


can't get it to work

Lossibob opened this issue · 5 comments


I've installed the name2chat addon to my WoW character, but I'm not getting the option in either the GUI interface or the slash commands to actually enter my name to the chat. I've tried the suggestions on the CurseForge addon page, but no luck. I also spoke to a friend, who has used the app for years (it's her that told me about the addon) - she said she knew someone a while ago who had the problem, but can't remember which player it was - or what they did to fix it.
On the GUI, , on the addon tab, the name2chat addon doesn't even show - despite the fact that other addons I've installed before and after, don't have the same issue.

Any help or suggestion of what I might be doing wrong - or how to put whatever the problem is right, would be gratefully received.
Thanks for your time and for whatever help you can offer.


Pls post the exact error


hey goover,

im having the same problem. the addon installs but doesn't show in the gui, nor does it work if i write /n2c or /name2chat. there is no "error" it simply doesn't show up even if downloaded and activated.



I had the same issue. It seems to be related to a fresh install of 3.0.1. I removed 3.0.1, installed 3.0.0, logged in and it worked. Then I updated to version 3.0.1, logged in and it still worked. All of this was via the Curseforge client.

Link to other versions:


I did what S3BViking said aswell and it worked, however i had to install the file without the -nolib filename addition. I do not know what the difference is, but the default one is nolib, and this doesn't seem to work even with installing 3.0.0 and then updating afterwards