Muting sounds does not work
sprenger-hauke opened this issue ยท 5 comments
tried your addon because it would really help me out with my tinnitus. Sadly it does not work, each sound I enter gets not muted and is still hearable ingame. I also tested some other sounds and often I get the message, that the id is not correct, for example 3257.
I wanted to mute my pet idle loop sound, which should be the id 154796 (on top of that I muted any other loop sound which was similar to that 155000, 183864, 119369, 139734, 129286, but none worked)
The sound preview is also not working. If I input an existing id (where no incorrect id message appears) and I press the play preview button, no sounds get played at all.
Ok, the ids on wowhead arent correct in a lot of cases! I found the one I needed with The sound I needed was called MON_Mount_Ravager_WingFlaps_Loop before and now is called MON_Mount_Ravager_InFlight... You can search the name of the sound on wowhead and get a search result, but the id is still incorrect. Wowhead says id is 41599 but in reality it is 987963. Maybe you guys can indicate that for other users :).
So I tried a little more and playing sounds does work indeed, just not for my sounds... but the ids are the correct ones from wowhead.
Are you on the right version of Wowhead? "classic" for vanilla classic, "tbc classic" for tbc classic, and "live" for mainline
Are you on the right version of Wowhead? "classic" for vanilla classic, "tbc classic" for tbc classic, and "live" for mainline
Yes I am :)