Mythic Dungeon Tools - MDT

Mythic Dungeon Tools - MDT


Feature Request: Option for forces count instead of % in MDTSidePanel / MDTPullButton

cschwier opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hey, I would realy appreciate an option to switch the cummulative pull count in the side panel to optionally show forces count instead of percent.
I hard coded this into my local version as a proof of concept.

If you think this would be useful I would be willing to write a proper patch and file a pull request. If so: I found that there is still Reaping/Prideful code in the code base which renders the text in the MDTPullButton. Is this on purpose and should this stay or would it be okay to separate the coloring/affix highlighting from the count/percent to text rendering? I don't want to "clean something up" which is intended ^^