MouselookHandler (Mouse Look)

MouselookHandler (Mouse Look)


Broken as of 8/13 update?

DirtLover opened this issue · 11 comments


Hi folks, it seems MouselookHandler was broken in today's update. /mouselookhandler or /mh no longer display its options and the button appears nonfunctional. Uninstall/reinstall/disable/reenable does not seem to have helped. The addon does appear in the Addons list, though.


It will get updated soon hopefully.
I cannot play without it sadly.


Yo, full props to Cidan of BetterBags for figuring this out, but it's a one line fix. Change line 803 in the main MouselookHandler.lua file to be local currentVersion = _G.C_AddOns.GetAddOnMetadata(modName, "Version") and we're back in business.


It will get updated soon hopefully. I cannot play without it sadly.

Same. Wonder if there's anything we can do to get this added to the game natively. Lots of accessibility options added recently, would make sense to tackle this too.


Thank you for your responsiveness, I was about to cancel my subscription. I don't want to play without this addon.


It will get updated soon hopefully. I cannot play without it sadly.

Same. Wonder if there's anything we can do to get this added to the game natively. Lots of accessibility options added recently, would make sense to tackle this too.

It has been suggested to blizzard numerous times. Apparently they DGAF.


Yo, full props to Cidan of BetterBags for figuring this out, but it's a one line fix. Change line 803 in the main MouselookHandler.lua file to be local currentVersion = _G.C_AddOns.GetAddOnMetadata(modName, "Version") and we're back in business.

Thanks! I just pushed a commit with that change. CurseForge isn't letting me publish the new ZIP archive, but here it is:


I haven't tested it. If someone does, please let me know if it doesn't work.


Yo, full props to Cidan of BetterBags for figuring this out, but it's a one line fix. Change line 803 in the main MouselookHandler.lua file to be local currentVersion = _G.C_AddOns.GetAddOnMetadata(modName, "Version") and we're back in business.

It’s works perfectly ! A big thanks !!!!


Hey all, I have a little question ^^
in first a big thanks for this addon @meribold, it’s the first addon I installed when I started wow, and with the « interacttarget » button (arrived in DF) on the right clic it’s just perfect !
The only think missing is to auto toggle when we opening a new window (PNJ,Bag,inventory,talent etc …)
With an auto turn off when one is open and auto turn on when it close it should be perfect no ? XD
Is there a way to do that ?
Thanks in advance for your time !

Edit : I have tried the new addon « Action Mouse » and there is this fonction, but you can’t do easy toggle or rebind mouse click so …


Hey all, I have a little question ^^ in first a big thanks for this addon @meribold, it’s the first addon I installed when I started wow, and with the « interacttarget » button (arrived in DF) on the right clic it’s just perfect ! The only think missing is to auto toggle when we opening a new window (PNJ,Bag,inventory,talent etc …) With an auto turn off when one is open and auto turn on when it close it should be perfect no ? XD Is there a way to do that ? Thanks in advance for your time !

Edit : I have tried the new addon « Action Mouse » and there is this fonction, but you can’t do easy toggle or rebind mouse click so …

Auto toggle with bags etc is soooooo needed.
There was a nearly identical mouse addon back in the day that had this functionality. I can't remember the name now.


Thanks for this one ! :
it's a very good add !
And after 2 hours of tweaking (with chat GPT because i'm a noob ^^) i found this and it works !
With this one any mouvement active MouseLookHandler and a shortcut stop it (here left mouse click)
I Thinks it's a good option ?

I hope it's can help some people ;)

-- Table to track movements
local movements = {
MoveAndSteer = false,
MoveBackward = false,
MoveForward = false,
StrafeLeft = false,
StrafeRight = false,

-- Function to update movement states
local function updateMovements(key, state)
movements[key] = state
if MouselookHandler and MouselookHandler.update then

-- Hook functions for movement start
for key in pairs(movements) do
hooksecurefunc(key .. "Start", function() updateMovements(key, true) end)

-- Function to check the state of the left mouse button
local function OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
if IsMouseButtonDown("LeftButton") then
for key in pairs(movements) do
updateMovements(key, false) -- Stop all movements when the left mouse button is pressed

-- Create a frame to manage updates
local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdate)

-- Function to handle the condition for MouselookHandler
function MouselookHandler:predFun(enabled, inverted, clauseText, event, ...)
if clauseText == "combat" then
enabled = true
for _, active in pairs(movements) do
if active then
enabled = true
return (enabled and not inverted) or (not enabled and inverted)