if they are. I'm adding other "add player" functionality in the next version that will be out tomorrow including an "add guild members by rank" and "add target" which will be regardless of guild standing.


Ya that was because i generated that savedvariables file outside of the game manually for testing purposes. Those weren't real players. As far as not adding you, it should have. If you get a chance to try it again, turn on LUA errors with /console scriptErrors 1 and then use the button and let me know if an error is thrown. I haven't seen any issues with adding myself with non-guildies in the group while testing.


Ah ya, i had it supporting those races/classes when I was testing it in retail but completely forgot I had removed them for testing in the beta. I just tested it using only vanilla classes and it worked fine so you shouldn't have any problems in 2 weeks :)


I'll throw that code back in tonight and push the update out tomorrow so you can get at least a week if fiddling with it in. More people that try to break it the more reliable it'll be for the first raids :)


Thank you, i'll definitely take a look. The HTML export was quickly thrown together and was simply rudimentary. I'm working with two other individuals regarding export. One that is hosting a website that will allow the data to be uploaded directly via the savedvariables file, the other is going to use a CSV output (which will be in the next version) to import data into a Discord bot.
