


Percentage-Based/Relative-Time Timer Text Color

Qwertdd opened this issue ยท 0 comments


NameplateAuras currently supports a static text-color system that changes colors based on three durations: <5s, <1m, and >1m.
Would it be possible to add timer text color changes based on the debuff's elapsed % duration? For example, Unstable Affliction is a 21 second debuff, meaning it (by default NA settings) starts at yellow timer text and doesn't change from that until it has less than 5 seconds remaining. This requested feature would start it at green when freshly applied, then have it gradually shift to yellow-green then yellow as it approaches 50% duration remaining, then turn red as it approaches expiration. This feature would possibly be exclusive with buff-duration color customization, but I'm completely fine with that.

Relative-time settings exist in NameplateAuras, but only for the alpha/pulse animation in spell-specific settings.

Here's an example of this feature in another now-abandoned buffs addon:

