Mount Journal Enhanced

Mount Journal Enhanced


[Bug] Mount stats information bugs out if you swap tabs

zeenk opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I'd also suggest adding a "Reset window frame size" button down by the other controls if you'd like to go back to default size to match all the other tab window sizes ๐Ÿ˜„
Nvm, you just drag it back until you can't anymore to get the default size again so probably not needed :P

Edit: Deleted my savedvariable file just to test default settings, and no issues with default window size so it only bugs out if you have adjusted the window size


Thank you for reporting this bug. I wouldn't have found it. ๐Ÿ˜„


just released in version 2.33.0

btw there are several reset methods for the size. (try the wrench icon or /mje reset size) I just wouldn't add a separate button for that onto the journal. It feels a bit unnecessary to have that always shown.


just released in version 2.33.0

btw there are several reset methods for the size. (try the wrench icon or /mje reset size) I just wouldn't add a separate button for that onto the journal. It feels a bit unnecessary to have that always shown.

Oh yeah I see the "Reset journal size" setting now, didn't know it existed ๐Ÿ‘