Mplus Gains

Mplus Gains


LUA errors on login after new season started

Sipollo opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Now the M+ season of TWW has started Mplus Gains is causing a LUA error for every frame.

This is on login with no M+ key yet.


620x MplusGains/MplusGains.lua:1728: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[string "@MplusGains/MplusGains.lua"]:1728: in function <MplusGains/MplusGains.lua:1723>
[string "@MplusGains/MplusGains.lua"]:2316: in function <MplusGains/MplusGains.lua:2303>
[string "@MplusGains/MplusGains.lua"]:2390: in function <MplusGains/MplusGains.lua:2337>

parentFrame = AffixInfo {
sortedAffixes = <table> {
 1 = 147
 2 = 148
 3 = 152
 4 = 9
 5 = 10
rows = <table> {
 1 = KeystoneInfo {
 2 = KeystoneInfo {
 3 = KeystoneInfo {
(for state) = <table> {
 1 = 147
 2 = 148
 3 = 152
 4 = 9
 5 = 10
(for control) = 4
i = 4
key = 9
affixTable = <table> {
 filedataid = 236401
 level = 2
 description = "Bosses have 25% more health. Bosses and their minions inflict up to 15% increased damage."
 name = "Tyrannical"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 9
(*temporary) = "Dying subtracts 15 seconds from time remaining."
(*temporary) = ")"
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"
addon = <table> {
 fortifiedID = 10
 affixInfo = <table> {
 tyrannicalID = 9
 dungeonInfo = <table> {
 totalRating = 0
 playerDungeonRatings = <table> {
 playerBests = <table> {
 scorePerLevel = <table> {

Thanks for the report. I haven't updated the addon to accommodate the new season and mythic+ changes yet. I should be able to get an update out before next reset.