Mythic Dungeon Tools - MDT

Mythic Dungeon Tools - MDT


Previous Ticket was closed/solved. Issue persists after update.

Debugga-nb opened this issue · 4 comments


Is this an issue with one of my existing routes? do routes before a certain date not work?
Same issue, error on shrink to MDT-Guide mode.

GetCurrentPreset: ...e/AddOns/MythicDungeonTools/Modules/PullOutlines.lua:8: attempt to compare two nil values
DrawHullFontString: ...e/AddOns/MythicDungeonTools/Modules/PullOutlines.lua:66: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value)

10/08/23 11:01:14
Client: 100105 enUS
Character: Corønus-WyrmrestAccord (US)
Out of combat
Zone: Dragon Isles (2025)


[string "@Interface/AddOns/MythicDungeonTools/Modules/ErrorHandling.lua"]:261: in function `DrawHull'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/MythicDungeonTools/Modules/PullOutlines.lua"]:325: in function <...e/AddOns/MythicDungeonTools/Modules/PullOutlines.lua:315>

[string "@Interface/AddOns/MythicDungeonTools/Modules/ErrorHandling.lua"]:261: in function `DrawHullFontString'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/MythicDungeonTools/Modules/PullOutlines.lua"]:326: in function <...e/AddOns/MythicDungeonTools/Modules/PullOutlines.lua:315>


I've also shared the error to the MDT-Guide issues CurseForge.


The previous issue was closed because the underlying issue in MDT that caused a bug that produced the same error message got fixed as outlined in the closing comment. The fix: f841f95
Errors relating to MDTGuide cannot be fixed by me and need to be reported to MDTGuide authors. See: #519


Additionally there was no new release yet after your issue was closed. A new release like is necessary to distribute changes. Please refrain from reopening / duplicating issues like this in the future.


Additionally there was no new release yet after your issue was closed. A new release like is necessary to distribute changes. Please refrain from reopening / duplicating issues like this in the future.

I saw your update and closure, and simultaneously pulled the update that was flagged as available from Curse. Looks like it pulled the .24 version. The issue persisted, and admittedly I wasn't paying attention to sub-revisions, the next logical step is to report it.
Wasn't "trying" to duplicate. I've submitted a request with MDTGuide.

Woah woah. I just pulled .25. So your answer is "make it not work at all"? I had a rough feeling coming here at all, as you have a history of being generally hostile. But oof. New lows.