My Dungeons Book

My Dungeons Book


zhCN localized strings

wuhan890809 opened this issue · 1 comments


I'm a Chinese wow player.
Recently I found your addon and localized it for my M+ team, and the feedback is good.
My teamates suggested me to commit the localized strings, so I write a ticket here.

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("MyDungeonsBook", "zhCN");
if not L then return end

-- UI start
L["My Dungeons Book"] = true;
--L["Filters"] = "过滤器";
L["%s died"] = "%s 死亡";
L["%s got hit by %s for %s (%s)"] = "%s 被 %s 击中,受到 %s (%s) 点伤害";
L["%s got debuff by %s"] = "%s 受到了来自 %s 的Debuff影响";
L["%s interrupted %s using %s"] = "%s 打断了 %s ,通过 %s";
L["%s +%s is completed"] = "%s +%s 已完成";
L["%s +%s is reset"] = "%s +%s 已重置";
L["%s +%s is started"] = "%s +%s 已开始";
L["%s's cast %s is passed"] = "%s 的施法 %s 被漏断"; --needs review
L["Date"] = "日期";
L["Time"] = "时间";
L["Version"] = "版本";
L["Dungeon"] = "地下城";
L["Key"] = "钥石";
L["Affixes"] = "词缀";
L["Not Found"] = "未找到";
L["Yes"] = "是";
L["No"] = "否";
L["Reset"] = "重置";
L["Deaths"] = "死亡";
L["Fortified"] = "强韧";
L["Tyrannical"] = "残暴";
L["In Time"] = "成功限时";
L["Not In Time"] = "未成功限时";
L["All"] = "全部";
L["Race: %s"] = "种族: %s";
L["Hits"] = "命中";
L["Spell"] = "法术";
L["DEV"] = "开发";
L["Dev"] = "开发";
L["Mechanics"] = "战斗机制";
L["Interrupts"] = "打断";
L["Encounters"] = "战斗";
L["Details"] = "详情";
L["Avoidable Debuffs"] = "可规避的Debuff";
L["Avoidable Damage"] = "可规避的伤害";
L["Roster"] = "成员";
L["ID"] = "ID";
L["Dispells"] = "驱散";
L["HPS"] = "HPS";
L["Heal"] = "治疗";
L["DPS"] = "DPS";
L["Damage"] = "伤害输出";
L["Player"] = "玩家";
L["Sums"] = "总计";
L["Nums"] = "数值";
L["Sum"] = "合计";
L["Num"] = "数值";
L["Kicks"] = "打断";
L["Passed"] = "漏断"; --needs review
L["Kicked"] = "断中";
L["After"] = "战斗后";
L["While"] = "战斗中";
L["Before"] = "战斗前";
L["Duration"] = "战斗时长";
L["End Time"]= "结束时间";
L["Start Time"]= "开始时间";
L["Name"] = "名称";
L["Over"] = "过量"; --needs review
L["Amount"] = "数量";
L["Damage Done To Units"] = "对单位造成伤害";
L["Special Casts"] = "特殊施法"
L["Own Casts"] = "自身施法";
L["Buffs Or Debuffs On Units"] = "对单位施放的Buff或Debuff";
L["Special Buffs Or Debuffs"] = "特殊Buff或Debuff";
L["Casts"] = "施法"
L["NPC"] = "NPC";
L["Count"] = "计数";
L["%s (%s) %s"] = "%s (%s) %s";
L["Time lost: %ss"] = "时间损失: %s秒";
L["Time: %s / %s (%s%s) %.1f%%"] = "用时: %s / %s (%s%s) %.1f%%";
L["Key HP bonus: %s%%"] = "钥石血量加成: %s%%";
L["Key damage bonus: %s%%"] = "钥石伤害加成: %s%%";
L["Dungeon: %s (+%s)"] = "地下城: %s (+%s)";
L["Used Items"] = "已使用物品";
L["Item"] = "物品";
L["%s dispelled %s using %s"] = "%s 驱散了 %s,通过 %s";
L["Effects and Auras"] = "效果和光环";
L["All Buffs"] = "所有Buff";
L["All Debuffs"] = "所有Debuff";
L["Time"] = "时间";
L["Target?"] = "目标?";
L["Swing Damage"] = "平砍伤害";
L["Result"] = "结果";
L["All damage taken"] = "全部承受伤害";
L["All damage done"] = "全部输出伤害";
L["Dispels"] = "驱散";
L["Casts"] = "施法";
L["Are you sure you want to delete info about challenge?"] = "你确定要删除此次挑战记录?";
L["Challenge #%s is deleted successfully"] = "挑战记录 #%s 已成功删除";
L["Min Not Crit"] = "最小非暴击";
L["Hits Not Crit"] = "非暴击数";
L["Max Not Crit"] = "最大非暴击";
L["Min Crit"] = "最小暴击";
L["Max Crit"] = "最大暴击";
L["Crit, %"] = "暴击率, %";
L["Hits Crit"] = "暴击数";
L["Show All Casts"] = "显示所有施法";
L["By Spell"] = "按法术";
L["To Each Party Member"] = "对每个队友";
L["Quaked"] = "被震荡打断";
L["%"] = "%";
L["Summary"] = "总结";
L["Not all spells have usage timestamps"] = "并非所有法术都有时间戳来标识其使用";
L["All Buffs & Debuffs"] = "所有Buff及Debuff";
L["Uptime, %"] = "覆盖率, %";
L["Max Stacks"] = "最大层数";
L["Type"] = "类型";
L["Avoidable"] = "可规避";
-- UI end

-- Help start
L["alias for previous word"] = "前面单词的缩写";
L["save info from Details addon. It's done automatically when challenge is completed (in time or not), however it's not done if challenge is abandonned. Use this command right before leave the party."] = "从Details插件保存信息。这一操作会在大秘境完成(不论是否限时)时自动完成。但是如果你们放弃打通大秘境则此操作不会执行。请在离队前使用这个命令。";
L["update info about party member for current challenge. unitId must be 'player' or 'party1..4'."] = "更新本次挑战成员的信息. 单位ID(unitId)必须是'player'或者'party1..4'这种形式";
L["print this text."] = "显示这段文字。";
-- Help end

-- Settings start
L["Performance"] = "性能";
L["Run garbage collector on close"] = "退出时运行垃圾收集";
L["Show DEV Tab"] = "显示开发者功能表";
L["Verbose"] = "杂项";
L["Show DEBUG messages"] = "显示故障排查(DEBUG)信息";
L["Show LOG messages"] = "显示日志(LOG)信息";
L["UI"] = "用户界面";
L["Main Window Scale"] = "主窗口缩放";
L["Date Format"] = "数据格式";
L["Time Format"] = "时间格式";
L["Icons"] = "图标";
L["Time Format"] = "时间格式";
L["Flatten Icons"] = "扁平化图标";
L["Date and Time"] = "日期和时间";
L["Logging Levels"] = "日志等级";
L["Logs"] = "日志";
L["Show LOG messages about avoidable DEBUFFS"] = "显示关于可规避DEBUFF的日志信息";
L["Show LOG messages about avoidable DAMAGE taken"] = "显示关于可规避伤害的日志信息";
L["Show LOG messages about INTERRUPTS"] = "显示关于打断的日志信息";
L["Show LOG messages about DISPELS"] = "显示关于驱散的日志信息";
L["Show LOG messages about DEATHS"] = "显示关于死亡的日志信息";
L["Show LOG messages about NOT INTERRUPTED casts"] = "显示关于施法未打断的日志信息";
L["Options below are global. However they are overridden by LOG-option above. E.g. when "Show LOG messages" is disabled, no log messages will be printed independently of settings below."] = "下面为全局选项。但是它们会被上面的日志选项覆盖。比如当"显示日志(LOG)信息"被禁用时,下面任意选项都不能独立显示日志信息。";
L["There is a list of internal trackers. Their info is not used directly on the UI and is useful only for devs. No sense to enable it."] = "以下是一份内置追踪列表。它们的信息仅对开发者十分有用,不会直接应用在用户界面上。所以你没道理启用它。";
-- Settings end

-- BfA start
-- NPCs start
L["Explosives"] = "爆炸物";
L["Blood Tick"] = "血虱";
L["Inconspicuous Plant"] = "不起眼的盆栽";
L["Earthrager"] = "地怒者";
L["Animated Gold"] = "活性黄金";
L["Reban"] = "莱班";
L["T'zala"] = "提扎拉";
L["Reanimated Raptor"] = "复生的迅猛龙";
L["Wasting Servant"] = "大手大脚的仆从";
L["Soul Thorns"] = "灵魂荆棘";
L["Blood Visage"] = "血面兽";
L["Blood Effigy"] = "鲜血雕像";
L["A Knot of Snakes"] = "缠绕的蛇群";
L["Buzzing Drone"] = "嗡鸣的寄生虫";
L["Gripping Terror"] = "攫握恐魔";
L["Hull Cracker"] = "甲板破碎者";
L["Ashvane Cannoneer"] = "艾什凡炮手";
L["Venture Co. Skyscorcher"] = "风险投资公司灼天者";
L["Deathtouched Slaver"] = "亡触奴隶主";
L["Mindrend Tentacle"] = "裂魂触须";
-- NPCs end
-- BfA end

-- SL start
-- NPCs start
-- NPCs end
-- SL end

-- Race start
--L["Human"] = "人类";
--L["Orc"] = "兽人";
--L["Dwarf"] = "矮人";
--L["NightElf"] = "暗夜精灵";
--L["Scourge"] = "亡灵";
--L["Tauren"] = "牛头人";
--L["Gnome"] = "侏儒";
--L["Troll"] = "巨魔";
--L["Goblin"] = "地精";
--L["BloodElf"] = "血精灵";
--L["Draenei"] = "德莱尼";
--L["Worgen"] = "狼人";
--L["Pandaren"] = "熊猫人";
--L["Nightborne"] = "夜之子";
--L["HighmountainTauren"] = "至高岭牛头人";
--L["VoidElf"] = "虚空精灵";
--L["LightforgedDraenei"] = "光铸德莱尼";
--L["ZandalariTroll"] = "赞达拉巨魔";
--L["KulTiran"] = "库尔提拉斯人";
--L["DarkIronDwarf"] = "黑铁矮人";
--L["MagharOrc"] = "玛格汉兽人";
--L["Mechagnome"] = "机械侏儒";
--L["Vulpera"] = "狐人";
-- Race end

I know that now you are busy fixing bugs and developing new functions, it's OK, just keep those strings and update whenever it's convenient for you.
P.S the word "filters" in the title and the names of team members' races are left unlocalized. because I don't want to change the source code. So I just translated them and put them in comment block. Maybe they will be of some use in the future.
Thank you for reading and your great work!


Hello, @wuhan890809.
Thanks for your suggestion!
I'm glad that you found MDB useful for your team. I've added your localization and going to publish new vertion shortly (maybe right after writing this message).
For future updates for znCN I'll need your help too.