Mythic Dungeon Tools - MDT

Mythic Dungeon Tools - MDT


Latest release has an odd set of things stuck to cursor on initial login

TheCheat54 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


With version 3.8.9 that was released yesterday, I am getting an odd anomaly stuck to my mouse cursor the first time I log in after launching the game. It clears itself if I reload UI or swap characters without exiting the game. See the below screenshot link.


And to clarify, I verified this happens with MDT by disabling MDT before logging in after a fresh game launch. It is reproducible.


This problem seems to stem from another AddOn. Try the following.

  1. Have only MDT enabled.
  2. Log in and see if the issue happens.
  3. Enable one of your other AddOns and repeat Step 2.
  4. Repeat Step 4. until you find the AddOn causing the issue

Issue seems to have been resolved, presumably by an update in the last week to whatever addon may have been conflicting.